
Keynote Speeches

Gajdamaschko, N. (2018). Critical Pedagogue and Critical Thinking in 21 Century: Practical Matters. Invited Speaker, British Columbia Conference "Developing Minds: Critical Thinking in Curriculum Transfer," Vancouver, BC.  

Gajdamaschko, N. (2017, August 28–September 1). Invited Presentation at the Closing Ceremony of  5th International Congress of the International Society of Cultural-Historical Activity Research (ISCAR). Quebec, Canada.

Gajdamaschko, N. (2016, November). Vygotsky and Creativity Development. National Conference on Education,  University of Fenis Terrae, Santiago, Chile.  

Gajdamaschko, N. (2013, November). Investigation of Shifts of Students in Theoretical Perspectives Due to Participation in a Vygotsky Masters Class. International Vygotsky Conference (November 2013). Moscow, Russia.

Gajdamaschko, N. (2010, November). Vygotsky's Theory of ZPD and its Applications. Eleventh International Vygotsky Conference on Zone of Proximal Development. Moscow, Russia.

Gajdamaschko, N. (2007, November). Role of Play in Child Development. International Conference of the Vygotsky Society. Moscow, Russia.

Gajdamaschko, N. (2005, July). Play Revisited: Lessons from Vygotsky. Third International Conference on Imagination and Education. Vancouver, BC.

Gajdamaschko, N. (2004, July). Vygotsky on Imagination Development. Second International Conference on Imagination and Education. Vancouver, BC.

Gajdamaschko, N. (2004, October). Vygotsky: Culture, Language and Cognition. North America/West Regional Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology. Vancouver, BC.

Gajdamaschko, N. (2000, July). Introduction to Key Concepts in Vygotsky’s Cultural-Historical Theory of Development. International Conference on Practicing Vygotsky in Schools. Burnaby, BC.

Gajdamaschko, N. (1997, May). Vygotsky’s approach to teaching: history, culture, development. International Conference on Vygotsky’s Psychology and Pedagogy. Athens, GA.
