
Other Contributions

Book Reviews

Beck, K. (2014). Review of Tarc, P. (2013). International education in global times: Engaging the pedagogic. New York: Peter Lang In Journal of the Canadian Association of Curriculum Studies.

Beck, K. (2012) Review of Lund, D.E & Carr, P. R. (2008) Doing democracy: Striving for political literacy and social justice. New York: Peter Lang. In Comparative and International Education. Journal of the Comparative and International Education Society of Canada.

Research Report

Beck, K., Ilieva, R., Waterstone, B., Hill, C., Sai, H. Z., Zhang, O. (2011). 48 pages. 


Cassidy, W., Bai, H., Beck, K., Hawley, M. and Van Poelgeest, D. (2009). Dare to Care: Transforming Schools Through the Ethics of Care. (DVD). Vancouver, BC, Canada: Life is Short Entertainment & National Film Board of Canada.

This film won the Best Documentary at the Toronto COMMFEST film festival in 2010, was chosen for distribution by the National Film Board, has been featured at many conferences (national and international), and is in great demand as a teaching tool. It is reaching large numbers of academic and non-academic audiences.

Professional Magazine

Beck, K. (2010). Education for development/Developing education. In Context. Special publication to mark the international world congress of Susila Dharma International Association. Montreal: SDIA.
