

Beck, K., Ilieva, R., Zhang, Z., Takacs, S. & Brannan, K. (2014). Student Experiences from a Global Campus. Symposium, annual conference of CIESC, CSSE, Brock University, St. Catherines, Ontario.

Beck, K. (2013). Decolonising the international classroom. Paper, CGCER Conference 2013: Decolonizing Global Citizenship Education, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.

Beck, K., Ilieva, R., Zhang, Z., Tait, S., Takacs, S. (2013). Internationalization of the university: What do the faculty say? Symposium, annual conference of CIESC, CSSE, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC.

Beck, K., Ilieva, R., Waterstone, B., Zhang, Z., & Pullman, A. (2012). Illuminating the everyday of internationalization. Symposium presented at the annual conference of the Comparative & International Education Society of Canada. Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON.

Trilokekar, R. D., & Beck, K. (2012). Internationalization: A passing fad or certitude? Paper, annual conference of the Canadian Society for Studies in Higher Education, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON.

Beck, K., Ilieva, R., Waterstone, B., Hill, C., Zhang, Z. (2011). Sustaining Social Justice? The globalizing university and sustainable internationalization. Symposium, CSSHE Fall Institute on Higher Education, Globalization and Social Justice, 間眅埶AV, Vancouver, BC.

Beck, K. (2011). Maintaining the international other: Provoking transculturation. Paper, 5th Biennial Provoking Curriculum Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.

Beck, K. (2011). Exploration and exploitation, encounters and enculturation: Curriculum in/for the contact zone. Paper, annual conference of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (CACS), University of New Brunswick, Frederickton, NB.

Beck, K., Ilieva, R., Waterstone, B. Hill, C., Zhang, Z. (2011). Reducing emissions: Towardscarbon neutral, sustainable practices of internationalization. Symposium, Annual conference of the Comparative and International Education Society of Canada, (CIESC) University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB.

Beck, K. (2010). One world: The sustainability of borderless education. Paper, annual conference of the CIESC, CSSE, Concordia University, Montreal, QC.

Beck, K., Ilieva, R., & Waterstone, W. (2009). Internationalizing the university: Research from the trenches. Symposium at the Council for International Higher Education, Annual Conference of the Association for Studies in Higher Education (ASHE) Vancouver, BC.

Beck, K. (2009). Between nations: Locale, location and dislocation. Paper, the annual conference of the Comparative and International Education Society of Canada (CIESC), CSSE, Ottawa, ON.

Beck, K. (2009). Breaking bounds: Nation, place and space in the internationalization of higher education. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for Studies in Higher Education. Ottawa, Ontario.

Beck, K., Cassidy, W. & Bai, H. (2008). Thinking beyond the borders of care: Practice informs theory. Paper, annual conference of CERN, CSSE. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.

Beck, K. (2008). Thinking beyond the global and local: Internationalization as eduscape. Paper, annual conference of CIESC, CSSE. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.

Beck, K. (2007). Understanding internationalization: The view from the ground. Paper, annual conference of CIESC, CSSE, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK.

Bai, H., Beck, K., Cohen, A. & Falkenberg, T. (2007) Bridging the divide between being and knowing: In quest of care-ethical agency. CSSE/CPES Canadian Philosophy of Education Society. University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK.

Beck, K. (2007). How complicated? Exploring internationalization of curriculum as complicated conversation. Paper, annual conference of Canadian Association of Curriculum Studies, CSSE. University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK.

Beck, K. (2006). Daring to question the emperors clothes. Paper, annual conference of CIESC, CSSE Conference, York University, Toronto, ON.

Beck, K. (2006). Re-imagining the spaces and places of curriculum. Paper, Pre-Conference Symposium CACS, CSSE, York University, Toronto, ON.

Beck, K. (2006). Questioning the Emperors clothes: Towards ethical practices in internationalization. Paper, Conference on Internationalization of Canadian Universities, York University, Toronto, ON.
