
Refereed Journal Articles

Adesope, O. O., & Nesbit, J. C. (2012). Verbal redundancy in multimedia learning environments: A metaanalysis. Journal of Educational Psychology104, 250263.

Nesbit, J. C., & Adesope, O. O. (2011). Learning from animated concept maps with concurrent audio narration. Journal of Experimental Education, 79, 209230.

Haugwitz, M., Nesbit, J. C., Sandmann, A. (2010). Cognitive ability and the instructional efficacy of collaborative concept mapping. Learning and Individual Differences, 20, 536543.

Winne, P. H., & Nesbit, J. C. (2010). The psychology of school performance. Annual Review of Psychology, 61, 653678.

Maruyama, K., Zhou, M., & Nesbit, J. C. (2009). A crosscultural examination of the psychometric properties of responses to the achievement goal questionnaire.Educational and Psychological Measurement, 69, 266286.

Hadwin, A.F., Nesbit, J. C., Code, J., JamiesonNoel, D., & Winne, P.H. (2007). Examining trace data to explore selfregulated learning. Metacognition and Learning, 2, 107124.

Leacock, T. L., & Nesbit, J. C. (2007). A framework for evaluating quality of multimedia learning resources. Educational Technology & Society, 10(2), 4459.

Nesbit, J. C., Winne, P. H., JamiesonNoel, D., Code, J., Zhou, M., MacAllister, K., Bratt, S., Wang, W., & Hadwin, A. F. (2006). Using cognitive tools in gStudy to investigate how study activities covary with achievement goals. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 35, 339358.

Nesbit, J. C., & Adesope, O. O. (2006). Learning with concept and knowledge maps: A metaanalysis. Review of Educational Research, 76, 413448.

Winne, P. H., Nesbit, J. C., Kumar, V., & Hadwin, A. F., Lajoie, S. P., Azevedo, R. A., & Perry, N. E. (2006). Supporting selfregulated learning with gStudy software: The Learning Kit Project. Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning, 3(1), 105113.

Li, J., Nesbit, J. C., & Richards, G. (2006). Evaluating learning objects across boundaries: The semantics of localization. International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, 4(1), 1730.

Hadwin, A. F., Winne, P. H., & Nesbit, J. C. (2005). Roles for software technologies in advancing research and theory in educational psychology. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 75, 124.

Richards, G. & Nesbit, J. C. (2004). The teaching of quality: Convergent participation for the professional development of learning object designers. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 1(3), 5663.

Nesbit, J. C. & Winne, P. H. (2003). Selfregulated inquiry with networked resources.Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 29(3), 7191.

Vargo, J., Nesbit, J. C., Belfer, K., & Archambault, A. (2003). Learning object evaluation: Computer mediated collaboration and interrater reliability. InternationalJournal of Computers and Applications, 25 (3), 198205.

Nesbit, J. C., Belfer, K., & Vargo, J. (2002). A convergent participation model for evaluation of learning objects. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 28 (3), 105120.

Hadwin, A. F., Winne, P. H., Stockley, D. B., Nesbit, J. C., & Woszczyna, C. (2001). Context moderates students selfreports about how they study. Journal of Educational Psychology, 93, 477487.

Winne, P., Gupta, L., & Nesbit, J. (1994). Exploring individual differences in studying strategies using graph theoretic statistics. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 40, 177193.

Nesbit, J. (1992). Motivation and item sequencing in pairedassociate drill. Journal of ComputerBased Instruction, 19, 119124.

Nesbit, J. & Yamamoto, N. (1991). Sequencing confusable items in pairedassociate drill. Journal of ComputerBased Instruction, 18, 713.

Yamamoto, N., Nesbit, J. & Nakayama, K. (1991). Procedure definition and higherorder programming in HyperLogo. Computers and Education, 17, 155162.

Nesbit, J. & Nakayama, K. (1990). Sequence comparison applied to correction and markup of multiword responses. CALICO Journal, June, 2734.

Nesbit, J. & Nakayama, K. (1990). Response markup with an edit distance algorithm: A technique for providing learners with feedback on misspellings.Computers and Education, 14, 271279.

Nesbit, J., & Hunka, S. (1987). A method for sequencing instructional objectives that minimizes memory load. Instructional Science, 16, 137150.

Nesbit, J. (1986). The accuracy of approximate string matching algorithms. Journal of ComputerBased Instruction, 13, 8083.

Nesbit, J. (1985). Approximate string matching in response analysis. Journal of ComputerBased Instruction, 12, 7175.

Tees, R. C., Midgley, G., & Nesbit, J. C. (1982). Generalization after form discrimination in lightreared and darkreared rats. Developmental Psychobiology, 15, 5970.

Tees, R. C., Midgley, G., & Nesbit, J. C. (1981). The effect of early visual experience on spatial maze learning in rats. Developmental Psychobiology, 14, 425438.
