

Marcuse, Judith, in association with John Lazarus. ICE: beyond cool, PUC Play Service, Playwrights Union of Canada, Toronto, 2000, 72 pp.

Marcuse, Judith. Convocation Remarks, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, 2000, online at .

Marcuse, Judith, in association with Kathleen Oliver and Kevin Kerr. FIRE… where there’s smoke. Judith Marcuse Projects. 2003.

Marcuse, Judith. Educating the Heart: A Case for Art in Learning, essay prepared for the Centre for Dialogue, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, 2004.

Marcuse, Judith, co-editor with Diana Bulley and Richard Marcuse. Breaking New Ground, The Earth Symposium: A Report on the First International Gathering of The EARTH Project. Judith Marcuse Projects, 2004.

Marcuse, Judith. Art and Social Change. Presentation at Wosk Centre for Dialogue, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, 2006.

Harlap, Yael, with Judith Marcuse, consultant and commissioner. Toward Training: The Meanings and Practice of Social Change Work in the Arts. Judith Marcuse Projects, 2007.

Marcuse, Judith. So What is Art for Social Change?, 30-minute video. Judith Marcuse Projects. 2010.

Marcuse, Judith, in collaboration with Richard Marcuse. Art for Social Change: A Call for Partnerships. In Creative Art in Research for Community and Cultural Change, Cheryl L. McLean, ed. and Robert Kelly, assoc. ed. Calgary, Alberta: Detselig Temeron Press, 2011.

Marcuse, Judith. An Artist’s Odyssey: Adventures in Art and Education. In UNESCO’s International Yearbook for Research in Arts Education, Volume 2 (2014), Larry O’Farrell, Shifra Schonmann and Ernst Wagner, eds. Munster and New York: Waxmann, 2014.

Marcuse, Judith, with Jennifer Beth Spiegel, Maria-Christina Breilh, Arturo Campaña and Annalee Yassi. Social Circus and Health Equity: Exploring the National Social Circus Program in Ecuador. In Arts and Health, Fall, 2014.

Marcuse, Judith, chapter co-author with others. Social Circus and Buen Vivir: An Ecuadorean Program in Global Context. Jennifer Beth Spiegel and Annalee Yassi, co-editors. In preparation. Anticipated publication date: November, 2016.
