

Since 1980, I have attended numerous conferences as panelist, workshop leader and keynote speaker. Presentations have explored many facets of arts for social change practice and theory, as well as connections with related fields like social innovation and social entrepreneurship.

Presentations have been given in university and other settings in Pakistan, Finland, Australia, Vietnam, South Africa, Spain, Japan, Dominican Republic, India, the U.K., Ireland, Ecuador, the U.S. and Canada.

Representative recent keynote presentations include:

  • BC Assembly of Arts Councils, Vancouver, May, 2009
  • United Network of Peacebuilders Conference, The Hague, Holland, 2009
  • Connect Conference, University of Regina, 2009
  • Commonweal National Conference, Regina, Saskatchewan, May, 2010
  • Arts Summit, Vancouver, June, 2010
  • CARPA, International Conference in Performance Research, TEAK University, Helsinki, Finland, January, 2011
  • Borders and Boundaries International Conference, Londonderry, Northern Ireland, May, 2011
  • Performance for Social Change Conference, University of California, Davis, United States, December, 2011
  • Creative Catalyst Conference, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, June, 2015