
Research Projects

  • 2018-2022
    Principal Investigator, D.Dagenais; Co-investigator, G. Brisson
    Ecologies of multilingual and multimodal story production
    SSHRC Insight Grant, $203,994
  • 2014-2016
    Co-Investigator, D.Dagenais; Principle Investigator, K. Toohey
    Utilizing a multilingual resource:  ScribJab in action
    SSHRC Institutional Grant, $6,115
  • 2011-2014
    Co-Investigator, D.Dagenais; Principle Investigator, K. Toohey
    Emerging multimodal literacies: Second language learners making video
    SSHRC Standard Grant, $121,584
  • 2011-2012
    Co-Investigator, D.Dagenais; Principal Investigator, K. Toohey
    Multilingual storytelling: Digital explorations
    Canadian Interactive Fund, Canadian Heritage Grant. $141,826
  • 2008-2011
    Associate partner; C. Cortier Coordinator; M. Cavali Co-Coordinator; P. Aguettaz, M. LeBenerais, J. Costa, M. Fitt, P. Lambert, Associate partners.
    Minority languages, collateral languages and bi-/plurilingual education
    The European Centre for Modern Languages, Council of Europe
  • 2009-2010
    Co-Investigator, D. Dagenais; Principle Investigator, K. Toohey
    Videomaking in three contexts: Building Cosmopolitan Communities
    SSHRC Small Grant, $13,000
  • 2005-2008
    Principal Investigator, D. Dagenais; Co-investigators, F. Armand, P. Lamarre, D. Moore, & S. Sabatier
    Éveil aux langues et à la diversité linguistique chez des élèves du primaire dans deux métropoles canadiennes
    SSHRC Standard Grant, $151,820
  • 2005-2007
    Co-investigator, D. Dagenais, D. Moore, & E. Samier; Principal Investigator, M. Hoskyn
    Literacy of Multilingual Children in French Immersion Programs
    SSHRC/Official Languages Research and Dissemination Program, $99,956
  • 2002-2007
    Co-investigator, D. Dagenais; Principal Investigator, Maurice Tardif with Co-investigators from eight Canadian Universities plus 11 South American, American and European post-secondary institutions
    Teaching Conditions in Canadian Schools, Major Collaborative Research Initiative (MCRI)
    SSHRC, Statistics Canada, the Council of Ministers of Education in Canada (CMEC), and the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF), $2.5 million.
  • 2004-2005
    Co-investigator, D. Dagenais; Principal Investigator, F. Armand
    L’éveil aux langues et au langage au niveau primaire, en milieu pluriethnique : projet comparatif Vancouver – Montréal
    SSHRC (Metropolis Project/Montreal Centre of Excellence for the Study of Immigration and Integration), $5,000
  • 2003-2005
    Principal Investigator, D. Dagenais; Co-investigator, F. Armand
    Recognizing Language Diversity: A Comparative Study of Language Awareness Teaching in two Canadian Cities
    SSHRC (Metropolis Project/Vancouver Centre of Excellence for the Study of Immigration and Integration), $26,070
  • 2004
    Co-investigator, D. Dagenais; Principal Investigator, F. Armand
    Conception et évaluation d’un programme d’éveil aux langues et à la diversité linguistique
    SSHRC/Canadian Heritage (Program on Multiculturalism in Canada), $50,000
  • 2001-2004
    Co-investigator, H. Bai, W. Cassidy, D. Dagenais, & K. Toohey; Principal Investigator, J. Beynon
    Pedagogical Models for Inclusion & Equity in Diverse School Communities
    SSHRC (Metropolis Project/Vancouver Centre of Excellence for the Study of Immigration and Integration), $55,000
  • 2001-2003
    Principle Investigators, D. Dagenais & D. Moore (L’École Normale SupĂ©rieure, Lettres et Sciences Humaines de Lyon); Co-investigators, D. Coste, J. Beynon, & K. Toohey
    A Comparative Study of Learning French and English Among Plurilingual Children in France and Canada
    Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs & le Ministère des Affaires étrangères de la France, $10,000
  • 2001-2003
    Co-investigator, D. Dagenais; Principal Investigator, K. Toohey
    A sociocultural investigation of language learning in the intermediate grades: Children of diverse origins in English medium and French immersion classrooms
    SSHRC, NSERC, MRC (Centres of Excellence/Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network), $34,000
  • 2001-2002
    Principal Investigators, J. Beynon, D. Dagenais, & K. Toohey
    Cultural and Linguistic Identities: A Case Study of Social Responsibility in One Elementary School
    SSHRC Small Grant, $9000
  • 1999-2002
    Principle Investigator, D. Dagenais
    Children of Diverse Language Origins in French Immersion

    SSHRC Standard Research Grant, $83,000
  • 2000-2001
    Principal Investigator, D. Dagenais; Co-investigator, Patricia Lamarre, Université de Montréal
    A Comparative Study of Trilingual Youth in Montreal and Vancouver
    SSHRC (Metropolis Project/Vancouver Centre of Excellence for the Study of Immigration and Integration), $15,000
  • 1996-2000
    Principle Investigator, D. Dagenais
    Cultural Values Regarding Language and Literacy Education Among Immigrant Families

    SSHRC (Metropolis Project/Vancouver Centre of Excellence for the Study of Immigration and Integration), $36,134
  • 1997-1999
    Principal Investigator, D. Dagenais
    Literacy Events in Linguistically Diverse Families
    SSHRC Small Grant, $4,998
  • 1995-1998
    Principle Investigator, D. Dagenais
    Native Language Literacy Practices and Cultural Values Regarding Language Education Among Minority Language Children Enrolled in French Immersion 

    President’s Research Grant, $8,000
  • 1994-1996
    Principle Investigator, D. Dagenais
    Language Practices in French and English of Minority Language Speakers in French Immersion Programs
    SSHRC Small Grant, $4,993; UNITE, $8,000
  • 1993
    Principle Investigator, D. Dagenais
    Programme Cadre de Français Research

    Research Grant from the Province of British Columbia, Ministry of Education Responsible for Multiculturalism and Human Rights, $37,607
  • 1990-1992
    Principle Investigator, D. Dagenais
    La construction des représentations d’une innovation pédagogique visant le développement de la littératie en langue seconde

    Doctoral Fellowship from the Social Sciences Research Council Grant of Canada, $34,887