
Refereed Articles

Rogers, T. & Marshall, E. (2024). Mina Loy: Woman, Poet, Genius, Nomad. Book 2.0 13(2), 143-156.

Hamilton, C., Marshall, E. & Rogers, T. (2020). Good, mad, or incurably bad: The borders of normalcy and deviance in film representations of sociopathic white schoolgirls. Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures 11(2), 247-273. 

Marshall, E., Kitsos, R., Gwiazda, L. & Shafer, R. (2019). Embodying fairy tales: Composition training in narrative, image, and performance. Theatre, Dance, and Performance Training10, 38-50. 

Marshall, E. (2019). Life writing and the language arts. Language Arts, 96(3), 167-178. 

Paul, L. , Joosen, V., Marshall, E. & Hunt, P. (2018, Invited). Jack Zipes discusses his work: A panel conversation with friends and colleagues. Book 2.0, 7(2), 127-135. 

Marshall, E., & Paul, L. (eds). (2018). Introduction: Education gone bad. Special issue of Children's Literature in Education, 49(1), 1-5. 

Keys, W., Pini, B., & Marshall, E. (2017). Representations of rural lesbian lives in young adult fiction. Discourse: Cultural Politics of Education, 38(3), 354-364.

Rogers, T., & Marshall, E. (2017). Youth, poetry, and zines: Rewriting the streets as home. Bookbird: A Journal of International Childrens Literature, 55(2), 28-36.

Pini, B., Keys, W. & Marshall, E. (2016). Queering rurality: Reading The Miseducation of Cameron Post geographically. Children's Geographies, 112.

Marshall, E. (2016). Counter-storytelling through graphic life writing. Language Arts, 94(2), 7993.

Marshall, E. (2016). . Feminist Media Studies, 16(3), 460477.

Marshall, E., Mason, D. & Pollard, T. (2015). Keywords in the cultures of young people. Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures, 7(2), 107113.  

Marshall, E. (2015). . Rethinking Schools, 29(3).  

Marshall, E. & Gilmore, L. (2015). Girlhood in the gutter: Feminist graphic knowledge and the visualization of sexual precarity. Womens Studies Quarterly, 43(1 & 2), 95114.

Marshall, E. (2014). . Rethinking Schools, 29(1): 46.

Marshall, E. & Rosati, M. (2014). May the odds be ever in your favor: Teaching class  and collective action with The Hunger Games. Rethinking Schools, 28(4), 2025.

Gilmore, L. & Marshall, E. (2013). Trauma and young adult literature: Representing adolescence and knowledge in David Smalls Stitches: A Memoir. Prose Studies: History, Theory, Criticism, 35(1), 1638.            

Marshall, E. (2012). Global girls and strangers: Marketing transnational girlhood through the Nancy Drew series. Childrens Literature Association Quarterly, 37(2), 210227.

Rogers, T. & Marshall, E. (2012). On the road: Examining self-representation, youth and homelessness in young adult texts. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 55(8), 725733.  

Gilmore, L. & Marshall, E. (2010). Girls in crisis: Rescue and transnational feminist autobiographical resistance. Feminist Studies, 36(3), 667690. *Received the Claire Goldberg Moses Award for the Most Theoretically Innovative Article of the Year. Awarded by the editorial board of Feminist Studies.

Kendrick, M., Rogers, T., Toohey, K, Marshall, E., Mutonyi, Hauge, C. Siegel, M. and Rowsell, J. (2010).  Experiments in visual analysis: (Re)positionings of children and youth in relation to larger sociocultural issues. National Reading Conference Yearbook, 59, 395408.

Marshall, E. & Toohey, K. (2010). Representing family: Community funds of knowledge, bilingualism, and multimodality. Harvard Educational Review, 80(2), 221242.

Sensoy, .  & Marshall, E. (2010). Missionary girl power: Saving the Third World one girl at a time. Gender and Education, 22(3), 295311.

Marshall, E. & Sensoy, . (2009). Save the Muslim girl! Rethinking Schools, 24(2), 1419. *Selected by PBS as recommended reading for the documentary film The Light in Her Eyes (2012).

Marshall, E., Staples, J. & Gibson, S. (2009). Ghetto fabulous: Reading representations of Black adolescent femininity in contemporary urban street fiction. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 53(1), 2836.

Marshall, E. (2009). Consuming girlhood: Young women, femininities, and American Girl. Girlhood Studies, 2(1), 94111.

Marshall, E. (2009). Girlhood, sexual violence and agency in Francesca Lia Blocks Wolf. Childrens Literature in Education, 40(3), 217234.

Marshall, E. & Sensoy, . (2009). The same old hocus-pocus: Pedagogies of gender and sexuality in Shrek 2. Discourse: The Cultural Politics of Education, 30(2), 151164.

Marshall, E. (2008). Marketing American girlhood. Rethinking Schools, 23(2), 1619. Peer-reviewed but not blind.          

Marshall, E. (2007). Schooling Ophelia: Hysteria, memory and adolescent femininity. Gender and Education, 19(6), 707728.

Rogers, T., Marshall, E. & Tyson, C. (2006). Dialogic narratives of literacy, teaching, and schooling: Preparing literacy teachers for diverse settings. Reading Research Quarterly, 41(2), 202223.

Marshall, E. (2006). Borderline girlhoods: Mental illness, adolescence, and femininity in Girl, Interrupted. The Lion and The Unicorn, 30(1), 117133.

Marshall, E. & Rogers, T. (2005). Writing back: Rereading adolescent girlhoods through womens memoir. The Alan Review, 33(1), 1722.

Marshall, E. (2004). Stripping for the wolf: Rethinking representations of gender and sexuality in childrens literature. Reading Research Quarterly, 39(3), 256270.

Marshall, E. (2004). The daughters disenchantment: Incest as pedagogy in fairy tales and Kathryn Harrisons The Kiss. College English, 66(4), 395418.

Marshall, E. (2002). Red, white, and Drew: The All-American girl and the case of gendered childhood. Childrens Literature Association Quarterly, 27(4), 203211.

Rogers, T., Tyson, C., & Marshall. E. (2000). Living dialogues in one neighborhood: Moving toward understanding across discourses and practices of literacy and schooling. Journal of Literacy Research, 32, 124.

