
Poetry Published

Snowber, C. (2022). Voices must not vanish. Poems in response to Peril: An Anthology in Support of Ukraine. Edited by P. Kemp and R. Sitoski, Pendas Productions/Laughing Raven.

Snowber, C. and Odabashian, M. (2020) Shield of colour. Pollinated with love. Illuminata. HyeBred. (Isolation/Utopia) (Fall 2020) 8, pp. 58-61.

Snowber, C. and Odabashian, M. (2019). Ancestral tones. Blood lessons. Offering. HyeBred. (Fall 2019) 6, pp. 5-8.

Snowber, C. (2017). An anatomy of a life, Celebrate Canada 150-from far and wide: Multicultural creative writing collection 2017 . Canada 150, Culture Days, BC Culture Days and City of Richmond.

Snowber, C. (2017).  Fire goddess. Dance, Movement and Spiritualities. 4(1), 127-129

Snowber, C. (2015) The great love story and Crowdance  in Royal City Poets Anthology 2015.  New Westminster, B.C.: Silver Bow Publishing.

Snowber, C. (2015). The marrow of longing. Armenite. http://thearmenite.com/2015/07/the-marrow-of-longing-by-celeste-snowber/ 

Snowber, C. (2014). Adorned from inside out, Table wisdom, and sea glass rosary. Royal City Poets Anthology 2014 (pp. 33-35). New Westminster, BC: Silver Bow Publishing 

Snowber, C. (2013). Supper by the sea. Quills: Canadian Poetry Magazine, IX, 61.

Snowber, C. (2012). Season for Splashing. Kurungabaa: A Journal or Litrature, History and Ideas from the Sea, 1(4), 6465.

Snowber, C. (2009). 13(4).

Snowber, C. & Nylander, G. (2008). Ocean lover (Feature).Toward the Light: Journal of Reflective Word & Image, 2948.

Snowber, C. (2008). In praise of the kitchen-studio.

Snowber, C. (2008). Ode to the black cherry; Snow light; and Laundry art. Raven Poetry Journal, Winter 2008.

Snowber, C. (2008). Water litany. 1(1). 

Snowber, C. (2005). Beneath the skin of plum black. Ararat. XLIV(184), 56.

Snowber, C. (2004). Mother sins and Writing bare breasted. In S. Weber & C. Mitchell (Eds.), Not Just Any Dress: Narratives of memory, body and identity (pp. 157159, 225228). New York: Peter Lang.

Snowber, C. (2001). Simplicity and Humility. (1).

Snowber, C. (2001). Two poems: Blueberry rubble and Pulsing home. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 17(2), 143146.

Snowber, C. (2000). Building snuggles, Dangerous beauty/Beautiful danger, and Stones of love. English Quarterly, 32(12), 4041.

Other Poetry

Snowber, C. (2010). . Website of my bodypsalms (poetry/videos).

Snowber, C. (2007). Armenian poetry project.
