
Book Reviews

Lin, A. M. Y. (Oct 2014). Review of: Technomobility in China: Young Migrant Women and Mobile Phones. Cara Wallis. Critical Cultural Communication. New York: New York University Press. Transforming Anthropology, Oct 2014.

Lin, A. M. Y. (March 2010). Review of: C. Denos, K. Toohey, K. Neilson, & B. Waterstone (2009). Collaborative research in multilingual classrooms. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters. Canadian Modern Language Review, 66(3), 474-476.

Lin, A. M. Y. (July/August 2009). Review of: Janice Y. K. Lee’s English novel, The Piano Teacher. Asia Culture Review, 16, 16-19. [in Korean]

Lin, A. M. Y. (2004). Review of: Critical reflection and the foreign language classroom. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 1(3), 179-181.

Lin, A. M. Y. (2003). Review of: Goldstein, T. (2003). Teaching and learning in a multilingual school: Choices, risks, and dilemmas.  Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum. In Teacher Education Interest Section Newsletter (TESOL), 18, 2, p. 5.

Lin, A. M. Y. (2002). Review of: Medium of Instruction in Hong Kong: Policy and Practice.  Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 24(1 & 2), 150-152.

Lin, A. M. Y. (1996). Engagement or immersion? Chaos or lack of capital? African-American children in whole language classrooms. [A book review of: Engaging children: community and chaos in the lives of young literacy learners]. Curriculum Inquiry, 26(3), 342-349.
