
Keynote Papers

Lin, A. M. Y. (11 December 2021). Thematic patterns, cognitive discourse functions & genres: Towards an integrative model of CLIL assessment. Keynote paper presented in the CLIL and Multilingual Research Forum, 11 December 2021, Beijing Normal University, China.

Lin, A. M. Y. (26 October 2021). Leveraging on L1 content knowledge in CLIL assessment. Keynote paper presented in the 13th International Conference on English as a Lingua Franca (ELF13), 26 October 2021, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan.

Lin, A. M. Y. (31 October 2020). The Transformative Power of Trans/languaging: Dynamic Flows of Meaning Making. Keynote paper presented in the Association for Language Awareness (ALA) Conference, 30-31 October 2020, Deakin University, Australia.

Lin, A. M. Y. (30 August 2019). Translanguaging and Multimodal Approaches to Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): Innovating with the Multimodalities-Entextualization Cycle (MEC). Plenary paper presented at the 58th JACET (Japan Association of College English Teachers) Conference, 28-30 August 2019, Nagoya, Japan. 

Lin, A. M. Y. (24 August 2019). Teachers as Local Language Policy Makers: Critical Pragmatic Curriculum Strategies to Support Linguistic Minoritized Students. Plenary paper presented at the LPP 2019 Conference (Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy and Planning), 22-24 August, 2019, OISE, University of Toronto, Canada.

Lin, A. M. Y. (13 July 2019). Beyond Soft CLIL / Hard CLIL: Charting out programme options along the CLIL continuum. Plenary paper presented at the 2nd J-CLIL Annual Bilingual Conference, 13 July 2019, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.

Lin, A. M. Y. (2 May 2019). CRITICAL CLIL: Designing Lesson Tasks for  
Critical Engagement with (Popular) Cultural (Content) Texts. Plenary paper presented at the Fulbright CLIL Conference, 2 May 2019, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, A. M. Y. (29 June 2019). Translanguaging & the MEC: Implications for Content-based Language Education / CLIL. Plenary paper presented at the Inaugural Conference on Language Teaching and Learning: Cognition and Identity, 28-29 Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Lin, A. M. Y. (9 Dec 2018). Designing Assessment-as-Learning (AAL) Tasks in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): Accommodating Students with Multimodal/Multilingual Support. Plenary paper presented at the International Conference on Trans-disciplinary Teaching and Translanguaging, 9 December 2018, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.

Lin, A. M. Y. (4 Dec 2018). Theories of Translanguaging & Trans-semiotizing: Implications for CLIL & Content-based Education Classrooms. Plenary paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on English Across the Curriculum, 4-5 December 2018, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. 

Lin, A. M. Y. (5 October 2018). Translanguaging Pedagogies: The Multimodalities-Entextualization Cycle (MEC) as a Critical Pragmatic Approach to TESOL. Keynote paper presented at the 16th National Conference for Community Languages and ESOL, 5-7 October 2018, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Lin, A. M. Y. (19 May 2018). Translanguaging Pedagogies: Breaking through monolingual paradigms. Keynote paper presented at the International Conference on English Teaching and Learning, 18-19 May 2018, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan.

Lin, A. M. Y. (18 May 2018). The Multimodalities-Entextualization Cycle (MEC): a Critical Pragmatic Approach to CLIL Curriculum Planning and Material Design. Keynote paper presented at the 2018 International Forum on CLIL, 18 May 2018, National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism, Taiwan.

Lin, A. M. Y. (20 August 2016). CLIL and LAC: Constructing a roadmap for planning EAL education in Chinese contexts. Keynote paper presented at the 3rd Emerging Scholars Workshop, 20-21 August 2016, Research Centre for Foreign Language Strategies of China, Shanghai International Studies University, China.

Lin, A. M. Y. (24 June 2016). Conceptualizing the role of L1 in CLIL. Keynote paper presented at the Second International Conference on Linguistics and Language Studies, 23-24 June 2016. Shue Yan University, Hong Kong.

Lin, A. M. Y. (16 April 2016). Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): Challenges and promises. Keynote paper presented at the International Conference on Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching, 15-16 April 2016. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, A. M. Y. (5 Dec 2015). How language varies: Theorizing the differences between everyday and academic language. Keynote paper presented at the 20th International Conference of the Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics (PAAL), 5-6 December 2015. Korea University, South Korea.

Lin, A. M. Y. (11 October 2015). Heteroglossia and translanguaging in the lyrical poetics of 24 Herbs in Hong Kong. Keynote paper presented at the 2015 Fudan Intercollegiate Doctoral Forum. Fudan University, Shanghai, China.

Lin, A. M. Y. (Nov 2013). Language-in-education policy and practice: Experience from Hong Kong. Featured paper presented in the International Colloquium on English as an Official Language in East Asia: Past, Present and Future, 15 November 2013, Ulsan Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea.

Lin, A. M. Y. (Jan 2013). Asia as Method: Transforming the condition of knowledge production and the structure of self. Keynote paper presented at the International Conference on the Language Sciences and the Developing World, Lahore College for Women University, 11-13 January 2013, Lahore, Pakistan.

Lin, A. M. Y. (Nov 2012). Whats New in New Literacies: Paradigmatic Change in Educational Design in the Era of Web 2.0 and Beyond. Keynote paper presented at the 2012 English Teachers Association International Symposium, 9-11 November 2012, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, A. M. Y. (Oct 2012). Classroom code-switching: 3 decades of research.  Keynote paper presented at the Free Linguistics Conference, 6-7 October 2012, University of Sydney, Australia.

Lin, A. M. Y. (Nov 2011). Towards Transformation of Structure of Knowledge and Subjectivity: Insights from Asia as Method. Keynote paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Language, Education and Diversity, 22-25 November 2011, University of Auckland, New Zealand.

Lin, A. M. Y. (Sept 2011). Using New Literacies and Popular Cultural Genres to Engage EFL Learners. Keynote paper presented at the 2nd Educators Congress, 30 September 2011, De La Salle University, Manila, The Philippines.

Lin, A. M. Y. (June 2011). Designing a Culturally Responsive English Curriculum for Hong Kong Students: Capitalizing on popular culture genres and themes. Keynote speech presented at Hong Kong Association of Applied Linguistics (HAAL) 4th Annual Conference, 25 June 2011, Hong Kong.

Lin, A. M. Y. (April 2011).Using Popular Culture and New Media to Engage Young Learners of English. Keynote speech presented at the 46th Regional English Language Centre (RELC) Seminar, 18-20 April 2011, SEAMEO (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) Regional Language Centre, Singapore.

Lin, A. M. Y. (March 2011). Asia as Method: Transforming structure of knowledge and subjectivities. Keynote paper presented at the 17th International Workshop on Discourse Studies, 24-25 March 2011, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain.

Lin, A. M. Y. (July 2010). Exploiting Popular Culture in TESOL Practice: Insights from Cultural Studies. Keynote speech delivered at the Australian Council of TESOL AssociationsInternational TESOL Conference, 1-10 July 2010, Gold Coast, Australia.

Lin, A. M. Y. (May 2010). The popular cultural turn in education in the 21st century: Cultural studies for ELT practitioners. Keynote speech presented at the CELC Conference, 25-28 May 2010, National University of Singapore, Singapore.

Lin, A. M. Y. (Feb 2010). The Critical and the Affective in New Literacies. Keynote speech presented at the Teacher Conference on New Literacies in Action, 20 March 2010, University of Hong Kong.

Lin, A. M. Y. (April 2009). Challenges for Cantonese learners of Mandarin Chinese and English in Hong Kong.  Keynote speech delivered at the Conference on Chinese Heritage Language Learners, 3-4 April 2009, Arizona State University, U.S.A.,

Lin, A. M. Y. (January 2008). Teaching English in the 21st century: Critical perspectives.  Keynote speech delivered at the International Colloquy on Language Education, 20 January 2008, Akita International University, Japan.

Lin, A. M. Y. (January 2008). Teaching English in the 21st century: Critical perspectives.  Keynote speech delivered at the International Conference on English Teaching, 10-11 January 2008, Payap University, Chingmai, Thailand.

Lin, A. M. Y. (January 2008). Teaching English in the 21st century: Critical perspectives.  Keynote speech delivered at the International Conference on English Teaching, 7-8 January 2008, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong.

Lin, A. M. Y. (December 2007). Language proficiency assessment for English language teachers in Hong Kong: Development and dilemmas. Keynote speech delivered in the APEC Symposium on Language Standards, Ming Chuan University, 3-5 December 2007, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, A. M. Y., & Man, E. Y. F. (June 2006). Code-switching as a resource in bilingual education: Exploring bilingual pedagogies in a Hong Kong science classroom. Plenary paper delivered at the Forum on Canadian Immersion Education and Bilingual Instruction in China, Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, 10-11 June 2006, China.

Lin, A. M. Y. (June 2005). Activity Theory (AT), Conversation analysis (CA) & analysis of pedagogical practices.  Keynote speech delivered at the International Conference on Education, 29 May 2 June 2005, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

Bai, H. (2008). One world, ready or not: Challenges and promises of cosmopolitanism. The Korean Philosophy of Education Society Annual Meeting, Seoul, Korea.

Smithrim, K., R. Luce-Kapler, R. Irwin & Bai, H. (2003). The Work of Arts in Curriculum Studies. Annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, Halifax, NS.

Bai, H. (2002). Astonishing silence. Northwest Philosophy of Education Societys annual meeting, Vancouver, BC.
