

The Voiceless Rise Up: the #MeToo in China Exhibition

March 09, 2024

Presented by 間眅埶AV's David Lam Centre, UniCome Chinese Queer Feminist Group; 間眅埶AV's Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies; and 312 Main.

Curated by UniCome, a Chinese Queer Feminist Group based in Vancouver, the #MeToo in China Exhibition opens on March 9th! 2018 marks the first year of the #MeToo Movement in China. Six years have passed, many cases have gradually disappeared from peoples sight or been erased by censorship. The #MeToo Exhibition is a testimony of countless "MeToo", a journey of how "MeToo" has evolved to Rice Bunny, a human library of victims' actions, and a continuation of the resistance of survivors and Chinese feminist activists. 

This year, we are thrilled to continue its journey in Canada. By updating the exhibits, we hope to incorporate the contribution and reflection of overseas Chinese feminist activists on the movement. 

The exhibits include personal items, letters, diaries, videos, and legal cases. You will face the pain and shame of the victims, but you will witness their struggles and fights, breaking a sense of powerlessness. The exhibition is not a static representation of history, but a continuation of survivors' and activists advocacy. 

On Mar 10, the exhibition hosts the world premiere of Demand an Answer from History, a documentary about the landmark sexual harassment case Xianzi v. Zhu Jun, and the experiences of the MeToo supporters outside the court. Spots are limited, so reserve your ticket below. 

Let us meet, reunite, see, and hear each other in the #MeToo in China Exhibition. Let us empower ourselves, share strength, and pass on the spirit of resistance.