


Funding for Undergraduate Students


  • Full tuition
  • Monthly allowance of approximately 144,000 JPY (1,640 CAD, amounts to 19,680 CAD/year)
  • Round-trip flight between Japan and Canada

Deadline: typically May, annually


  • General: under 35 years old; study area must be in the same field that the applicant has studied, or a related field


  • Applicants must hold a BA degree or higher.
  • Study area must be in the same field that the applicant has studied, or a related field.
  • Must be Canadian citizens.
  • Must be a graduate from a Japanese university or have academic ability equal or superior to that of a Japanese university graduate.
  • Must be willing to learn Japanese.


  • The scholarships support Canadian students who wish to study in graduate courses at Japanese universities as research students (either non-degree or degree students).
  • Research students refer to those who are enrolled in a master’s course, a doctoral course, or a professional graduate course at a graduate school, or who are conducting research in a specialized field at an undergraduate department, graduate school, institute attached to a university, etc. without the aim of completing the course, or who are receiving preparatory education in the Japanese language and other subjects prior to placement at the university, etc.
  • Tenure is 2 years (beginning in April) or 18 months (beginning in October).
  • Placement at university is designated by MEXT based on admission or a letter of provisional acceptance that the applicant obtains from Japanese universities.



  • Full tuition
  • Monthly allowance of 117,000 JPY (1,330 CAD, amounts to 15,960 CAD/year)
  • Round-trip flight between Japan and Canada

Deadline: Typically early June, annually


  • Citizenship: Canada
  • General: support international students who wish to study at Japanese universities as undergraduate students for 5 years


  • Must have high school diploma or higher.
  • Must be a Canadian citizen.
  • May be enrolled in an undergraduate department at a university or receiving preparatory education in the Japanese language and other subjects prior to placement at university.


  • The scholarships support international students who wish to study at Japanese universities as undergraduate students.
  • Scholarship duration is 5 years beginning in April. (The first year is language training.)
  • University placement is designated by MEXY based on applicant’s fields and subject choices.



  • Full tuition
  • Monthly allowance of 117,000 JPY (1,330 CAD, amounts to 15,960 CAD/year)
  • Round-trip flight between Japan and Canada

Deadline: Typically February, annually


  • Citizenship: Canada
  • General: must major in fields related to the Japanese language or culture


  • Must be an undergraduate student at a non-Japanese university majoring in fields related to the Japanese language or culture.
  • Must be a Canadian citizen.
  • Must have sufficient Japanese language ability.
  • Those who are majoring in fields of study other than Japanese language and culture and pursuing complementary studies in Japanese language and culture are ineligible.


  • The scholarships support international students who wish to study for a period of one year at designated Japanese universities as Japanese studies students in order to deepen their understanding of the Japanese language, Japanese affairs and Japanese culture.
  • Scholarship duration is 1 year, beginning in October 2017.
  • University placement is designated by MEXY based on applicant’s fields and subject choices.



  • A monthly stipend of 25,000 TWD (1,070 CAD, amounts to 12,840 CAD/year) for the LEP and 30,000 TWD (1,290 CAD/month, amounts to 15,480 CAD/year) for degree programs
  • Round-trip airfares

Deadline: February 1 to March 31, annually


  • Citizenship: Non-Taiwanese
  • General: eligible for applying for Mandarin Language Enrichment Program or a degree program


  • Must be a high school graduate or above with an excellent academic record, of good moral character and has no criminal record.
  • Must be neither a national of the Republic of China (Taiwan) nor an overseas compatriot student.
  • Must have never attended an educational institution in Taiwan at the same level of degree or LEP that he/she intends to apply for.
  • Must be not an exchange student through any cooperation agreement between a foreign university/college and an educational institute in Taiwan while receiving the Scholarship.


  • The MOFA Taiwan Scholarship encourages outstanding students to pursue academic degrees in Taiwan.
  • Applicants can apply for either the non-degree Mandarin Language Enrichment Program (LEP) (Recipients may take the LEP for a maximum of one year at Mandarin-teaching institutions affiliated with a university or college accredited by the Ministry of Education) or a degree program (an undergraduate, master or doctoral degree, excluding in-service programs).
  • The duration can be one year (for non-degree LEP), two years maximum (for Master’s program), or four years maximum (for undergraduate or doctoral program).



  • A monthly stipend of 15,000 TWD (640 CAD, amounts to 7,680 CAD/year) for undergraduate program students, and 20,000 TWD (860 CAD, amounts to 10,320 CAD/year) for postgraduate students.
  • Tuition

Deadline: February 1 to March 31, annually


  • Citizenship: Non-Taiwanese
  • General: eligible for two-to-five-years degree programs


  • Must possess a high school diploma or higher.
  • Must have performed well at his/her most recent academic institution and be of good moral character.
  • Must be neither a Taiwanese national, nor an overseas Taiwanese compatriot.
  • Must have never enrolled in an educational institution in Taiwan for the same level of degree as the current application.
  • Must not be an exchange student through an academic cooperation agreement between an overseas university/college and an educational institute in Taiwan.


  • The MOE Taiwan Scholarship encourages outstanding students to pursue academic degrees in Taiwan.
  • The duration can be two years maximum (for Master’s program), or four years maximum (for undergraduate or doctoral program), five years maximum (for any combination of programs).



  • A monthly stipend of 12,000 TWD (510 CAD, amounts to 6,120 CAD/year) for undergraduate students, 15,000 TWD (640 CAD, amounts to 7,680 CAD/year) for master's students and 17,000 TWD (730 CAD, amounts to 8,760 CAD/year) for doctoral students
  • Tuition
  • Housing
  • Insurance
  • Round-trip airfares

Deadline: March 15, annually


  • Citizenship: Non-Taiwanese
  • General: eligible for two-to-five-years degree programs


  • Applicants should be nationals of countries with which the R.O.C. has diplomatic relations or developing countries friendly to Taiwan. For more detailed information, please visit the TaiwanICDF website.


  • The International Cooperation and Development Fund (TaiwanICDF) works with prestigious universities in Taiwan to select students to receive full scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate programs taught in English.
  • The duration can be two years maximum (for Master’s program), or four years maximum (for English-taught undergraduate or doctoral program), five years maximum (for for Mandarin-taught undergraduate program).



  • 6,000 – 10,000 CAD

Deadline: April 30, annually


  • Citizenship: Citizens/permanent residents/refugees in Canada
  • General: must be a resident of British Columbia


  • Must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident (landed immigrant), convention refugee, or protected person living in Canada.
  • Must be a resident of British Columbia, defined as having a primary residence in the province for at least 12 consecutive months prior to the date of full-time enrollment in the program for which the scholarship is applied for.
  • Must have achieved a minimum B+ academic standing.
  • Must have clearly demonstrated significant community and/or school involvement and academic achievement, supported by two references submitted with the application.
  • Must be enrolled in an academic program of at least one year at a BC public post-secondary institution leading to a credential and have been accepted into an eligible international program outside of Canada or United States;
  • Will be studying abroad for a period of no less than three months (not including travel time).


  • Premier’s International Scholarships are scholarships for credential granting study abroad and are awarded to students demonstrating exceptional academic achievement and community service.



  • 10,000 USD/year (5,000 USD/semester)
  • Health insurance
  • Eligible to apply for a mobility grant in an amount not to exceed 800 USD

Deadline: typically January, annually


  • Citizenship: Canada
  • General: must be nominated by one's home university


  • Must be Canadian citizens.
  • Must be full-time undergraduate students in good standing at a degree granting institution in Canada.
  • Must have met the eligibility requirements of their home university.
  • Must be fluent in the English language.
  • Must be nominated by one's home university.


  • The Killam Fellowships Program provides an opportunity for exceptional undergraduate students from universities in Canada and the United States to spend either one semester or a full academic year as an exchange student in the other country.
  • Students may participate in the program either as a direct exchange student or as a self-placed visiting student. Canadian applicants interested in the direct exchange program must be registered at one of the participating Canadian universities and be planning to visit one of the participating American universities.



  • Full Scholarship:
  • Tuition fees
  • Basic learning materials
  • Accommodation and living allowance
  • Medical insurance
  • One-time settlement subsidy
  • One-time inter-city travel allowance
  • Partial Scholarship:
  • Tuition only

Deadline: February 28, annually


  • Citizenship: Canadian citizens who reside in British Columbia
  • General: Be under age of 35


  • Must be Canadian citizens, in good health, whose residence is in the Province of British Columbia.
  • Must have completed senior high school and be under the age of 35.


  • The Chinese government offers scholarships to students from British Columbia to study at a Chinese university for Chinese Language Studies.
  • The duration of the master degree program is from 1 to 2 years.
  • Full and partial-scholarships are available annually.



  • Full Scholarship:
  • Tuition fees
  • Basic learning materials
  • Accommodation and living allowance
  • Medical insurance
  • One-time settlement subsidy
  • One-time inter-city travel allowance
  • Partial Scholarship:
  • Tuition only

Deadline: February 28, annually


  • Citizenship: Canadian citizens who reside in British Columbia
  • General: Be under age of 45


  • Must be Canadian citizens, in good health, whose residence is in the Province of British Columbia.
  • Must have completed 2 years of undergraduate studies at an eligible B.C. post-secondary institution1. May pursue any major except Chinese language.
  • Must be under the age of 45.


  • The Chinese government offers scholarships to students from British Columbia to study at a Chinese university as a general scholar.
  • The duration of the program is 1 years.
  • Full and partial-scholarships are available annually.



  • Full Scholarship:
  • Tuition fees
  • Basic learning materials
  • Accommodation and living allowance
  • Medical insurance
  • One-time settlement subsidy
  • One-time inter-city travel allowance
  • Partial Scholarship:
  • Tuition only

Deadline: typically February, annually


  • Citizenship: Canadian citizens who reside in British Columbia
  • General: Be under age of 25


  • Must be Canadian citizens, in good health, whose residence is in the Province of British Columbia.
  • Must have completed senior high school with good grades.
  • Must be under the age of 25.


  • The Chinese government offers scholarships to students from British Columbia to study at a Chinese university for a Bachelor’s degree.
  • The duration of the program is from 4 to 5 years.
  • Full and partial-scholarships are available annually.



  • Tuition fees
  • Monthly stipend of 3,000 CNY (580 CAD/month, or 6,960 CAD/year) for Master’s students
  • Housing
  • Medical insurance

Deadline: March of each year


  • Citizenship: Canadian
  • General: undertake studies in an approved subject area in a Chinese institution; under the age of 50


  • Eligible applicants include Canadian students at the college, undergraduate and graduate levels in Canada; Canadian faculty members or research staff at a post-secondary institution in Canada; and Canadian mid-career professionals who have a Master’s or PhD degree and have managerial, policy development or decision-making responsibilities.
  • Applicants must be Canadian citizens residing in Canada.
  • Applicants must have achieved the required level of written and spoken Chinese by the host institution in China, if applicable.
  • Applicants must undertake studies in an approved subject area in a Chinese institution.
  • Applicants must be under 50 years of age.


  • Scholarships are available for studies and research, for a combination of studies and language studies, or for language studies only. Scholarships are not to be used towards a degree in China.
  • For students, each award is tenable for a period of no more than 12 months and no less than four months.
  • Preference will be given to those candidates whose study or research plan is related to China.



  • Average is approximately 1,500 USD (ranging from 500 USD to 5,000 USD)

Deadline: typically November, annually


  • Citizenship: Open
  • General: must be a graduate student or immediate post-doc


  • Eligible applicants are high school students and college undergraduates.


  • The goal of this grant category is to foster a new generation of explorers dedicated to the advancement of scientific knowledge of our world.
  • Wide array of disciplines, including: anthropology/archeology, plants and molds, animals, conservation science, climate change, geoscience, paleoclimate, marine science, marine biology, marine life, etc.



  • Up to 2,500 USD

Deadline: April (Summer and Fall applicants); Early November (Spring applicants)


  • Citizenship: Citizens/permanent residents/refugees in Canada
  • General: residents of British Columbia


  • Must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident (landed immigrant), convention refugee, or protected person living in Canada.
  • Must be a resident of British Columbia, defined as having a primary residence in the province for at least 12 consecutive months prior to the date of full-time enrollment in the program for which the scholarship is applied for.
  • Must have clearly demonstrated significant community and/or school involvement and academic achievement, supported by two references submitted with the application.
  • Must be enrolled in an academic program of at least one year at a BC public post-secondary institution leading to a credential and have been accepted into an eligible international program outside of Canada or United States.


  • One World Scholarships are awarded to students participating in study, or work-abroad programs that are either experiential learning opportunities (language or cultural training), or that provide credits toward the BC academic credential they are working towards.



  • $1,000 - $4,000 (six weeks to four months)

Deadline: on a rolling basis


  • Citizenship: Citizens/permanent residents/international students with an off-campus work permit
  • General: enrolled in an undergraduate or master's-level program


  • Must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident (landed immigrant). International students with an off-campus work permit will be considered in some cases.
  • available to work at the Foundation’s Vancouver or Toronto offices
  • enrolled in an undergraduate or master’s-level program. Recent graduates may also apply as long as they have completed their degree programs no later than 12 months prior to the application deadline


  • During their terms, Junior Research Fellows work at the Foundation’s Vancouver or Toronto office, and complete a program of research and other work related to one of the Foundation’s broad thematic areas (trade and investment; energy and the environment; provincial-level engagement of Asia; and international education). The required qualifications, as well as the length of the grant period, will vary with each grant opportunity. For a list of current opportunities, please see the Foundation’s  page.
