


David See-Chai Lam Centre for International Communciation is headed by a Director and governed by a Steering Committee. It also has an Advisory Board and members that participate in the activities of the Centre.

DLC Members

¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Researchers conducting research related to the mission of the Centre are encouraged to become DLC Members by submitting a CV (maximum 4 pages) to dlcadmin@sfu.ca. DLC Members are eligible to apply for funding to support their research activities. Visit our funding policy website for details.

Scholar in Residence

Would your work benefit from a residency at the DLC? Scholars who offer significant academic, literary, or artistic qualifications may apply for this non-stipendiary status. The position provides University affiliation, use of the University Library, office space, and membership in facilities. Appointments are for a maximum of one year, with the possibility of renewal for an additional year.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Postdoctoral Fellows in some area of Asian Studies who are accepted by the Dean of Graduate Studies may receive the use of DLC facilities through application to its Director. A Postdoctoral Fellow at the DLC will be required to participate in the activities of the Centre by attending lectures, workshops, and colloquia and presenting a research paper.

Research Fellow

Research Fellows recieve support from the DLC for the purposes of a specific research project within the area of Asian studies. Fellows are provided with University affiliation and shared office space. They are required to contribute to the University research community by attending lectures, workshops, and colloquia, publishing, and reporting on their research projects. Positions are for a maximum of one year, renewable on application.