

The Paueru Gai Dialogues

February 12, 2022

The Paueru Gai Dialogues was a series of 9 online events, BIPOC artists and activists could share their perspectives on current social issues. The project intends to inspire civic engagement and community building during the disruption of the enduring pandemic and was hosted by the Powell Street Festival Society.  

Executive director Emiko Morita said of the event, The Black Lives Matter protests and the widening gap between the privileged and marginalized populations have been amplified by the global health crisis. We cannot wait for the pandemic to pass to respond to these needs; this is the opportunity to create safe spaces where we can challenge ourselves眩o listen眩o difference畝nd to deepen our understanding of ourselves畝nd others, and to find ways to真se畝ny皰rivilege眩hat we might have病or positive change. Morita continues, It is exciting to consider that we might take this moment to move beyond our Internment/model minority narrative, and to explore questions of accountability as settler-colonizers as we continue to grapple with our own history of displacement.

The Paueru Gai Dialogues is a free event but it does include an expectation of the audience/participants. After the panelists give 710-minute presentations that share their perspective on the dialogue topic, the participants were expected to go into breakout groups. Participants were invited to share their own experience or perspective on the given topic and to listen to the others in their group. A group facilitator was present to ensure the space promoted safety and inclusion for everyone. To wrap up the event, participants reconvened 眩o offer generative questions for further contemplation.

Organized by Powell Street Festival Society

Co-sponsored by 間眅埶AV David Lam Centre

January 30, 2021 - February 12, 2022

Visit the to learn more about each of the discussions, and watch the whole series on