

The Graduate Programs Committee (GPC) values the initiative shown by students who reach out to potential supervisors prior to submitting their application.


  • After admission to the MA Graduate Program, the student is expected to become familiar with faculty interests in order to identify a potential supervisor if they haven't done so already; 
  • The supervisor will counsel the student regarding course work, academic direction, and the selection of a supervisory committee (to be completed by the second term of enrollment).

Supervisory Committee

  • A full supervisory committee and supporting document should be identified by the second term in the program;
  • Students are advised that it is extremely helpful to produce a brief written outline of the proposal for thesis research prior to committee formation;
  • The supervisory committee will normally consist of at least two faculty members from the School of Criminology;
  • University procedures specify that a formal application to Graduate Studies confirming supervisory committees is required (Approval of Supervisory Committee form), and must be submitted to the Graduate Programs Assistant by the second semester in the program.
  • Any changes to committees (for example, if one member will be absent from campus for an extended period) require approval in the same manner on a Request to Change Supervisory Committee form.

DOWNLOAD FORMS from the Graduate Studies website.

Absence of Supervisor

While the student is developing their thesis it may be necessary for the supervisor to be away from campus for periods of time. Graduate General Regulation 1.6.3 states: An interim supervisor may be permitted as needed. A supervisor who will be unable to perform their regular duties for more than three months is required to arrange for proper supervision of the student by another supervisor, co-supervisor or committee member during this absence. The graduate program committee and the dean of graduate studies shall be informed in writing of the arrangement.