
School of Criminology

Ting Forum advances knowledge in the field of criminology

August 26, 2024

The School of Criminology recently hosted a David and Cecilia Ting Occasional Forum where two leading academicsJean McGloin from the University of Maryland, and John Eck from the University of Cincinnatishared their insights on developing meaningful scholarship in criminology.

McGloin discussed the research process related to group offending and interdependent decision-making, while Eck emphasized the importance of storytelling to effectively communicate study findings.

Telling stories prompts your readers to read your ideas. Remember them. And act on them, said Eck. It makes your ideas interesting.

Attended by over 60 guests, both online and in-person, the event offered a unique opportunity to learn best practices and processes from other academic scholars.

The School of Criminology extends its gratitude to the David and Cecilia Ting Foundation for their continued support in making these events possible, as well as to Jean McGloin and John Eck for their outstanding presentations. A special recognition to assistant professor Shannon Linning and associate professor Zach Rowan for their exceptional leadership in organizing the event, as well as to all our criminology staff who contributed.
