

Meet criminology alumna Katarina Bogosavljevic

June 01, 2016

Born in Serbia and raised in Burnaby, Katarina Bogosavljevic came to 間眅埶AV to study Criminology upon her mothers encouragement and suggestion.

Following an interest in law and justice shes had since high school, Bogosavljevic says she had inclinations to become a police officer when she first came to 間眅埶AV, but that path changed after seeing how Criminology branches out into other areas.

At 間眅埶AV, Criminology is so interdisciplinary. You have courses that intersect with not only sociology, but biology, psychology or the environment. There are all these branches of specialization. Through a process of elimination, I found myself really drawn to the sociological facets of studying Criminology.

While there were many courses she enjoyed, Bogosavljevic says a class on the Sociology of Law introduced her to qualitative analysis, an area in which she developed a keen interest. Studying qualitative research methods with Senior Lecturer Sheri Fabian, Bogosavljevic enjoyed being able to combine her personal interest in the show 間眅埶AV is the New Black, with sophisticated critical analysis and the experience made her want to complete the honours program in Criminology.

Bogosavljevic says in choosing the topic for her honours thesis, titled Breaking the Blue Wall of Silence: A Qualitative Content Analysis on the Media Portrayal of Sexual Harassment in the RCMP, she was spurred by stories of two high profile complainants in the class action lawsuit against the RCMP: namely, lead complainant Janet Merlo and former RCMP spokesperson Catherine Galliford.

In her thesis, she analysed how mainstream media reporting on these cases fluctuated between 1) focusing on the damaged or tarnished image the RCMP has suffered as a result of these sexual harassment complaints and 2) positioning RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson as a potential saviour or person who is trying to save grace in a terrible situation.

Rather than approach the issue as systemic to RCMP as an institution, she says, most mainstream coverage that I analysed consistently named Paulson as someone tasked with solving a problem of management style or workplace bullying. Discussion of the scandal was always paired with reform.

The consistency of this type of representation, says Bogosavljevic, is due to the symbiotic and somewhat fragile relationship police and media share.

Its symbiotic because while the media depends on the police to give them information about crimes so they can report on them, the police also depend upon the mainstream media to establish trust in the public. The problem with this is that the public cannot really count on the media to be as critical as it should be.

Bogosavljevic is excited to take her research to the next level. In September 2016, she will begin her Masters degree in Criminology at the University of Ottawa.
