

Honours students' theses presentations show quality research

April 28, 2015
The Criminology honours students presented their theses at the Honours Thesis Symposium on Tuesday, April 14. Left to Right: Mike Parmar, Ali Al-Samak, Wilson Tam, Dana Lawres, Dr. Sheri Fabian,杗mber Aaren Ivers, Laura Miller, and Brooke Lupick.

Coming up with a relevant research topic is challenging, especially one that is unique. However, this years cohort of Criminology honours students made it look easy when presenting at the Honours Thesis Symposium.

The group of seven students presented their completed theses to classmates, faculty and the public. Each student had a half hour to explain the purpose of their research, the methodology used, and the implications of the results. The audience also had the opportunity to ask questions and to give suggestions for further research.

The students worked hard to collect strong research data for these projects. The results are impressive. The presentations and the written theses demonstrate the quality of students we have in the honours program. Theyve produced research that is relevant to the study of criminology and to the community, said Associate Director Sheri Fabian, who runs the honours program.

All of the theses topics asked a pressing question about a key issue in current affairs or popular culture. Each student sought to find an answer to a particular problem that is impacting our communities today.

Topics included: female serial killers on TV, gunshot detection in Vancouver, organized crime in film, the NFL and intimate partner violence, Muslims confidence in the criminal justice system, reader comments on Edward Snowden, and student perceptions of sexual assault and sexual assault prevention campaigns.

In addition to consulting current literature on the subject of choice, research data were collected using a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods. Students conducted interviews and distributed surveys; they also analyzed news articles, comment feeds, television episodes and feature films.

The students will now add the finishing touches to their theses before submitting the final versions for grading. Upon graduating in summer 2015, the students have big plans: graduate school, law school and promising career paths.

I am extremely proud of the students for their accomplishments this year. I know I speak for all of the professors, when I say that it was a pleasure to teach them and to guide them in their research. We wish them all the best in their future endeavours, said Fabian.
