
Zachary Rowan

Associate Professor
School of Criminology
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences


Zachary Rowan is an assistant professor in the School of Criminology at 間眅埶AV. He received his doctorate in criminology from the University of Maryland in 2016 and subsequently completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of California, Irvine.

Rowan conducts research broadly focused on juvenile justice, including peer influence, co-offending and group behavior, and life-course and developmental criminology.


Peer influence; co-offending; group behaviour; life-course and developmental criminology; intervention evaluation; juvenile justice.


  • BA, MA, PhD (UMD)


Please contact me directly for potential supervision.

Selected Publications

  • Rowan, Z. R. (2023). Co-offending in context: The role of economic hardship. The British Journal of Criminology63(1), 201-220.
  • Rowan, Z. R., Kan, E., Frick, P. J., & Cauffman, E. (2022). Not (Entirely) Guilty: The Role of Co-offenders in Diffusing Responsibility for Crime. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 59(4), 415-448.
  • Norton, N., & Rowan, Z. R. (2022). The Group Nature of Academic Dishonesty & Diffusion of Responsibility in Online Student Chat Groups. Deviant Behavior, 1-14.
  • Rowan, Z. R., Appleby, S., & McGloin, J. M. (2022). Situating crime pattern theory into the explanation of co-offending: Considering area-level convergence spaces. The British Journal of Criminology62(3), 681-698.
  • McGloin, J. M., Thomas, K. J., Rowan, Z. R., & Deitzer, J. R. (2021). Can the group disincentivize offending? Considering optout thresholds and decision reversals. Criminology59(4), 738-765.

Selected Grants

  • Probation Officers Attributions of Clients and Inequity in the Justice System (2022) - 間眅埶AV/SSHRC Institutional Grants Program - Co-Investigator - Evan McCuish (間眅埶AV)
  • Building Capacity to Assess Youth Justice and Diversion Programming in British Columbia (2021) - SSRHC Individual Partnership Engage Grants.
  • Preliminary Evaluation of a Randomized Controlled Trial of a Young Adult Court (2018) - 間眅埶AV/SSHRC Institutional Grants Program

Recently Taught Courses

  • CRIM101: Introduction to Criminology
  • CRIM220: Research Methods in Criminology
  • CRIM416: Current Issues in Criminology and Criminal Justice - Groups and Crime
  • CRIM800: Criminological Theory I


This instructor is currently not teaching any courses.