
Margaret Hall

Professor, Director, MA in Applied Legal Studies Program


Margaret Isabel Hall LLB, LLM, PhD is the Society of Notaries Public of BC Chair in Applied Legal Studies, the Director of the MA in Applied Legal Studies Program, and a Professor in the School of Criminology. Prior to joining 間眅埶AV, Margaret was an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Law at Thompson Rivers University, where she was a founding faculty member.  Margarets research incorporates both empirical legal methodologies and black letter doctrinal analysis.  Her areas of research and publication include health law (including medical assistance in dying), mental capacity and legal theories of state of mind, vulnerability theory, wills, and tort law (Margaret is a co-author of Canadian Tort Law and The Law of Nuisance in Canada).  Margaret is an Adjunct Professor at the Thompson Rivers University Faculty of Law and the Australian Centre for Health Law Research at the Queensland University of Technology.


Tort law; law and aging; mental capacity and undue influence; law and dementia; health law; supported and substitute decision-making; wills and incapacity planning; vulnerability theory and relational autonomy; qualitative legal research.


  • BA Hons (UBC)
  • LLB (Queen's)
  • LLM, PhD (UBC)

Note for potential graduate students:

Professor Hall is accepting new graduate students (MA and PhD) whose proposed research concerns questions involving legal issues/matters. If you would like to discuss further, please contact professor Hall at  margaret_hall@sfu.ca


  • Putting the pieces together: Article 12, safeguarding and the right to legal capacity in R. Harding, E, Tascioglu & M. Donnelly, eds.  Supporting Legal Capacity in Socio-Legal Context (London, UJ: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2022).
  • (Co-author) Canadian Tort Law, 12th ed. (Toronto:  Lexis Nexis Canada, 2022).
  • Law and Dementia: Family Context and the Experience of Dementia in Old Age in B. Clough & J. Herring eds. Disability, Care and Family Law 1st ed. (Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2021)
  • (Co-author) Whats suffering got to do with it? A qualitative study of suffering in the context of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) (2021) BMC Palliative Care.
  • Relational Autonomy, Vulnerability Theory, Older Adults and the Law: Making it Real (2020) 12(1) Elder Law Review 1.
  • Situating dementia in the experience of old age: reconstructing legal response (2019) 66(1) International Journal of Law and Psychiatry
  • (Editor) The Canadian Law of Obligations: Private Law for the 21st Century (Lexis Nexis Canada: 2018).
  • Theorising the Institutional Wrongdoer: The Role of Tort Doctrine (2016) 53(4) Alberta Law Review 995 (Special Issue on Recent Development in Tort Law, in Honour of Lewis Klar)
  • The Vulnerability Jurisdiction: Equity, Parens Patriae, and the Inherent Jurisdiction of the Court (2016) 2 Canadian Journal of Comparative and Contemporary Law 185
  • Mental Capacity in the (Civil) Law: Capacity, Autonomy and Vulnerability (2012) 58 McGill Law Journal.


  • Mental (In)Capacity in the Context of Abuse and Neglect (September 2022- September 2025). -Role: C-applicant. -Primary applicant: Deborah OConnor, University of British Columbia School of Social Work. -Funding body and amount: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada $99,900
  • Strategies to relieve suffering at end of life: a longitudinal study of healthcare policy and nursing practice in Canada (March 2020-April 2025). -Role: Co-applicant. -Primary applicants: Barbara Pesut & Sally Thorne (University of British Columbia School of Nursing) -Funding body and amount: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, $ 439, 875
  • Assessing the Human Rights Remedy after Moore v. British Columbia (Education): A Qualitative Research Study (September 2021- December 2023). -Role: Primary applicant. -Funding body and amount: Law Foundation of British Columbia, 16,000


  • July 2023, Tenth Biennial Conference on the Law of Obligations
  • July 2023, International Institute for the Sociology of Law (Mental Capacity and Family Justice Workshop)
  • July 2022, Conference of the International Academy of Law and Mental Health



  • ALS 601 Advanced Topics in Canadian Law and the Legal System
  • ALS 610 The Law of Contract
  • ALS 615 The Law of Wills and Incapacity Planning
  • ALS 603 Legal Philosophy


Future courses may be subject to change.