
L. Maaike Helmus

Associate Professor


L. Maaike Helmus received her PhD in forensic psychology at Carleton University. She is a co-founder and current Vice-President (Research) for the non-profit organization SAARNA (). Her research focuses on offender risk assessment, with the overall goal of improving the accuracy, fairness, reliability, and transparency of case management decisions made throughout the criminal legal system.

Helmus has a particular interest in risk scale development and validation, risk communication, and biases in decision-making. She has focused her research on men who have committed sexual offences or intimate partner violence, as well as exploring the cross-cultural applicability of risk factors and scales. Helmus also enjoys conducting meta-analyses. She is currently co-editor of the journal Sexual Offending Theory, Research, and Prevention and on the editorial board of Sexual Abuse.


Offender risk assessment; sex offenders; statistics; prediction; recidivism; Indigenous offenders; meta-analysis.


  • BA, MA, PhD (Carleton)


Open to accepting new graduate students.


  • Helmus, L. M., & Kyne, A. (2023). Prevalence, correlates, and sequelae of child sexual abuse (CSA) among Indigenous Canadians: Intersections of ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic status. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(9), 5727. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20095727
  • Ahmed, S., Lee, S. C., & Helmus, L. M. (2023). Predictive accuracy of Static-99R across different racial/ethnic groups: A meta-analysis. Law and Human Behavior, 47(1), 275-291.
  • Helmus, L. M., Kelley, S. M., Frazier, A., Fernandez, Y. M., Lee, S. C., Rettenberger, M., & Boccaccini, M. T. (2022). Static-99R: Strengths, limitations, predictive accuracy meta-analysis, and legal admissibility review. Psychology, Public Policy and Law, 28(3), 307-331. https://doi.org/10.1037/law0000351
  • Helmus, L. M., Hanson, R. K., Murrie, D. C., & Zabarauckas, C. L. (2021). Field validity of Static-99R and STABLE-2007 with 4,433 men serving sentences for sexual offences in British Columbia: New findings and meta-analysis. Psychological Assessment, 33(7), 581–595. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/pas0001010
  • Helmus, L. M., & Peikarnegar, M. (2021). Perception of risk in intimate partner violence is influenced by risk scales, perpetrator and victim gender, and mental illness diagnosis: A risk communication study with laypeople. Partner Abuse, 12(2), 130-156. http://dx.doi.org/10.1891/PA-2020-0006
  • Marshall, E., Miller, H. A., Cortoni, F., & Helmus, L. M. (2021). The Static-99R is not valid for women: Predictive validity in 739 females who have sexually offended. Sexual Abuse, 33(6), 631–653.
  • Helmus, L. M., Johnson, S., & Harris, A. J. R. (2019). Developing and validating a tool to predict placements in administrative segregation: Predictive accuracy with inmates, including Indigenous and female inmates. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 25(4), 284-302. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/law0000201
  • Perley-Robertson, B., Helmus, L. M., & Forth, A. (2019). Predictive accuracy of static risk factors for Canadian Indigenous offenders compared to non-Indigenous offenders. Psychology, Crime, and Law, 25(3), 248-278. https://doi.org/10.1080/1068316X.2018.1519827
  • Eke, A. W., Helmus, L. M., & Seto, M. C. (2019). A validation study of the Child Pornography Offender Risk Tool (CPORT). Sexual Abuse, 31(4), 456-476. https://doi.org/10.1177/1079063218762434
  • Hanson, R. K., Harris, A. J. R., Letourneau, E., Helmus, L. M., & Thornton, D. (2018). Reductions in risk based on time offense free in the community: Once a sex offender, not always a sex offender. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 24(1), 48-63. https://doi.org/10.1037/law0000135


  • 2022 Early Career Research Award (Association for the Treatment and Prevention of Sexual Abuse; ATSA)
  • 2021 Saleem Shah Early Career Award (American Psychology-Law Society and American Academy of Forensic Psychology)


  • CRIM 103 – Psychological explanations of crime and deviant behaviour
  • CRIM 320 – Quantitative Research Methods
  • CRIM 318 – Special Topics (Forensic Assessment of Offenders)
  • CRIM 418 – Special Topics (Offender Risk Assessment)
  • CRIM 861 – Research Methods II
  • CRIM 872 – Special Topics (Meta-Analysis)


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