
Working Students

Congrats, you got a co-op job! Your hard work, persistence and tailored cover letters & resumes paid off. Now what? When your co-op position has been confirmed by your Coordinator, three things will happen:

Before Your Work Term

Step 1: Employment Confirmation

After you accept a co-op job offer,  you’ll receive an e-mail from your co-op program with instructions on your next steps, which includes your co-op practicum course registration, UPass exemption (if applicable) and more.

Step 2: Placements Outside BC and International

Check with your Medical Services Plan (MSP) about coverage outside of BC - especially for work terms over 4 months.

Students working internationally outside of Canada MUST take the Bridging International Learning Course (BIL) that is managed by the International Co-op office (note: you will need to have your visa, work permit, medical coverage, accommodation, etc. information ready)

During Your Work Term

After registering for your 3-credit IAT co-op practicum course, you will have access to the Working Canvas Course where there are a variety of assignments to complete throughout the term, such as:

  • Creation of at least 3 Learning Objectives
  • Participation in a 1 hour site visit meeting with your co-op coordinator
  • Submission of a work term report
  • Completion of your own self evaluation

Being an "Ambassador for ¶ˇĎăÔ°AV"

You’re eager to start working in your professional co-op job. As an ¶ˇĎăÔ°AV co-op student, you will be seen by your employer and colleagues as an “ambassador for ¶ˇĎăÔ°AV.” What does that mean?

Your behaviour and attitude on the job may affect the reputation of ¶ˇĎăÔ°AV and SIAT Co-op.  It may impact opportunities for future co-op students.  Be professional! Remember the people you work for are your future references.  Below are tips from seasoned Co-op students and employers on professional behaviour:

  • Treat everyone at the office, at every level, with courtesy and respect, including janitors and receptionists.
  • Be on time, even 5 minutes early.  It doesn’t matter that you missed your bus.  Catch the earlier bus so that it’s not a problem.  Being on time isn’t noticed. But being late is.
  • Dress appropriately for the office or lab setting.  If unsure, talk to your new boss.
  • Take a notepad and take notes during any meeting with your boss and colleagues.  It shows active listening and respect.
  • Be on task.  Look for answers and ask questions if you’re unsure and don’t know where to look.  Your boss is not a mind reader.
  • Slow down.  Resist the urge to race through your work and move on to the next task.  Your boss will appreciate error-free work more than fast sloppy work that has to be re-done.
  • Accept a lunch invitation if it feels right.  It’s a great way to make new connections.
  • Report to your formal supervisor if you expect to be late or an unexpected emergency comes up.
  • No social media at work!  This is a big no-no.  We hear a lot about this from employers during site visits.  They don’t like it.  At all. Unless of course, it’s part of your new SIAT Co-op job.
  • Co-op is part of your education and career.  There is formalized feedback to your ¶ˇĎăÔ°AV Co-op Coordinator during your work term that contributes to your learning and professional development.  Make this count; you’ll get more out of your Co-op experience as a result. More on that in the following sections.

Feeling lost or unsure of expectations in your new workplace?  Call us!  Your Co-op Coordinator is there to support you during your work term. Talk to us if you have questions, concerns, uncertainties.