
Seeking Students

Once you complete the mandatory steps in preparing for a seeking term, you will be “released to seek” which means you have access to SIAT Co-op job postings in myExperience.

You must register in at least one academic course while seeking, but we strongly encourage full-time studies to qualify for positions that may require full-time status (e.g. positions funded by grants or international positions for work visa applications).

Job Seeking Process

Step 1: Complete the SIAT Co-op: Preparation Canvas Course and Get Released to Seek

Not sure what is your current status?  

If you are in the SIAT Co-op: Preparation Canvas Course, check that you have completed all assignments and responded to all feedback from the Advisor/Coordinator.  

If you are in the SIAT Co-op: Seeking Canvas Course, check that you have updated all term-specific documents. 

Click here for more information about the SIAT co-op journey and important dates.  

Step 2: Upload Approved Seeking Documents in myExperience

Upload your final seeking documents (SIS form, co-op transcript, resume) to the Documents section in myExperience after you are released to seek. 

Step 3: Apply for Jobs

Once you are released to seek in myExperience, you may start viewing and applying for co-op jobs. We recommend you check the job listings regularly as job postings are added as we receive them from employers. It could take many applications until you are shortlisted. Speak to the Advisor if you need support with preparing your job applications.

Step 4: Prepare for Interviews

In addition to the online resources offered by ¶ˇĎăÔ°AV (e.g. , ), a Co-op Coordinator/Advisor can provide you with interview tips and conduct practice mock-interviews with you. The SIAT Co-op office may also have resources to look through, such as previous Work Term Reports.  

Step 5: Secure A Co-op Job

Keep applying to jobs until you receive a job offer. When you successfully receive and accept a job offer, you will then register in your Co-op Practicum course and begin preparing for your work term. Further instructions will be provided.

Out of Town during Seeking Term

If you will be out of town or unreachable during a seeking term, provide the SIAT Co-op office the details of your absence. Let us know if you will have access to alternate communication methods (e.g. Skype, phone) for interviews, and specify when you will be back in town and available for in-person interviews.

How to be Successful? 

Want to be competitive and outsmart the crowd? Here's how:

Be Active

Check the Job Postings section of myExperience daily; note the company name, contact name, and deadline date for the jobs to which you want to apply. Positions are posted frequently and may only be online for a few days.

The myExperience Student Quick Tips Guide shows you how to use the system and keep track of postings in which you’re interested. (Hint: The "shortlist" feature on myExperience is a great way to favourite and keep track of postings that stand out to you.)

Know Your Competition

Jobs posted with ¶ˇĎăÔ°AV Co-op are often posted at other institutions too. To get shortlisted for an interview, it’s crucial to prepare a customized cover letter and resume for every single job.

Be Ready to Interview

Check your email daily to see if you've been shortlisted for an interview. If you receive a message “shortlisting” you for a job, sign up for an interview time in the Interview section of myExperience. Remember: you only get interview when you apply with strong tailored cover letters and resumes. Each one needs to be unique and flawless.

You’ll want to make sure you’re prepared for an interview. Work reports from previous co-op students are a great resource. Check with the SIAT Co-op Program Assistant for work report availability. Also, you’re encouraged to meet with your Coordinator prior to an interview; it helps settle your nerves and gives you added insight to the job.

Keep Your Options Open

Each co-op position posted in myExperience is attached to an individual co-op program in order that the hiring process can be managed. For example, SIAT jobs are manged by the SIAT Co-op office; CMNS jobs are manged by the Communication Co-op office; and so on.

Many positions, however, actually cross over into more than one discipline. Therefore, don't restrict yourself to just looking at "SIAT" jobs. You could miss out on some amazing opportunities. Apply to any job you're interested in and somewhat qualified for.

Avoid Generic Applications

Generic applications don’t get you shortlisted. They’re just a waste of your time and the employer’s time, plain and simple. Spend the time to create customized tailored cover letters for each and every job; otherwise, don’t apply. We weren’t kidding when we told you co-op takes time… this is why! Expect to spend at least 2 - 3 hours per application.

Consider Student-Developed Work Term

This is an opportunity for you to create a co-op work term with a new employer contact. For more information, go to .