Special Circumstances

Cancellation of Co-op Work Term

If a student's confirmed position is cancelled through no fault of their own, the student must contact a co-op coordinator immediately. Every effort will be made to assist the student in finding another position or arranging to return to school, and in making appropriate adjustments on the transcript regarding the co-op practicum.

Failure to Maintain Academic Standing While on a Work Term

Normally, if a student fails to maintain the academic requirements of their co-op program, they may be permitted to complete their work term, provided the employer agrees. However, the student will not be allowed to apply for another co-op work term until their academic standing has improved.

Extenuating Circumstances During a Co-op Work Term

If a student cannot complete a co-op work term for medical or compassionate reasons, he or she may be eligible to receive a Pass on the work term if all of the following have occurred:

  • the student notifies a co-op coordinator who confirms with the employer that he or she is aware that the student cannot complete the work term;
  • the student provides a co-op coordinator with a letter from their doctor or a medical certificate indicating they cannot complete the term;
  • the coordinator considers the student's performance and learning process on the co-op work term to date to have been satisfactory; and
  • the employer completes a satisfactory evaluation.

Withdrawal from or Failing a Work Term

A student may be assessed a 'Withdrawal' or a 'Fail' for their work term for the following reasons:

  • failure to report for work at the employer's location;
  • ending work term without permission from the co-op coordinator and/or employer;
  • dismissal based on student’s actions;
  • unsatisfactory performance as determined by the employer; or
  • failure to submit required work term documents to their respective program (ie. supervisor’s evaluation form and work report).

In all of the above cases, a coordinator will investigate the circumstances prior to assessing the 'Withdrawal' or 'Fail' grade.

Any student failing a work term will be asked to discuss their situation or circumstance with their co-op coordinator. Failing a co-op work term may result in the student’s withdrawal from ԰AV Co-op.

Appealing a Withdrawal or Fail Grade

A student assessed a Withdrawal or Fail for their co-op work term may appeal their situation in writing to the Director, Work Integrated Learning. Further appeals would follow ԰AV's established academic appeals process described in the ԰AV calendar under “General Regulations”.