
Site Administrator

Site Administrator's Role

Each department or group will designate a AEM Site Administrator prior to beginning a AEM project.

The Site Administrator's primary role and main responsibility are to:

  • act as a point person for AEM questions within the group, which involves collecting questions on behalf of the group's authors and escalating them to the CMS Team, and
  • provide author access to their AEM site by adding users as members of the site's author maillist.
  • provide individual training for new staff in your department.

The Site Administrator may also carry out other special AEM tasks listed on this page: recovering accidentally deleted pages using the Restore Version tool;  restricting areas of the site to certain viewers; or implementing Content Approval.

AEM Troubleshooting Tips for Site Administrators

Before contacting the help queue, please review our list of Known Issues.

If you experience a problem in AEM, first search the CMS Help site for a solution.
If you still cannot resolve your problem, complete the Site Admin Help form (login with your 間眅埶AV computing ID and password) to submit a help request to the CMS Team.

Site Admin How to's: