

Faculty from a broad range of 間眅埶AV departments and faculties are involved in research on climate science, climate change impacts, and mitigation and adaptation solutions. The Tree Map above highlights the research interest from many Faculty researchers working on climate solutions and sustainability related topics.  For other interactive visualizations please check this .

Brief descriptions of Faculty members, their research interests and areas of expertise are provided below.  If you wish to be included in the list below, please contact Nastenka Calle, PICS Program Manager at 間眅埶AV at n_calle@sfu.ca.

Faculty are listed in alphabetical order; for ease of navigation, you may click below on the first initial of a researcher's surname to jump closer to his or her listing on this page. Clicking on a faculty member's name will open a link to his/her individual website.



Dr. Allen's research focuses on hydrogeology with particular emphasis on groundwater resource evaluation and hydrogeological modeling. Her current research focuses on climate change impacts on groundwater systems, groundwater resources in mountainous and coastal regions, and low temperature geothermal (aquifer thermal energy storage) systems and thermal modeling. Dr. Allen is a Professor in the in the and is a member of the .

Ryan Allen is interested in air pollution exposure assessment including indoor and outdoor exposures, air pollution, health effects, and development of methods to reduce exposure misclassification in large epidemiological studies. He is interested in the relationships between climate change, air pollution and health and is a member of the . Dr. Allen is an Associate Professor in the .

Peter Anderson
Dr. Peter Anderson is Associate Professor in the , Director of the 間眅埶AV Telematics Research Laboratory, and Associate Director of the Centre for Policy Research on Science and Technology. He conducts research on social and cultural implications arising from increased dependency on advanced telecommunication networks by governments, industries and the public.

Alissa Antle
Dr. Antle is an Associate Professor in the at 間眅埶AV. Her research focuses on embodied humancomputer interaction and child-computer interaction and proceeds through the design and evaluation of tangible and multi-touch surfaces, and interactive environments.

Dr. Jonn Axsen is an interdisciplinary researcher exploring transitions to sustainable energy systems. He draws from disciplines of economics, psychology, sociology, and engineering to investigate the nexus of technology, environmental policy, and consumer behaviour. In particular, Jonn strives to bring attention to the importance of human aspects of sustainable systemsunderstanding the attitudes, values and lifestyles of individual consumers, and how these can change. Jonns study of consumers' social valuation of plug-in electric vehicles has earned him recognition as Young Researcher of the Year at the OECDs 2011 International Transportation Forum. He is Associate Professor in the , and Director of the .

Dr. Bahrami is a Professor in the and Canada Research Chair in Alternative Energy Conversion Systems. His research interests are in sustainable energy storage and management, thermal management of hybrid electric vehicles and emerging batteries among others.

Lyn Bartram

Lyn Bartram is Associate Professor in the at 間眅埶AV. With Professor Rob Woodbury she leads the Human-Centred Systems for Sustainable Living research group. Her work explores  the  intersecting potential of information technologies, ubiquitous computing, social media and sustainable building design in encouraging conservation and reducing our ecological footprint in our homes and personal activities. Her research draws from a background in computer science, human-computer interaction, computer-supported collaborative work and perceptual and cognitive psychology. She has  a long-standing  interest in how humans interact with complex information ecosystems. Over the last 18 months she has led the design and development of two high profile systems for aware living: North House and West House. North House. a fully net-zero house developed by a pan-Canadian team of  University of Waterloo, 間眅埶AV and Ryerson University, recently placed 4th at the 2009 International Solar Decathlon in Washington, DC.   Bartram and Woodbury followed the success of North House with the 間眅埶AV--led West House project, a fully made-in-Vancouver sustainable home that brings together the City of Vancouver, the public utilities (BC Hydro and Terasen Gas), and a number of industrial and non-profit partners.  Recently showcased at the 2010 Olympics, West House will serve as a technology research space and an occupied living lab to further prototype and study residential methods to support sustainable living.

Stephanie Bertels is Associate Professor at the at 間眅埶AV in Vancouver, Canada.  Stephanie studies how organizations make the transition towards sustainability by undertaking practitioner informed research on sustainable operations, embedding sustainability and sustainability and sustainable innovation. Stephanie was lead author of a systematic review on embedding sustainability for the Network for Business Sustainability and developed an embedding sustainability framework that has been well received by industry

Tracy Brennand
Tracy Brennand is a geomorphologist and sedimentologist. Her main research interests lie in the processes that shape Earths surface, and in particular with the action of glaciers and ice sheets. Her main interest is in understanding how ice sheets operated in the past, with a view to better understanding how present-day ice sheets may behave in the future. She also applied this knowledge to the inventory and management of Canadas natural resources, and to investigations of the action of water on Mars. . Dr. Brennand is an Associate Professor in the in the .

John Clague and his students conduct research in on the recent geologic history of western Canada and on natural hazards. His specific research interests are the history of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet, crustal deformation and sea-level change, climate and environmental change in high mountains, earthquakes, tsunamis, natural dam formation and failure, and landslides. Dr. Clague is Professor and Canada Chair in Natural Hazard Research in the in the .

Alex Clapp
My primary research interest is in understanding the relationship between economic development and environmental change, with the goal of designing of policies that can halt, where possible, the human degradation of ecosystems in pursuit of economic development. I have three main research interests of relevance to PICS' mandate and themes: 1) the carbon sequestration capacities of forests, with special reference to rainforest management. This interest arises from my long-standing research program in the temperate rainforest ecosystems and industries of BC, California, Chile and Tasmania. 2) market-oriented policies for climate change mitigation, including carbon taxes, carbon credits and land-use incentives. I have been studying valuation and markets for ecosystem services like biodiversity, mostly in the context of forests, since 1998 ("Is market-oriented forest conservation a contradiction in terms?" (with Carolyn Crook) Environmental Conservation 25 (2), 1998: 131-145). 3) the roles of science in environmental policy, including scientific review panels, open-source data, and institutional approaches for addressing global environmental change. The Central Coast LRMP process in British Columbia holds some valuable lessons for the IPCC process.

Isabelle C繫t矇 and her group, the Tropical Marine Ecology lab, carry out research that focuses on applied ecological issues pertaining to coastal ecosystems, particularly coral reefs. A particular interest is how climate change and other anthropogenic disturbances interact to affect reefs. Dr. C繫t矇 is a Professor in the in the .

Sean Cox is a fisheries scientist focusing on aquatic conservation and management of human impacts on aquatic ecosystems. His research develops and applies quantitative fisheries stock assessment methods and field research to address issues in the management of commercial and recreational fisheries. Current research themes include (i) design and evaluation of management procedures for commercial groundfish, herring, and salmon fisheries, (ii) design, evaluation, and application of visual survey methods for assessment of Pacific salmon, rockfish, and marine invertebrates, and (iii) spatial population dynamics of inshore rockfish and implications for marine protected area design. Dr. Cox is an Associate Professor in the in the .

Greg Dow's current research focuses on hunter-gatherer societies, the transition to agriculture, and the origins of inequality, hierarchy, and warfare. He recently co-authored a study with two other 間眅埶AV Economics professors, and Clive Reed, that explored the relationship between climate reversals and the transition to agriculture (see the ). Dr. Dow is a Professor in the in the .

Dr Andr矇anne Doyon in an Assistant Professor in the School of Resource and Environmental Management. She conducts research related to urban resilience, sustainability, and climate change. She is particularly interested in questions related to governance, politics, and justice in the transition to a more low-carbon future. 

Michael Eikerling is a Professor in the and has a joint appointment with the NRC Insititute for Fuel Cell Innovation. He is an expert in theoretical chemical physics and electrochemistry. His work combines a spectrum of theoretical methods and molecular modeling approaches to unravel the (multiscale) relations between structure, properties, and performance of materials and devices for electrochemical energy conversion. A shared appointment with the NRC Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation provides excellent conditions for combining fundamental theoretical research with applied research on diagnostics and optimization of performance of polymer electrolyte fuel cells.


Gwenn Flowers is a glaciologist with interests in glacier and ice-sheet dynamics, the hydrology of glacierized systems and the relationship of these systems to climate. More broadly, she is interested in the glaciological elements of watershed hydrology, natural hazards and climate change, including those relevant to British Columbia. Geographically, her past research has been focused in the Yukon and in Iceland. Dr. Flowers is an Associate Professor in the in the Faculty of Science, Canada Research Chair in Glaciology, and is a member of

Maya Gislason
Dr. Maya Gislason conducts research on climate change and public health by developing positive, action oriented approaches to cultivating awareness about the public health impacts of climate change and building capacity to address these impacts. Through transdisciplinary research and knowledge to action initiatives Maya brings together public health professionals, researchers, community members and allies outside of the health sector to work at the interface between improving social and health equity, fostering sustainable community development and strengthening ecosystem resilience. In her role as an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences at 間眅埶AV, Maya's works on climate change includes international initiatives such as co-convening Pathways to Action which celebrates ways in which peoples work is making a difference to climate change a project borne from co-convening the International Association for Ecology and Health's EcoHealth2014 Call to Action on Climate Change. In the UK, Maya also co-convens the British Sociological Association's Climate Change Study Group. In Canada Maya works as part of the Canadian Community of Practice in Ecosystem Approaches to Health and in BC Mayas research is interested in the intersections between public health and large scale social and ecological game changers such as intensive resource extraction and their cumulative community health and environmental impacts.  For more information see: ; ;

Dr. Griffin Cohen has written extensively in the areas political economy and public policy with special emphasis on issues concerning, the Canadian economy, women, labour, electricity deregulation, energy and the environment, and international trade agreements.  She is currently a Professor in the . 

Shane Gunster
Shane Gunster is an associate professor and the Graduate Program Chair in the at 間眅埶AV.  His research and teaching interests focus upon environmental communication, especially the politics of climate and energy. His recent work has been published in the Canadian Journal of Communication, the Canadian Journal of Political Science and edited collections with Wilfrid Laurier University Press, University of Toronto Press and MIT Press. He is currently working on a book manuscript on environmental journalism. He has also worked closely with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives on a variety of research projects associated with the Climate Justice Project led by the CCPA and UBC.

Dr. Gunton is currently Professor and Director of the Resource and Environmental Planning Program at 間眅埶AV. Dr. Guntons works on management issues in a number of resource sectors including forestry, land use, energy, mining and fisheries. He is Chair of the and heads a research team providing advice to First Nations on impacts of oil and gas development and pipeline proposals including the Enbridge Gateway project.

Dr. Grupta is an Associate Professor, Technology and Operations Management in the .  Sudheers research interests include supply chain management, environmental sustainability, emerging markers and economic development, and, innovation and technology adoption.

Dr. Peter V. Hall is an associate professor at the and an associate member in the .  His research program bridges the disciplines of geography, planning and economics, often combining qualitative and quantitative social research methods, to address three areas related to development at the local, urban and regional scales: , , .

Dr. Nick Hedley is Associate Professor in the at 間眅埶AV. Dr. Hedley has been researching geovisualization and interfaces for over 14 years, and virtual environments / mixed reality for a decade or so. He simultaneously works in the areas of new interface technology design, empirical human interface use evaluation, and the development of new theories about how humans engage information and each other through these technologies. His current research emphasis is on geospatial tangible augmented reality (GeoSTAR), mobile geospatial augmented reality, and serious games applied to real geographic problems. Dr. Hedley is the founding director of the Spatial Interface Research Lab at 間眅埶AV.

Anil Hira
Anil Hira is Professor of Political Science at 間眅埶AV in Vancouver, BC. He is the author or editor of 12 peer-reviewed books and special editions of journals and 49 articles and chapters, including  (McGill-Queens University Press, 2013). His research areas cut across comparative and global political economy and public policy. His research focus is examining how industrial, technology, and energy policy can be used to build globally competitive industries in a sustainable way. Forthcoming work includes examinations of public policy approaches to climate change and energy resource management and ways to ameliorate the conditions for workers in export industries in the developing world through improved public management.

Steven Holdcroft
Dr. Steven Holdcroft is a Professor and Chair of the Chemestry Department and a joint affiliation with the NRC Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation.  His research focus on -Conjugated Polymers and Fuel Cells: The common theme of this research program is the role of structure and morphology on the properties of Advanced Functional Polymers. The program bridges polymer synthesis, materials science, organic electronics, electrochemistry, and fuel cell science.

Meg Holden
Dr. Meg Holden is a scholar of and , specializing in urban sustainable development in policy, planning, theory, ethics, and popular expression. Dr. Holden's research takes place in the cities of North America, particularly the Cascadia region, and in cities internationally through her research engagement in a number of global networks of urban professionals and researchers.

Michael Howlett
Dr. Howlett is a Professor and  in the Department of Political Science at 間眅埶AV and  in the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore. He specializes in public policy analysis, political economy, and resource and environmental policy.

Mark Jaccard develops and applies models that assess sustainability policies for energy and materials, and directs the the . A professor in the since 1986, Mark served as Chair and CEO of the B.C. Utilities Commission from 1992-97. He serves on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Nobel Peace Prize in 2007) currently a lead author for the special report on renewable energy. He serves on the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development currently co-chair of a task force on sustainable use of coal. He is convening lead author for sustainable energy policy in the Global Energy Assessment and a member of Canadas National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy.

Dirk Kirste is an aqueous geochemist whose research is primarily directed towards understanding the processes controlling the composition of groundwater and surface water. His research involves both lab and field based work investigating the chemical and isotopic composition of water, minerals and gases. By recognizing and using variations in the chemistry he is able to address problems in our environment, in characterizing and predicting the effects of climate change and in resource exploration and evaluation. Some of his current topics of research include water quality, acid sulfate systems, the geosequestration of CO2 and mineral exploration using hydrogeochemistry. Dr. Kirste is an Assistant Professor in the in the .

Dr. Erik Kjeang is an Assistant Professor in the program and co-director of the Multiscale Thermofluidic Laboratory for Sustainable Energy Research at 間眅埶AV Surrey campus. His research program encompasses the general areas of sustainable energy technologies, microfluidics and nanofluidics, with specialization in electrochemical power sources. Prior to joining 間眅埶AV, Dr. Kjeang worked as a research engineer at Ballard Power Systems, a world leader in hydrogen PEM fuel cell development and manufacturing. He is an established expert in fuel cell science and technology and has authored more than 20 peer-reviewed publications, developed patented technology, and given several invited lectures at major international conferences in this field. His feature research on microfluidic fuel cell technology was awarded with the prestigious Governor General's Gold Medal for outstanding dissertation and numerous other awards and fellowships. Dr. Kjeang holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Victoria and an M.Sc. in Energy Engineering from Umea University, Sweden.

Duncan Knowler is an ecological/environmental economist with extensive experience in the environment and development field. His research interests include the economics of natural resource management in developing countries, valuation of environmental resources and applied bioeconomic modeling. His research has included studies of nutrient enrichment and commercial fisheries in the Black Sea, the economics of invading species, the prospects for community wildlife management in Nepal and Mexico, the sustainability of shrimp-mangrove systems in India and valuing the preservation of fish spawning and spotted owl habitat in Western Canada. Dr. Knowler is is an Associate Professor in the in the and a member of the .

Karen Kohfeld is interested in understanding natural variability and biogeochemical linkages within the ocean and climate system, in order to better assess earth system responses to anthropogenic perturbations. Her research focuses on (1) the influence of climate and land surface conditions on atmospheric dust in the past, present, and future (2) the role of marine biogeochemistry in controlling and sequestering atmospheric CO2, and (3) the growing impact of climate change on extreme weather conditions in British Columbia. Dr. Kohfeld is a Professor in the in the and is a member of the .

Ken Lertzman is interested in a broad range of topics related to forest ecosystem dynamics, conservation, and management. Over the past decade he has focused on how natural disturbance regimes interact with physical aspects of the landscape and with management regimes to produce pattern and dynamics in forest stands and landscapes. Dr. Lertzman has an ongoing interest in how changing climate drives ecosystems and the landscapes and resources available to people who live in them and how people respond to those changes. He has conducted extensive research on the relationships between climate, fires and forests in the coastal rainforests of southwestern BC and dry, fire-maintained forests of the southwestern interior. Dr. Lertzman is a Professor in the in the and is a member of the .

Elicia Maines  research interests are in technology management, technology entrepreneurship, and commercialization of innovation. She is a truly interdisciplinary scholar, having studied as a materials engineer as well as in technology policy and technology management and conducted research in the Materials Systems Lab at MIT, in the Engineering Design Centre at Cambridge, and in the Centre for Technology Management at Cambridge. She has published in numerous leading technology management journals and co-authored a manual entitled Succeeding with New Materials, a Comprehensive Guide for Assessing Market Potential. Dr. Maine has also applied her research as a strategic consultant to such firms as Monitor, Magna, Owens-Corning, Inco and PSAC.  Dr. Maine is an Associate Professor the .

Dr. Sean Markey, Professor with the and an Associate with the and . His research concerns issues of local and regional economic development, rural and small-town development, community sustainability, and sustainable infrastructure. Sean continues to work with municipalities, non-profit organizations, Aboriginal communities and the business community to promote and develop sustainable forms of community economic development.

Rolf Mathewes
Rolf Mathewes's research combines approaches from biology and the earth sciences, and focuses on reconstructing past environmental changes in western Canada. Using a variety of techniques such as pollen analysis, plant macrofossil analysis, and radiocarbon dating, he and his collaborators are working to understand the postglacial recolonization of trees and other plants from glacial refuges to produce the vegetation mosaic of today. Changing climate and its effects on past forest patterns and wetland distribution are of particular interest. His current emphasis is on the postglacial history of coastal British Columbia, particularly the Queen Charlotte Islands, continental shelf and at the subalpine/alpine transition in the mountains. Dr. Mathewes is a Professor in the in the .

Dr. Moallem is a professor in the . His currently active research is focused on control issues in sustainable energy systems including High Brightness LED Lighting Control, Control of Power Electronic Converters, and Energy Harvesting.

Janet is the Director and Associate Professor at 間眅埶AVs Centre for Dialogue where she teaches in the Undergraduate Semester in Dialogue Program (). She has imagined, designed and facilitated intensive, interdisciplinary courses that focus on community engagement, resilience, lifestyle activism, food systems, group process and urban sustainability. She is a research associate with the 間眅埶AV Centre for Sustainable Community Development and her interests include transdisciplinary higher education, transformative learning, community based learning, participatory action research, sustainability education and organizational change in higher education. 

Nancy Olewiler's research has focused in recent years on sustainability, environmental policy and its impact on the economy, and international aspects of environmental policy, including carbon emissions trading and carbon taxation. She has published a variety of academic papers, texts and policy studies in the areas of environmental policy, preservation and valuation of natural capital, and natural resource and environmental economics. Dr. Olewiler is a Professor in the and Director of the in the .

Wendy Palen
Wendy Palen's research program is broadly defined by the ecology of aquatic communities, currently ranging from alpine amphibian populations of the Pacific Northwest, to the river and lake food webs that support salmon populations from California to Alaska. She relies heavily on field-based experimental manipulations to tease apart the mechanistic underpinnings of ecological patterns, from species physiology to food web interactions. However, she is also fundamentally committed to the growing necessity for understanding the dynamics of individuals, populations, and communities at the broad spatial and temporal scales relevant to the conservation and management of aquatic systems. This kind of applied ecological problem-solving requires tailoring a combination of approaches to each particular question; from lab-based physiological assays, behavioural observations, manipulative field experiments, landscape-scale surveys, paleoecological reconstructions, to the quantitative techniques required to draw all of them together. Dr. Palen is an Assistant Professor in the in the .

Dr. Pinkerton is a maritime anthropologist who has integrated common property theory and cultural/political ecology in considering the role communities play in the management of adjacent renewable natural resources. She has played a key role in developing the theory and practice of power-sharing and stewardship through co-management agreements.  She is a professor in the and lead the at 間眅埶AV.

John Reynolds
John Reynolds is interested in conservation and ecology of Pacific salmon with an emphasis on their ecosystems, including connections between marine, freshwater and terrestrial habitats. He and his team have set up a variety of long-term field studies and experiments designed to understand how various human impacts on salmon and their habitats translate into population declines and recovery, including the many species of terrestrial plants and animals that are linked to nutrients and trophic interactions involving salmon. This includes analyses to predict consequences of climate change for both coastal and interior British Columbia populations. At the same time, he is continuing with his interests in the biology of extinction risk, using large-scale comparative analyses of marine and freshwater fish species to understand how life histories interact with particular kinds of threats to determine population responses, with an emphasis on fisheries, and including climate change. Dr. Reynolds is a Professor in the in the and is a member of the .

Anne Salomon is interested in understanding the ecological and socio-economic processes driving coastal marine ecosystems and seeks to apply this understanding to marine conservation and management. Broadly, Anne is interested in (1) the cascading effects of predator depletion on marine food webs, carbon flux and resilience, (2) factors driving and maintaining alternative stable states, (3) marine reserve design and evaluation, (4) dynamics of social-ecological systems, and (5) climate change impacts on coastal ocean ecosystems.  Dr. Salomon is Associate Professor in the in the

Dr. Tammara Soma is an Assistant Professor at the School of Resource and Environmental Management at 間眅埶AV where she conducts research on issues pertaining to food system resiliency, consumption, food waste, and circular economy. Her research focuses on developing food resiliency planning for cities facing the impact of climate change. She also conducts research on solutions for food waste prevention and reduction and is active in youth engagement. She recently completed a project funded by the  to create an Action Kit for youth, to tackle climate change through food waste reduction, prevention and recovery. She is the Research Director and Co-Founder of the  based at 間眅埶AV. The Food Systems Lab is the first social innovation lab to tackle the issue of food waste in Canada. 

Tim Takaro
Dr. Takaro's primary research areas focus on disease susceptibility factors in environmental and occupational health, particularly inflammatory lung conditions, including asthma, chronic beryllium disease and asbestosis. His approach as a researcher and physician has been to try to link laboratory biomarker innovations with public health practice including community-based interventions. His research interests in climate change relate to adaptive capacity for public health, including water and heat related illness. Dr. Takaro is a Professor in the and is a member of the .

Jeremy Venditti is interested in the geomorphic and sedimentary processes that shape Earth's surface. He works at a range of temporal and spatial scales from detailed examinations of sediment dynamics occurring over fractions of a second in laboratory channels to monitoring annual river and watershed responses to human impacts. The theme of his research throughout his career has been erosion and sedimentation processes, particularly in river channels. He uses a spectrum of research approaches, including field observation and experimentation, physical modeling in laboratories, development of theoretical models, and numerical simulation. Dr. Venditti is an Assistant Professor in the in the .

Krishna Vijayaraghavan is an assistant professor in the .  His research is the improvement of Green (Renewable) Energy Technology through Complex Flow Modelling and Nonlinear Control. He is also interested in Energy Harvesing, Battery-less Sensing and in Design.

. His research interests are in: Power Converter Topologies, Modulation, and Control, Industrial Drives, Alternative Energy Conversion and Integration, Plug-in Electric Vehicle Charging.

John Welch is an anthropologist and social archaeologist with research interests grounded in broad questions about how communities develop, employ, and sustain environmental and cultural stewardship precepts and practices. What cultural values and historical circumstances influence the conservation of places, objects, and traditions? How do stewardship practices and policies affect governance in general and First Nations sovereignty in particular? What lessons about sustainability and other forms of recommended practice derive from collaborations with indigenous and place-based communities? Dr. Welch is an Associate Professor in the in the  and in the  in the.

Dr. Meghan Winters is an epidemiologist interested in the link between health, transportation, and city design.  She received her Ph.D. in 2011 from the School of Population and Public Health at the University of British Columbia (UBC). She completed a brief post-doctoral fellowship at the Centre for Hip Health and Mobility at Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute, studying on older adults' mobility and the built environment.  Dr. Winters joined the as an Assistant Professor in July 2011. 

Hendrik Wolff
Hendrik Wolff is an Associate Professor of Economics at 間眅埶AV. He is co-editor of the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management and on the editorial council of the new journal, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (JAERE). Hendrik's main research is in environmental economics, working at the intersection of transportation, air pollution, energy and health. This includes the economic causes and consequences of air pollution; the value of time; the impact of energy conservation policies on electricity consumption; cost benefit analysis of the clean air act and its effects on health; the interactions between climate, local prices, wages and quality of life; and the economics of Daylight Saving Time. He also developed new econometric estimators for large supply and demand systems that are used in agriculture and energy. He has conducted research projects in Ecuador, Germany, Mexico, Australia, Bangladesh, Ghana, England, Chile and the United States. Hendrik is a Faculty Affiliate of the UW Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology, an IZA Research Fellow, and a CESIfo Research Network Affiliate.

Rob Woodbury
Robert Woodbury is a Professor at 間眅埶AV. He is the Director, Art and Design Practice of the Canadian Graphics, Animation, and New Media Network. His research is in computational design, visual analytics, and human-centered systems for sustainable living.

David Zandvliet is an Associate Professor in the at 間眅埶AV in Vancouver, Canada and the founding Director of the Institute for Environmental Learning. An experienced researcher, he has published articles in international journals and presented conference papers on six continents and in over 15 countries. His career interests lie in the areas of science and environmental education and learning environments. He has considerable experience in the provision of teacher development and has conducted studies in school-based locations in Australia, Canada, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Taiwan.

Kirsten Zickfeld
Kirsten Zickfeld is a climate scientist with a particular interest in anthropogenic climate change. Her current research focuses on (i) the interactions between climate and the carbon cycle, (ii) the century-scale response of the climate system to greenhouse gas emissions, and (iii) the emissions implications of long-term climate targets such as limiting global mean warming to below 2 0 C. Her research interests also include potential climate tipping points, in particular shutdown of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation, and disruption of the Asian monsoon. Dr. Zickfeld is an assistant professor in the in the at 間眅埶AV, and an adjunct professor in the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences at the University of Victoria.