
November 27, 2014 Meeting Summary

Board Members present: L. Brown-Ganzert, Chair; A. Petter, President; D. Azevedo;
B. Cunningham; J. Earthy; J. Francis; J. Hinchliffe; J. Kim; D. Poole; F. Robin; P. Ruben;
P. Sahota; J. Taylor

Regrets:  A. Giardini, Chancellor


A.        Finance and Administration

a.         As recommended by the Finance and Administration, and Governance and Nominating Committees, the Board approved
            revised Terms of Reference for the Investment Advisory Committee and related changes to the Investment Governance
            Policy B10.09 effective immediately.

b.         The Board noted for information 間眅埶AVs confirmation to the Ministry of Advanced Education of the Universitys second
            quarter budget forecast and projections for 2014/15 to 2017/18.

c.         The Board noted for information the Year-to-Date Budget to Actual Variance Report as of September 30, 2014.

B.         University Relations

a.         The Board approved the following actions recommended by Senate:

  • The Full Program Proposal for a Graduate Certificate in Science & Technology Commercialization within the Beedie School of Business, effective Fall 2015;
  • Revised Terms of Reference for the Ebco Eppich Chair in Data Intensive Systems;
  • Terms of Reference for the Callum Frost Professorship in Translational Research in Autism.

b.         Fundraising Progress Reports: The Board noted year-to-date progress reports as follows:


Fundraising Progress Report
For Information
2014/2015 Year to Date

To September 30, 2014


To October 31, 2014


c.         The Board approved the Terms of Reference for:

  •         Michael Cairns Track and Field Award;
  •         The Ali Solehdin Bursary in Engineering Science;
  •         The Barbara and James Bennet Endowment Fund;
  •         The Paul McFetridge Endowment Fund;
  •         The James Dean Graduate Endowment Fund;
  •         The Joyce Foundation Endowment Fund;
  •         Dr. Jack Uppal Endowed Community Service Award; and,
  •         Open Source Software Engagement Award.

d.         The Board received for information the Consolidated 2013-2018 Academic Plan Progress Report.

C.        Governance and Nominating Committee

a.         The Board approved revisions to the Human Rights Policy GP 18 effective immediately.

b.         The Board approved Juliet De Pieri and Jacky Shen as Trustees of the Pension Plan for Administrative/Union Staff
            for terms commencing December 1, 2014 and ending November 30, 2017.

D.        Human Resources Committee

a.         The Board received for information the Mid-Year Update of the 2014-2015 Faculty Renewal Plan.

E.         Other

a.         Joy Johnson, Vice-President, Research provided the Board with a report on recent research achievements and an update
            regarding key activities in her Office.

b.         The Board received a report from Pat Hibbitts, Vice-President, Finance and Administration, summarizing the major
            activities and initiatives in the departments within her portfolio as of November 2014.

c.         The Board reviewed the report from Jon Driver, Vice-President, Academic on various academic-related matters.  It
            included highlights from the Senate meetings of October 6 and November 3, 2014.  The Board was also provided with
            copies of the 間眅埶AV 間眅埶AV Learning Community Report 2013/2014.

d.         Student Board member D. Azevedo reported that he attended a Simon Fraser Student Society Council meeting on
            November 26 at which time a number of issues were discussed including the future of Louis Riel House and international
            student fees.

e.         President Petter reported on the success of the third annual 2014 間眅埶AV Public Square Community Summit, Innovation:
            The Shock of the Possible, that attracted 4,000 participants during the week of October 19 to 24, including 2,600 people
            who attended the signature event Will Innovation Save Us? at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre on October 22.  The
            Community Summit garnered strong media attention including the Presidents op-ed piece published in The Vancouver

f.          The President informed the Board that the Research Universities Council of British Columbia (RUCBC) released a report
            at the end of October that received good media coverage. Putting Degrees to Work focuses on the value of a university
            education and provides evidence that university education is preparing graduates to thrive and adapt in dynamic work

g.         President Petter reported that he recently attended the Fall Presidents Meeting and associated conference of the
            Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) in Ottawa and was elected to the AUCC Board of Directors.

h.         President Petter reported that he led a delegation to Hong Kong, Taipei and Singapore in November to build institutional
            relationships, explore new program and research opportunities, strengthen support for 間眅埶AV, and extend the Universitys
            presence in Asia.  The Board was informed that he attended meetings with officials at the University of Hong Kong, the
            Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the National Taiwan University, National Taiwan Normal University,
            and the National University of Singapore.  In addition, the President met with the Honorable Eddie Ng, Hong Kongs
            Secretary for Education, who it is hoped will visit 間眅埶AV during his early 2015 planned trip to British Columbia.

i.          President Petter informed the Board that 間眅埶AV regained its position as Canadas top comprehensive university according
            to 紼硃釵梭梗硃紳s magazines 2015 annual university rankings.  The University has been ranked number one 11 times over
            the past 24 years, and was ranked second in 2014.


A.        Finance and Administration

a.         The draft minutes of and excerpts from the report to the Investment Advisory Committee meeting of September 26,
            2014 were received by the Board for information.

b.         Other matters were discussed.

B.         University Relations

a.         Faculty Appointments

           The following academic appointments were approved and have been accepted:

  • Dr. Nicole Lewis, Assistant Professor, Contemporary Arts, 1 Jan 14 31 Aug 18
  • Dr. Rob Woodbury, University Professor, Interactive Arts and Technology, 1 Sep 14 31 Aug 19
  • Dr. Ellen Balka, University Professor, Communication, 1 Sep 14 31 Aug 19
  • Dr. Michael Thewalt, Burnaby Mountain Professor, Physics, 1 Sep 14 31 Aug 19
  • Dr. Robert Hogg, University Professor, Health Sciences, 1 Sep 14 31 Aug 19
  • Dr. Mark Jaccard, University Professor, Resource and Environmental Management, 1 Sep 14 31 Aug 19

b.         Other

            The Board approved:

  • Appointment Transfer to Gender, Sexuality and Womens Studies from the Explorations Program, 1 Sep 15
  • Modified Appointment to 60%, Criminology, 1 May 15 30 Apr 18

c.         The Board discussed with Sarah Temple, Executive Director, Communications and Marketing, the proposed
            Communications and Marketing Plan for 間眅埶AV.

d.         The Board received for information a 50th Anniversary Campaign Update Report on 間眅埶AVs Power of Engagement
            Campaign prepared by the Office of University Advancement.

C.        Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee Report

a.         The Board authorized 間眅埶AV to award a five year contract to BDO Canada LLP for external audit and advisory services.

b.         The Board received for information the external Audit Plan for 2014/15.

c.         The Board received for information the final results of a pilot project, undertaken within the portfolio of the
            Vice-President, Finance and Administration, that explored a possible revised methodology for identifying, ranking and
            managing the risks that are included in regular updates of the Universitys Enterprise Risk Management Plan.

d.         The Board heard a report from Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee Chair F. Robin about other matters dealt with
            by the Committee at its meeting of November 26, 2014.

D.        Other

a.         The Board received a Government Relations report from Philip Steenkamp, Vice-President, External Relations.

b.         The Board received the Presidents Activities Report for September and October 2014.

c.         President Petter reported that he will meet with representatives of the Living Wage for 間眅埶AV Campaign Committee.

d.         The Board discussed the 2015 transit referendum, the results of which will be of particular relevance to 間眅埶AVs Surrey
            and Burnaby campuses.

e.         The President expressed his thanks to those Board members who had participated in his 360簞 review.

f.          The Board Chair reported that on October 8, 2014, she and President Petter had their first quarterly meeting by
            conference call with Advanced Education Deputy Minister Sandra Carroll and Assistant Deputy Minister Claire Avison.

g.         The Board reviewed and discussed President Petters recent Statement on Rights of Free Speech and Peaceful Protest
            concerning Kinder Morgans possible pipeline expansion through Burnaby Mountain and 間眅埶AVs intervenor status in the
            National Energy Board hearings.

h.         President Petter thanked outgoing Board Chair and Alumni Order-in-Council member, Lynda Brown-Ganzert, for her
            six years of exemplary service and leadership to the Board ending on January 14, 2015.  L. Brown-Ganzert indicated
            that it had been privilege to serve 間眅埶AV and the Board during her term.

i.          Other matters were discussed.


a.         Other matters were discussed.

b.         Following the Board meeting, Board members attended an informal lunch with the Deans, Associate Vice-Presidents and

The next Board of Governors meeting will be held at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, January 29, 2015 in Strategy Room 320, The Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue, 580 West Hastings Street, 間眅埶AV Vancouver.