
June 26, 2014 Meeting Summary

June 26, 2014

Board Members present: L. Brown-Ganzert, Chair; A. Petter, President; B. Cunningham; D. Azevedo; J. Earthy; J. Francis; J. Hinchliffe; J. Kim; D. Poole; F. Robin; P. Ruben; P. Sahota; J. Taylor

Regrets: A. Giardini, Chancellor


  1. Finance and Administration
  1. The Board approved changes to the Terms of Reference of the Community Trust Endowment Fund.  The next review will be required by June 26, 2019 or sooner.
  2. As jointly recommended by the Finance and Administration, and Governance and Nominating Committees, the Board approved a new Responsible Investment Policy, B 10.16, and Terms of Reference for the Responsible Investment Committee with minor modifications to the composition of its membership. The approval of the Responsible Investment Policy authorizes the University to proceed with its application to become a signatory to the United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment.
  1. University Relations
  1. The Board approved the following actions recommended by Senate on May 20, 2014:
    • the dissolution of the Early Learning Specialization Program within the Faculty of Education, effective Spring 2015;
    • the Full Program Proposal for a Joint Major in English and History in the Department of English and the Department of History within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, effective Spring 2015;
    • the Terms of Reference for the City of Surrey-Powertech-NSERC Executive Industrial Research Chair in Energy Systems for Smart Cities.
  2. The Board approved the following action recommended by Senate on June 9, 2014:
    • the Full Program Proposal for a Certificate in Performance Studies in the Department of English within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, effective Spring 2015.
  3. The Board approved the Institutional Accountability Plan and Report for 2014/15 to 2016/17 to be presented to the Ministry of Advanced Education.
  4. The Board received for information a status report on progress to date with respect to the 2012-2016 Alumni Engagement Strategic Plan.  A copy of the 2013-2014 Alumni Annual Report was also provided for information.
  5. Fundraising Progress Reports The Board noted year-to-date progress reports as follows:

Fundraising Progress Report

For Information

2014/2015 Year to Date

To April 30, 2014


To May 31, 2014


  1. The Board approved the Terms of Reference for the:
    • SurreyCares Endowment Non Profit Leader Award;
    • Empresario Endowed Entrepreneur Award;
    • 間眅埶AV-Douglas College Endowment Supporting the Kate Ross Doing and Discovery Awards;
    • Dave Barrett BC Federation of Labour Award;
    • The Dekleva Family Annual Bursary;
    • Shaughn Clements Biological Sciences Graduate Award Endowment Fund; and,
    • G10 Endowment Fund Supporting the G10 Entrance Bursary.
  1. Governance and Nominating
  1. The Board approved Nilima Nigam and Nicolas Schmitt as Trustees of the Pension Plan for Members of the Academic Staff as faculty representatives commencing July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2016.
  1. Other
  1. Board Chair Lynda Brown-Ganzert welcomed Jesse Taylor, a graduate student in Biological Sciences, and Deven Azevedo, an undergraduate student in Environmental Science, elected by students to replace Y. Norouzi and C. Kwon on the Board from June 1, 2014 to May 31, 2015.  She also congratulated Jo Hinchliffe on her re-election by staff for a further three years ending May 31, 2017.
  2. L. Brown-Ganzert informed the Board that Wendy Grant-John resigned from the Board effective June 10, 2014 due to increased demands on her time.  She indicated that Dr. Grant-Johns affiliation with the University is expected to continue in other ways and asked that the record reflect the Boards appreciation for her service since being appointed by Order-in-Council on January 31, 2013.
  3. The Board Chair and President each congratulated Mario Pinto, outgoing Vice-President, Research, on his appointment as the next President of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, effective fall 2014.
  4. L. Brown-Ganzert thanked Board members who participated in the June Convocation ceremonies and Installation of Chancellor Anne Giardini, Q.C.  She also thanked staff responsible for the organization of these events.
  5. The Board Chair commended staff involved in the preparation of the Final Core Review Report that was formally presented to the Minister of Advanced Education on June 9, 2014.
  6. Board member June Francis reported that the Beedie School of Business hosted the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business (AIB) in Vancouver from June 23 to 26. The AIB is the leading international association of scholars and specialists in the field of international business.  Dr. Rosalie Tung, Ming and Stella Wong Professor of International Business at the Beedie School of Business, will become the President of the AIB on August 1, 2014.
  7. P. Hibbitts, Vice-President, Finance and Administration, reported that she attended the opening of the Peace Labyrinth at 間眅埶AV Burnaby on June 21.
  8. J. Osborne, Vice-President, Legal Affairs and University Secretary, informed the Board that in addition to his duties as Director of Academic Relations, Doug Thorpe-Dorward will assist her in providing support to the Board of Governors during the parental leave of Li-Jeen Broshko, General Counsel and Associate University Secretary.
  9. President Petter commented on the recently held Convocation ceremonies during which Anne Giardini, Q.C., was installed at the Universitys 11th Chancellor and four Honorary Degrees conferred. He indicated that a Public Policy Fellowship will be established in the name of outgoing Chancellor Carole Taylor.
  10. The President informed the Board that 間眅埶AV, in partnership with Ryerson University and the Ontario Institute of Technology, has developed a proposal that is advancing to the next stage in the process to obtain federal funding under the Canada Accelerator and Incubator Program (CAIP) for the creation of the Zones of Incubation and Innovation aimed at targeting sectors in digital technologies and gaming and creating an innovation network between western and eastern Canada.  Only 15 of 300 proposals submitted under the CAIP are being considered, five of which involve participants from British Columbia.
  11. President Petter noted a number of major conferences recently hosted by 間眅埶AV, including the 97th Canadian Chemistry Conference, the 48th Annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association, Social Frontiers Canada The Next Edge of Social Innovation Research, the 間眅埶AV-NATO Defense College joint summit the Euro-Atlantic Meets Asia Pacific: NATO, Partners and the US Rebalance, and the International Intersectionality Conference.
  12. President Petter reported on the success of the 5th Annual 間眅埶AV Athletics Gathering of the Clan Fundraising Breakfast hosted by 間眅埶AV honorary degree recipient Brian Williams on May 30, 2014, at which time it was announced that the University has been recognized by the NCAA for its academic leadership with a student-athlete academic success rate of 100%.
  13. The President reported that the Emergency Response simulation exercise on June 4, 2014 involving the RCMP Emergency Response Team (ERT), members of the Burnaby RCMP detachment, other first responders, and a number of 間眅埶AV faculty, staff and volunteers, was successful and instructive to all involved.
  14. President Petter introduced Dr. Kathleen Cross, replacing Mavis MacMillen as Director of the Presidents Office. Dr. Cross was a limited term Assistant Professor in the School of Communication.
  15. The President informed the Board that the Goldcorp Centre for the Arts will host the July 3 to 12, 2014 Indian Summer Festival, celebrating arts, ideas and diversity.
  16. The Board received a report from Mario Pinto, Vice-President, Research, on research-related matters and notable achievements. He informed the Board that the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) is providing approximately $13 million in new funding to 間眅埶AV researchers under its 2014 Discovery grant and Research Tools and Instruments competition. 間眅埶AV researchers surpassed the national average in all three categories and led the country with a 97% success rate, versus the national average of 80% in the established researcher category.
  17. The Board received a report from Pat Hibbitts, Vice-President, Finance and Administration, summarizing the major activities and initiatives in the departments within her portfolio as of June 2014.
  18. Jon Driver, Vice-President, Academic provided the Board with a copy of the results of the Graduate Student Exit Survey conducted by the Office of Graduate Studies six months after each of the June and October 2012 convocations.


  1. Finance and Administration
  1. The Board approved the 2015/2016 to 2019/2020 Five Year Capital Plan for submission to the Ministry of Advanced Education.
  2. The Board received for information an update on the plan for the development of a sustainable neighbourhood district energy heating system to serve 間眅埶AV Burnaby and the UniverCity precinct.
  3. The Board approved 間眅埶AV and Collegiate Infrastructure Solutions Inc. (CIS) entering into a Letter of Intent whereby 間眅埶AV will provide a 65 year ground lease to CIS in exchange for a recreation and athletics facility.
  4. Other matters were discussed.
  1. University Relations
  1. The Board received fundraising progress reports for April and May 2014.
  2. The Board discussed the ways in which members can become more engaged in 間眅埶AVs 50th Anniversary Campaign.
  1. Human Resources
  1. Faculty Appointments

The following academic appointments were approved and have been accepted:

  • Dr. Nicholas A. Scott, Assistant Professor, Sociology and Anthropology, 1 Sep 14 31 Aug 18
  • Dr. Blaize Reich, RBC Financial Professor in Technology and Innovation, Beedie School of Business, 1 Apr 14 31 Mar 19
  • Dr. Adel Talaat Iskandar Farag, Assistant Professor, Communication, 1 Sep 14 31 Aug 18
  • Dr. Benjamin Adcock, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, 1 Aug 14 31 Aug 18
  • Dr. Christina Adcock, Assistant Professor, History, 1 Sep 14 31 Aug 18
  • Mr. Nicolas Pereda, Assistant Professor, Contemporary Arts, 1 Aug 14- 31 Aug 18
  • Dr. Vicki Marlatt, Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences, 1 Sept 14 31 Aug 18
  • Dr. Irene Botosaru, Assistant Professor, Economics, 1 Sep 14 31 Aug 18
  • Dr. Nathan Ilten, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, 1 Jul 14 31 Aug 18
  1. Administrative Appointments

The Board approved:

  • Dr. Martin Laba, Acting Director, Communication, 1 Sep 14 31 Aug 15
  • Dr. Eleanor Stebner, Chair, Humanities, 1 Sep 14 31 Aug 17
  • Dr. Jeff Sonier, Chair, Physics, 1 Sep 14 31 Aug 17
  1. Other

The Board approved:

  • An early retirement in Computing Science effective 1 Dec 14
  1. Other
  1. The Board received the Presidents Activities Report for May 2014.
  2. The Board Chair thanked outgoing Vice-President, Research Mario Pinto for his contributions to both 間眅埶AV and the Board and presented him with a token of appreciation.
  3. The Board was provided with an update on the Universitys compliance with Canadas Anti-Spam legislation.
  4. The Board discussed 間眅埶AVs presentation to the Minister of Advanced Education on the Core Review process within the post-secondary education sector.
  5. Other matters were discussed.

The next Board of Governors meeting will be held at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, September 25, 2014 at 間眅埶AV Surrey, Room SUR 5360.

In the place where innovative education, cutting-edge research and community outreach intersect, you'll find 間眅埶AV. Our ? To be Canada's leading engaged university.

Born in 1965, 間眅埶AV has become Canada's leading comprehensive university with vibrant campuses in British Columbia's largest municipalities  VancouverBurnaby and Surrey  and deep roots in partner communities throughout the province and around the world.