
September 27, 2012 Meeting Summary

Board Members present:  B. Taylor, Chair; A. Petter, President; C. Taylor, Chancellor;
L. Brown-Ganzert; B. Cunningham; J. Francis; A. Hall; J. Hinchliffe; J. Kim; A. Pilarinos;
D. Poole; N. Schmitt; J. Singh

Regrets:  A. Giardini; N. MacKay


The Board heard a short presentation from Ms. Elizabeth Model, Executive Director of the Downtown Surrey Business Improvement Association about recent and future development initiatives in Surrey City Centre, and the role ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV has and will continue to play as a core institution in that area.

A.        Finance and Administration

a.         Fundraising Progress Reports: The Board noted year-to-date progress reports as


Fundraising Progress Report

For Information

2012/2013 Year to Date

To May 31, 2012


To June 30, 2012


To July 31, 2012


To August 31, 2012



b.         The Board approved the Terms of Reference for the:

  • Alexia Sepideh Kiaii Memorial Endowment Fund;
  • EMBA Scholarship for Aboriginal Leaders;
  • Simon Fraser Student Society Annual Undergraduate Award;
  • Cecilia Suragh Memorial Endowment Fund;
  • Bhagat Puran Singh-Sikh Community Bursary;
  • Liz Elliot Memorial Graduate Scholarship;
  • Maple Batalia Memorial Bursary in Health Sciences;
  • Minerva Foundation Annual Award for BC Aboriginal Women – Kwakiutl Nation;
  • Gregory Placonouris Annual Memorial Graduate Bursary in English;
  • Gordon R. Elliott Scholarship in Writing & Rhetoric;
  • Beedie Family Graduate Scholarship Endowment Fund;
  • Beedie Family Undergraduate Student Experience Endowment;
  • Beedie Family Visiting Fellows Endowment Fund;
  • Jennifer Prosser Wade and Family Annual Award in Scottish Studies;
  • BC Egg Marketing Board Annual Graduate Scholarship;
  • BC Egg Marketing Board Annual Undergraduate Scholarship;
  • Dr. Hari Sharma Foundation Annual Awards for Labour Studies;
  • 54th Avenue Capital Corporation Annual Bursary;
  • Horbulyk Family Annual Bursary;
  • Lenami Godinez Avila Memorial Endowed Bursary;
  • Nutrition Link Services Society Annual Bursary;
  • Vancouver Branch – BC Retired Teachers’ Association Annual Bursary.

c.         The Board approved revised Articles of the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Community Corporation and
            Shareholder Resolutions, effective immediately.

d.         The Board received for information the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Community Trust & UniverCity Code of
            Conduct & Employee Manual, and the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Community Trust & UniverCity Policy Manual
            for Directors & Senior Officers.

e.         The Board received the University’s Statement of Financial Information for the year
            ended March 31, 2012.

f.          The Board approved a new name for and revisions to Policy AD 3.02, Business and
            Travel Expenses, effective immediately.

g.         The Board approved revisions to Policies GP 3, Donations, and GP 35, Named
            Recognition of Buildings, Academic Endowments and Academic Units.

h.         The Board noted for information ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s confirmation to the Ministry of Advanced
             Education, Innovation and Technology of the University’s first quarter budget forecast
             and projections for 2012/13 to 2015/16.

i.          The Board noted for information the Year-to-Date Budget to Actual Variance Report as of
            July 31, 2012.

j.          The Board received for information ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s Year One Self Evaluation Report submitted to
            the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities as required by the
            accreditation process.

k.         The Board approved the appointment of Ms. Juliet De Pieri as a Trustee of the
            Administrative/Union Pension Plan Board of Trustees replacing Mr. Mehrdad Rastan as
            the CUPE representative effective immediately through to November 30, 2014.

l.          The Board received a report from the Vice-President, Finance and Administration
            summarizing the major activities and initiatives in the departments within her portfolio
            as of September 2012.  She provided an additional update on the successful fall launch
            of and positive feedback received to the revised food services model, and related search
            for an ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Food Services Manager, and informed the Board of the recent signing of a
            non-binding MOU between ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV and the Simon Fraser Student Society (SFSS) to provide
            a framework for moving toward the development of a Student Union Building – ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV

B.         Academic Operations

a.         The Board approved the following actions recommended by Senate:

  • Dissolution of the Advanced Certificate in Criminology, effective spring 2013;
  • Full Program Proposal for the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV-Communication University of China, Master of Arts Double Degree Program in Global Communications in the School of Communication in the Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology;
  • Faculty of Health Sciences Terms of Reference for the Proposed Chair in HIV/AIDS at St. Paul’s Hospital;
  • Terms of Reference of the Ryan Beedie Chair in Finance;
  • Terms of Reference of the Keith Beedie Chair in Innovation and Entrepreneurship;
  • Dissolution of Certificate in Family Studies in the Department of Sociology & Anthropology in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, effective summer 2013.

b.         The Board received for information the Action Plan from the External Review of the
            School for the Contemporary Arts.

c.         Other matters dealt with by Senate on June 11, July 9 and September 10, 2012 were
            noted for information.

d.         The Board approved the Institutional Accountability Plan and Report for 2012/13 to
            2014/15 to be presented to the Ministry of Advanced Education, Innovation and

e.         The Board received a report from the Vice-President, Academic on various academic
            related matters.  J. Driver provided an additional update on enrolment, noting that the
            Surrey School District provides more domestic students than any other district, and the
            top two college transfer institutions are Fraser International College and Douglas

C.        External Relations

a.         The Board discussed the success of the inaugural Community Summit, part of the
            newly launched ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Public Square initiative.

b.         The Board was informed that Creative Services, formerly within the Teaching and
            Learning Centre, has been moved into the External Relations portfolio.  This
            realignment will help expand capacity in the marketing and communications areas.

D.        Governance

a.         The Board unanimously approved revisions to the Rules of the Board of Governors,
            Policy B 10.01 to comply with recent amendments to the University Act.  Other changes
            to the Act, imposing certain limitations on those eligible to serve as elected members,
            had previously been incorporated into the Board Election Rules, approved by the Board
            on May 31 and by Senate on July 9, 2012.

E.         Other

a.         President Petter reported on a number of recent activities in which he had been
            engaged, including a dinner with the Executives of both Student Societies and breakfast                 with Senior Administrators regarding ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s Strategic Vision.  He also informed the
            Board of his intention to begin a series of receptions for departmental faculty and staff at
            the President’s Residence.

b.         A. Petter thanked P. Hibbitts, Mark McLaughlin, Executive Director, Ancillary Services,
            and Mark Zimmerman, Project Co-ordinator, for their work on the revised food services

c.         The President gave a brief report to the Board on the following initiatives:  the recent
            opening of the Centre for Digital Media at Great Northern Way being delivered by ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV,
            the President’s Dream Colloquium series in fall 2012 and spring 2013, and the granting
            to ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV of full membership status in Division 2 of the NCAA.

d.         A. Petter reported that the Presidents of the Research Universities’ Council of BC are
            developing a position paper regarding the value of post-secondary education and
            research as a cornerstone of a strong provincial economy.  ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV will also be seeking
            opportunities to make the case for its priorities, including the issue of deferred
            maintenance, and expansion of the Surrey campus.

e.         The Board received a report from the Vice-President, Research on research-related
            matters and notable achievements.

f.          The Board Chair welcomed the following new Board members:

  • Angie Hall and Andreas Pilarinos, elected by students to replace P. Tashakor and M.     Fontaine from June 1, 2012 to May 31, 2013;
  • June Francis, elected by faculty to replace P. Percival from June 1, 2012 to May 31, 2015;
  • David Poole, appointed by Order-in-Council to replace B. Elton from July 13, 2012 to January 15, 2014; and
  • Nicolas Schmitt, elected by faculty to replace G. Myers for the remainder of his term from September 1, 2012 to May 31, 2013.

g.         The Board Chair reported that he has accepted, with regret, the resignation of Order-
             in-Council Board member Nancy MacKay, effective September 21, 2012.

h.         The Board Chair reminded Board members of the fall Convocation ceremonies taking
            place on October 4 and 5, 2012.


A.        Finance and Administration

a.         The Board was informed of the decision of the IT Strategies Committee that the Canvas
            Learning Management System will replace WebCT as the University’s platform for
            course delivery and management.

b.         The Board received for information a Capital Projects and Planning Program Status
            Report as of September 1, 2012.

c.         The Board engaged in a preliminary discussion about the University’s budget for fiscal
            year 2013/14.

d.         The Board received fundraising progress reports for May, June, July and August 2012.

B.         Academic Operations

a.         Faculty Appointments

            The following academic appointments were approved and have been accepted:

  • Dr. Weiran Sun, Assistant Prof., Mathematics, 1 Aug 12 – 31 Aug 16
  • Dr. Ryan Morin, Assistant Prof., Molecular Biology & Biochemistry, 1 Aug 12 – 31 Aug 16
  •  Dr. Ryan D'Arcy, Professor with tenure, Engineering Science/Computing Science (joint),
    1 Sep 12
  • Dr. Remi Leger, Assistant Prof., Political Science, 1 Sep 12 – 31 Aug 16
  • Professor Sabine Bitter, Assistant Prof., Contemporary Arts, 1 Sep 12 – 31 Aug 16
  • Dr. Rebecca Cox, Assistant Professor, Education, 1 Jan 13 – 31 Aug 16
  • Dr. Tony Williams, University Professor, Biological Sciences, 1 Sep 12 – 31 Aug 17
  • Dr. Rina Zazkis, University Professor, Education, 1 Sep 12 – 31 Aug 17
  • Dr. Bernard Crespi, re-appointed University Professor, Biological Sciences,
    1 Sep 12 – 31 Aug 17
  • Dr. Mark Wexler, re-appointed University Professor, Beedie School of Business,
    1 Sep 12 – 31 Aug 17
  • Professor Jean Allain, Simons Visiting Chair in Dialogue on International Law and Human Security, International Studies, 1 Sep 12 – 31 Dec 12
  • Dr. Suzanne Smythe, Assistant Professor, Education, 1 Sep 12 – 31 Aug 16

b.         Administrative Appointments

            The following administrative appointments were approved and have been accepted:

  • Dr. Jon Smith, Chair, English, 1 Sep 13 – 31 Aug 14
  • Dr. Paul Budra, Chair, English, 1 Sep 14 – 31 Aug 17
  • Dr. Nicolas Schmitt, Chair, Economics, 1 Sep 12 – 31 Aug 13
  • Dr. Eldon Yellowhorn, Chair, First Nations Studies, 1 Apr 12 – 30 Mar

c.         Other

            The Board approved:

  • Professor Emeritus status for Dr. Michael Stevenson, Political Science, 1 Sep 12
  • Extension of a modified appointment, Economics, 1 Sep 12 – 31 Aug 14
  • Extension of a modified appointment, Economics, retroactively from 1 May 12 – 30 Apr 13

d.         The President’s Report on 2011/2012 Contract Renewal, Tenure and Promotion
            Considerations was received by the Board for information:




Applied Sciences

Engineering Science

E. Kjeang

C. Sparrey

Ass’t  Professor

Ass’t  Professor

Arts & Social Sciences


J. Wong

Ass’t  Professor



A. Mahmood

Ass’t Professor


International Studies

M. Jerven

Ass’t  Professor



H. Andersen

Ass’t  Professor



S. Zaitsoff

Ass’t Professor

Beedie School of Business

Beedie School of Business

K. Trottier

Ass’t  Professor

Resource and Environmental Mgt.

A. Salomon

Ass’t Professor

Health Sciences

Health Sciences

Z. Brumme

Ass’t  Professor





Arts & Social Sciences


C. Burnham

Assoc Professor



S. Kong

Assoc Professor

Health Sciences

Health Sciences

T. Beischlag

Assoc Professor



M. Niikura

Assoc Professor



K. Starosta

Assoc Professor

Molecular Biology and Biochemistry

S. Gorski

Assoc Professor





Applied Sciences

Engineering Science

M. Moallem


Arts & Social Sciences


S. Mongrain




M. Linley

Assoc Professor



A. Dawson

M. Kelm





D. Mirhady




N. Hedberg



School of Public Policy

O. Hankivsky



Sociology and Anthropology

Y. Atasoy



Sociology and Anthropology/First Nations Studies

M. Ignace


Beedie School of Business

Beedie School of Business

A. Pavlov


Communication, Art and Technology

Interactive Arts and Technology

M. Hatala

R. Wakkary





C. Amundsen




E. McCann


Health Sciences/Science

Health Sciences/ Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology

S. Lear


Health Sciences

Health Sciences

T. Takaro



Biological Sciences

E. Elle




M. Eikerling




J. Bell



Molecular Biology and Biochemistry

N. Harden






Applied Sciences

Computing Science

A. Fedorova

T. Smyth

Assoc Professor

Assoc Professor


Engineering Science

C. Menon

P. Saeedi

M. Sarunic

L. Shannon

Assoc Professor

Assoc Professor

Assoc Professor

Assoc Professor

Arts & Social Sciences


M. Andresen

B. Morrison

Assoc Professor

Assoc Professor



R. Arab

P. Cramer

T. Werth

Assoc Professor

Assoc Professor

Assoc Professor



J. Calderon

G. Planchenault

C. Vigouroux

Assoc Professor

Assoc Professor

Assoc Professor



A. Geiger

D. Krallis

T. Kuehn

Assoc Professor

Assoc Professor

Assoc Professor


Political Science/Sociology and Anthropology

A. Ayers

Assoc Professor



K. Slaney

Assoc Professor


Sociology and Anthropology

H. Wittman

Assoc Professor


World Literature Program

M. Ortabasi

Assoc Professor

Beedie School of Business

Beedie School of Business

C. Atanasova

P. Jula

J. Peloza

Assoc Professor

Assoc Professor

Assoc Professor

Communication, Art and Technology


P. Chow-White

D. Jin

Assoc Professor

Assoc Professor


Contemporary Arts

C. Pavsek

Assoc Professor


Interactive Arts and Technology

L. Bartram

Assoc Professor


Master of Publishing Program

J. Maxwell

Assoc Professor



A. Chinnery

L. Fels

R. Frie

M. Jacquet

C. Sabatier

Assoc Professor

Assoc Professor


Assoc Professor

Assoc Professor



J. Venditti

Assoc Professor


Resource and Environmental Mgt.

K. Kohfeld

Assoc Professor

Health Sciences

Health Sciences

R. Allen

Assoc Professor


Biological Sciences

S. Bisgrove

J. Guttman

Assoc Professor

Assoc Professor


Earth Sciences

S. Dashtgard

D. Kirste

Assoc Professor

Assoc Professor



R. Fetecau

Z. Lu

M. Mishna

T. Stephen

Assoc Professor

Assoc Professor

Assoc Professor

Assoc Professor



A. Frolov

L. Pogosian

Assoc Professor

Assoc Professor


Statistics and Actuarial Science

R. Altman

Assoc Professor


C.        External Relations

a.         The Board heard an update on Government Relations matters.

b.         The Board heard an update from the Vice-President, Advancement and Alumni
            Engagement on the development of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s 50th Anniversary Campaign.

c.         Other matters were discussed.

D.        Governance

a.         The Board heard a report on matters discussed by the Governance Committee at its
            meeting of September 11, 2012.

E.         Other

a.         The President’s Activities Briefing for May to August 2012 was before the Board for

b.         The Board was informed of the recent creation of a Sustainability Office, under the
            directorship of K.C. Bell.

c.         Other matters were discussed.


a.         The Board approved that Robert G. Elton be awarded the title ‘Board Chair Emeritus,’ in
            accordance with Policy B10.13.

b.         The Board approved the President’s Goals, Objectives and Competencies for 2012/13.

c.         The Board received the Annual Performance Review awards for the Senior Executive
            Group for information.

d.         Other matters were discussed.

The next Board of Governors Meeting will be held at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, November 22, 2012, Halpern Centre Room 126, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Burnaby.

In the place where innovative education, cutting-edge research and community outreach intersect, you'll find ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. Our ? To be Canada's leading engaged university.

Born in 1965, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV has become Canada's leading comprehensive university with vibrant campuses in British Columbia's largest municipalities — VancouverBurnaby and Surrey â€” and deep roots in partner communities throughout the province and around the world.