
May 31, 2007 Meeting Summary


A. Finance and Administration

  1. The Board received the 2006 Annual Report of the Human Rights Office for information.

  2. The Board received an Emergency Planning Update for information.
  3. The Board approved the revision of Policy AD 1.04, Control of Keys and Door Access Control Cards, dated May 1, 2007.
  4. The Board approved a new Policy GP 37, Conflict of Interest, dated April 11, 2007.
  5. The Board received for information the Ministry of Advanced Education's annual letter informing the University of its funding allocations, enrolment targets and reporting requirements for 2007/2008.  The information is consistent with the approved 2007/2008 Operating Budget.
  6. The Board approved that Mr. Dario Nonis' term as a Trustee of the Administrative/Union Pension Plan Trustee Board as the University representative be extended from June 30, 2007 to November 30, 2008, and that his term as a Trustee of the Academic Pension Plan also be extended indefinitely from June 30, 2007.
  7. Fundraising Progress Reports: The Board approved new terms of reference and noted year-to-date progress reports as follows:


Fundraising Progress Report For Information 
Year To Date

Terms of Reference Approved

To February 28, 2007



To March 31, 2007


The Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty and Staff Community Health Practice Awards

  1. The Board approved an increase of 3% effective September 1, 2007 for accommodation in Louis Riel House.  (Rents for other units have already been set.)

B. Academic Operations

  1. The Board approved the following actions recommended by Senate:
  • the Bachelor of Applied Science in Mechatronic Systems Engineering (Major, Honors and Minor) in the Faculty of Applied Sciences;
  • creation of the Nanomed Canada Research Network;
  • creation of the Centre for Imaginative Education;
  • creation of the David Wheeler Institute for Research in Mathematics Education;
  • terms of reference for the Lohn Foundation Chair in Business Administration;
  • terms of reference for the BC Leadership Chair in Cognitive Neuroscience in Child Health and Development;
  • the Undergraduate Enrolment Plan for 2007/2008;
  • undergraduate admission targets for 2007/2008;
  • the Three Year Academic Plan 2007-2010.
  1. The Board received for information the Annual Reports of the Senate Appeals Board, the Senate Committee on International Activities, and the Senate Committee on University Priorities.
  2. The Board was informed that a new academic policy for Clinical Professors is expected to come forward for approval at the July 26, 2007 meeting of the Board.

C. Audit Committee

  1. The Board approved the Financial Statements of the University for the year ended March 31, 2007 on the basis that the University's Auditor, BDO Dunwoody LLP, has indicated that an unqualified audit report for fiscal year 2006/2007 will be issued.
  2. The Board received the annual Internal Audit Report for information.
  3. The Board received the annual Insurance and Risk Management Report for information.

D. Governance Committee

  1. In preparation for a future presidential search, the Board approved a draft revision to Policy B 10.06, Presidential Search Policy, dated May 7, 2007.  The draft will be forwarded to Senate for information, and circulated publicly for comment.  The final revision will require the approval of Senate and the Board in Fall 2007.
  2. The Board approved a revision to the annual Conflict of Interest Disclosure form which Board members must complete each year in September.

E. Other

  1. The Board received for information a copy of Campus 2020 - Thinking Ahead: The Report, authored by former BC Attorney General, Geoff Plant.
  2. The Board heard a brief report from the Board Chair on recent correspondence received from:
  • Student families living on campus, petitioning the University to address several childcare issues and requesting permission to make a presentation to the Board.  An initial response has been sent by Vice-President Pat Hibbitts regarding priorities, and additional information has been requested on the policy issue of childcare spaces.
  • The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), concerning the new Tradde, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement between British Columbia and Alberta. A letter has been sent to CUPE indicating that the University will monitor the agreement as it relates to ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV.
  1. The Board Chair congratulated the President and the University on the Report to the Community 06/07 which appeared in the May 16, 2007 edition of The Vancouver Sun.
  2. The Board was informed that ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV's Public Affairs and Media Relations Office has launched a weekly media update, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Media Matters.
  3. The Board Chair thanked outgoing student Board member, Mr. Titus Gregory, for his contributions to the work of the Board during his term endeding May 31, 2007.  The Board was also informed of the following Board election results:
  • Dr. Judy Zaichkowsky, faculty Board member re-elected by acclamation to May 31, 2010;
  • Mr. Derrick Harder, student Board member re-elected to May 31, 2008;
  • Mr. Clement A. Apaak, student Board member elected to May 31, 2008.


A. Finance and Administration

  1. The Board confirmed the naming of the Faculty of Health Sciences building as "Blusson Hall."
  2. The Board received the 2006/2007 University Advancement Fundraising Summary for information.

B. Academic Operations

  1. Faculty Appointments

The following academic appointments were approved and have been accepted:

    1. Dr. Magy Seif El-Nasr, Assistant Prof., SIAT, 1 Jul 07 - 31 Aug 11
    2. Dr. Susan Erikson, Assistant Prof., Health Sciences, 1 Jul 07 – 31 Aug 11
    3. Dr. Tamir Moustafa, Associate Prof. with tenure, International Studies, 1 Jul 07
    4. Dr. Laurie Goldsmith, Assistant Prof., Health Sciences, 1 Jun 07 - 31 Aug 11 
    5. Dr. Lesley Cormack, Prof. with tenure, History, 1 Jul 07
    6. Dr. Martin Bouchard, Assistant Prof., Criminology, 1 Sep 07 - 31 Aug 11
    7. Dr. Jeremy Hall, Associate Prof., Business Administration, 1 Sep 07 - 31 Aug 12
    8. Mr. Alexander Vedrashko, Instructor, Business Administration, 1 Sep 07 - 31 Aug 11
    9. Dr. Christine Kim, Assistant Prof., English, 1 Sep 07 - 31 Aug 11
    10. Mr. Steve DiPaola, Associate Prof., SIAT, 1 May 07 - 31 Aug 12
    11. Dr. David Campbell, Assistant Prof., Statistics & Actuarial Science, 6 Jul 07 - 31 Aug 11
    12. Dr. Andrew Ede, Assistant Prof., History, 1 Sep 07 - 31 Aug 11
    13. Dr. Jason Yiu Chung Ho, Assistant Prof., Business Administration, 1 Aug 07 - 31 Aug 12
    14. Dr. Alvero Pereira, Assistant Prof., International Studies, 1 Aug 07 - 31 Aug 11
    15. Dr. Jiguo Cao, Assistant Prof., Statistics & Actuarial Science, 1 Jun 07 - 31 Aug 11
    16. Mr. Eric Yang, Lecturer, SIAT, 1 May 07
    17. Dr. Nicole Jackson, Associate Prof. with tenure, International Studies, 1 Aug 07
    18. Dr. Jie Yang, Assistant Prof., Sociology & Anthropology, 1 Sep 07 - 31 Aug 11
    19. Ms. Claire Bossavit, Lecturer, French, 1 Sep 07
    20. Dr. Lara Nettlefield, Assistant Prof., International Studies, 1 Aug 07 - 31 Aug 11
    21. Dr. Cari Miller, Assistant Prof., Health Sciences, 1 Sep 08 - 31 Aug 12
    22. Dr. Scott Venners, Assistant Prof., Health Sciences, 1 Jan 08 - 31 Aug 11
    23. Dr. Glen Whyte, Prof. with tenure, Business Administration, 1 Jan 08
    24. Dr. Philippe Pasquier, Assistant Prof., SIAT, 1 Jan 08 - 31 Aug 11
    25. Dr. Timothy Racine, Assistant Prof., Psychology, 1 Jul 07 - 31 Aug 11
    26. Ms. Deanna Reder, Instructor, English & First Nations Studies, 1 Sep 07 - 31 Aug 11
    27. Dr. Tom Lawrence, re-appointed Weyerhaeuser Professor in Change Management, Business Administration, 1 Sep 07 - 31 Aug 12
    28. Dr. Daniel Shapiro, re-appointed Dennis F. Culver Executive MBA Alumni Endowed Professorship, Business Administration, 1 May 07 - 30 Apr 12
  1. Administrative Appointments

The following administrative appointments were approved and have been accepted:

    1. Dr. Lesley Cormack, Dean, Arts & Social Sciences, 1 Sep 07 - 31 Aug 12
    2. Dr. Glen Whyte, Dean, Business Administration, 1 Jan 08 - 31 Aug 13
    3. Dr. Michael Plischke, extension, Dean, Science, 1 Sep 08 - 31 Aug 09
  1. Other

The Board approved two modified appointments in the Department of Physics, from 1 Sep 07 to 31 Aug 15 and 1 Jan 08 to 31 Aug 13; a modified appointment in the School of Computing Science, from 1 Sep 07 to 31 Aug 08; and a transfer from Education to Psychology, effective 1 Sep 07.

C. Audit Committee 

  1. The Board heard that the Audit Committee had discussed a draft strategic risks register, and the 2006/2007 report from the external auditor, BDO Dunwoody LLP.

D. Employee Relations Committee

  1. The Board heard that the Employee Relations Committee had met on April 26, 2007 and May 10, 2007 on the issue of the provincial government's proposal to eliminate mandatory retirement.  An agreement has now been ratified by the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Faculty Association and approved by the Employee Relations Committee acting under delegated authority of the Board.

E. Other

  1. The Board discussed the draft agenda for its annual June Strategy Session.

  2. The Board received the President's Activity Report for March and April 2007.

  3. Other matters were discussed.


  1. The Board approved the appointment of Mr. Martin Pochurko as Associate Vice-President, Financial Services, effective August 20, 2007.
  2. The Board approved the appointment of Dr. Norbert Haunerland as Associate Vice-President, Research, for a five year term effective September 1, 2007.

The next Board of Governors Meeting will be held at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, July 26, 2007 in Room 126 of the Halpern Centre, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Burnaby.

In the place where innovative education, cutting-edge research and community outreach intersect, you'll find ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. Our ? To be Canada's leading engaged university.

Born in 1965, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV has become Canada's leading comprehensive university with vibrant campuses in British Columbia's largest municipalities — VancouverBurnaby and Surrey â€” and deep roots in partner communities throughout the province and around the world.