
November 25, 2004 Meeting Summary

Open Session

A. Finance and Administration

  1. The Board received the 2004 Due Diligence Report for information.
  2. The Board approved the 2003/04 Statement of Financial Information.
  3. The Board received information about capital construction expenditures for fiscal year 2004/2005.

  4. The Board approved increases to Residence rental rates for 2005/2006, 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 as amended by the Finance and Administration Committee and dated November 22, 2004.
  5. The Board approved the appointment of Joanne Curry as a Trustee of the Administrative/Union Pension Plan Board for a three-year term from December 1, 2004 to December 1, 2007.
  6. Donations: the Board approved terms of reference and noted donations to new and existing funds, as follows:
September 2004 ---------- $234,775.79
October 2004 $15,000.00 $616,808.19
B. Academic Operations

  1. The Board noted admission changes and undergraduate curriculum changes approved by Senate on October 4, 2004:
  • inclusion of Instrumental Music 12 and Choral Music 12 in the Fine and Performing Arts group of courses accepted for admission to the university.

  • changes to the admission requirements in the visual art studio extended minor program in the School for the Contemporary Arts.

  • change to the wording of the admission policy for Associate Degrees to recognize graduates from some private colleges that are now authorized by the Ministry of Advanced Education to offer Associate Degrees.

  • changes to existing courses and program requirements with respect to the Visual Arts Program in the School for the Contemporary Arts.
  1. The Board noted Senate’s approval of a change to Graduate Regulation 1.12 concerning degree completion time for students with disabilities.
  2. The Board noted Senate’s approval of graduate curriculum revisions in the Master of Publishing Program, the School of Resource and Environmental Management, and the Departments of Biological Sciences and Molecular Biology and Biochemistry.
  3. The Board noted that Senate received the following for information on November 1, 2004:
  • the Financial Statements for the year ended March 31, 2004

  • the Annual Report of the Research Ethics Board for the period September 1, 2003 to August 31, 2004

  • The Annual Report of the Library for Fiscal Year 2003/2004.
  1. The Board noted the approval by the Senate Committee on University Priorities regarding advice to the Department of Earth Sciences on priority items resulting from the Department’s External Review.
  2. The Board noted the approval by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies concerning undergraduate curriculum revisions in the Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences, and Science.
  3. The Board received the 2004/2005 Faculty Renewal Report for information.
  4. The Board received the 2003/2004 Centres and Institutes Report for information.

C. Other

  1. The Board heard that Order-in-Council member S. Rasul was the recipient of the Individual Spirit of Vancouver Award.
  2. The Board heard that effective immediately, Deputy Board Chair J. Cowperthwaite has resigned from the Board for personal reasons.
  3. The Board received copies of Investing in Our Future, the 2005-2006 BC Universities Joint Budget Submission to the Provincial Government, prepared by The University Presidents’ Council in October 2004.
  4. The Board was advised that the University has received a matching grant from the Province in the amount of $7.5 million for the Segal Graduate School of Business.
  5. The Board was informed that ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV placed fourth in the comprehensive category of ²Ñ²¹³¦±ô±ð²¹²Ô’s magazine’s annual ranking of universities.

  6. The Board learned that Co operative Education’s new on-line service linking co-op students with each other and with employers has been activated and that the official launch will take place in April 2005.
  7. The Board heard a brief report on new First Nations student enrolment for fall 2004.
  8. The Board heard that the average course load in fall 2004 declined by 2.6%, but with spring 2005 preliminary registration data showing an increase in courseload of approximately 2.5%, the 2004 figure suggests a random fluctuation rather than problem attributable to supply or demand. The rate of course turnaways in 2004 was also down and while the delay in degree completion has declined to its lowest level since 1991, at 13%, work will continue to further decrease this rate.
  9. The Board was advised that on November 5, 2004 the Federal Government announced a $21.6 million commitment over 4 years to renew the The Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS) Network of Centres of Excellence for a second term.
  10. The Board was informed that the University’s $125 million Reaching New Heights Capital Campaign will be officially launched on December 2, 2004.
  11. The Board heard a brief report on Alumni Receptions that have recently taken place in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York City.
  12. The Board received for information the Financial Year-To-Date Position as at September 30, 2004.
Closed Session

A. Finance and Administration

  1. The Board approved discussions on the development of 2 soccer fields on Field 5, consistent with the terms of an agreement between ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV and the Whitecaps Football Club.
  2. The Board was advised that Great Northern Way Campus Trust is purchasing Lot 2 of the Finning Lands at the Great Northern Way Campus on which UBC’s Centre for Interactive Research Sustainability Project will be located.

B. Academic Operations

  1. Faculty Appointments

    The following academic appointments were approved and have been accepted:

    Dr. Louise Chappell Visiting Professor & Ruth Wynn Woodward Chair Women's Studies 1 Jan 05 – 30 Apr 05
    Dr. Marni Mishna Assistant Professor Mathematics 1 Jun 05 – 31 Aug 09
    Dr. Abraham Punnen Professor with tenure Mathematics 1 Jul 05
    Ms. Hannah Wittman Instructor Sociology/Anthropology 1 Sep 05 – 31 Aug 09
  2. Administrative Appointment
  3. The Board approved the following administrative appointment:

    Dr. Thomas Archibald Chair Mathematics 1 May 05 - 30 Apr 10

C. Other
  1. The Board received for information the Annual Report of the Employee Relations Committee.
  2. The Board was informed that the Nominating Committee would be meeting prior to the January 27, 2005 meeting of the Board.
  3. Other matters were discussed.

  1. The Board heard a report from the Compensation Committee.

The next Board of Governors Meeting will be held on Thursday, January 27, 2005 at 3:00 p.m. in Strategy Room 320 of The Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue, 580 West Hastings Street, Vancouver.

In the place where innovative education, cutting-edge research and community outreach intersect, you'll find ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. Our ? To be Canada's leading engaged university.

Born in 1965, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV has become Canada's leading comprehensive university with vibrant campuses in British Columbia's largest municipalities — VancouverBurnaby and Surrey â€” and deep roots in partner communities throughout the province and around the world.