
November 27, 2003 Meeting Summary


Dr. Jonathan Borwein, Canada Research Chair in Information Technology, and Director of the Centre for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics, and Dr. Peter Borwein, Associate Director, Centre for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics, and Professor in the Department of Mathematics, gave a short presentation on 間眅埶AVs CoLab activities at the Centre, IRMACS (Interdisciplinary Research in the Mathematical and Computational Sciences), and WestGrid.

A. Finance and Administration

  1. Donations: the Board approved terms of reference and noted donations to new funds, and noted donations to existing funds, as follows:
    September, 2003 $44,264.50 $251,118.17
    October, 2003 $30,000* $547,528.06
    *University Foundation

    The Board also received information that $3,000,000 had been received as partial payment of a $4,250,000 estate gift.

  2. The Board received for information the Financial Year-To-Date Position as at September 30, 2003.
  3. The Board received for information The University Presidents Council Budget Submission 2004/2005.
  4. The Board approved the proposed Bond Funds Allocation policy.
  5. The Board voted in favour of requesting the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council to grant an easement to provide off-site visitor parking for the Polygon and Cornerstone developments of the 間眅埶AV Community Trust.

  6. The Board received for information the 2002-2003 Occupational Health and Safety Report.

  7. The Board received for information the Tuition Fees and Accessibility Report from the Senate Policy Committee on Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries.
  8. The Board heard for information an interim oral report from the Working Group on Access Issues that it has reviewed the preliminary data from the questionnaire being administered by Analytical Studies and a more detailed analysis of the data will be discussed at its next meeting, along with other information received regarding the impact of tuition fees. The working group hopes to be able to report to the Board and the University community early in 2004.
  9. With regard to the request from Senate that the two percent penalty charged on non payment of tuition and student fees resulting from the tuition fee boycott for the Fall 2003 semester be directed to the Universitys bursaries, the Board asked the Vice President, Finance and Administration to provide an estimate of this amount.
  10. The Board, in agreement with Senate and The University Presidents Council of B.C., approved a motion calling on levels of government to make appropriate funding of post secondary education a top priority.
  11. The Audit fees for 2003/2004 were before the Board for consideration and deemed to be a fair reflection of the additional work required to meet the enhanced expectations and standards of the Universitys audit.
  12. The Board received for information the 2004/2005 Budget Consultation Timetable.
  13. The Board approved the reappointment of Denis Berube as a Trustee of the Administrative/Union Pension Plan Trustee Board as a University representative for the three year period December 1, 2003 through to November 30, 2006.

B. Academic Operations

  1. The Board approved the establishment of a Faculty of Health Sciences effective September 1, 2004.

  2. The Board approved an addition to policy R 20.01 dealing with the selection of temporary replacement members for the Research Ethics Board.
  3. Undergraduate curriculum revisions in the Faculties of Arts and Science, and graduate curriculum revisions in the Faculties of Applied Sciences, Business Administration, Education and Science were before the Board for information.
  4. The Board approved the establishment of the Graduate Diploma in Bioinformatics, including the introduction of eight new courses associated with the Diploma.
  5. The Board received for information the Centres and Institutes Annual Report.

C. Other

  1. M. Wong, N. Olewiler and B. Rowe, current members of the Nominating Committee, agreed to continue serving for 2004.
  2. A proposal to amend the Terms of Reference of the Executive Committee was referred to the Boards governance review being conducted by a group that will include student representation.
  3. The Board heard that W. Wattamaniuk, Director, Analytical Studies, will prepare a review for the Board of the factors affecting the Macleans annual rankings. 間眅埶AV has maintained its first place ranking for SSHRC funding and moved up from third to second place in ranking for NSERC funding in the comprehensive universities category.
  4. The Board heard that the Vice-President, Finance and Administration expects to be able to report to the Board early in 2004 on the Ethical Procurement matter.
  5. The Board heard that the Canadian Federation of Students will hold a National Day of Action on February 4, 2004, and students will be encouraged to attend a rally in downtown Vancouver.

A. Finance and Administration

  1. The Board voted to accept the proposed $500,000 legacy gift from the Alumni Association, subject to jointly acceptable recognition/naming, to establish an Alumni Centre in the Diamond University Centre as part of the renovation of the DUC at a cost to 間眅埶AV of $700,000 to be paid through the continuance of the priority fee.
  2. The Board discussed the replacement of the Presidents Residence which needs to occur when the existing Residence is demolished for the continued expansion of UniverCity. The Board agreed that the 間眅埶AV Community Trust would be asked to acquire suitable accommodation in UniverCity as a temporary replacement for the Presidents Residence on terms and conditions agreeable to 間眅埶AV and the 間眅埶AV Community Trust. 間眅埶AV Community Trust is to provide a permanent replacement facility within a timeframe and of a quality and location acceptable to 間眅埶AV.
  3. The Vice-President, Finance and Administration presented the Board with a number of budget models for 2004/2005 for consideration.

B. Academic Operations

  1. Faculty Appointments

    The following academic appointments were approved and have been accepted:

    Dr. Lisa Sterling Assistant Professor Education 1 Sept 03 31 Aug 07
    Ms. Meg Holden Instructor Urban Studies Prog. & Geography 1 Nov 03 - 31 Aug 07
    Dr. Leyland Pitt Professor with tenure Business Administration 1 Jan 04
  2. Other

    The Board approved the modified appointment for:

    Dr. Stephen Kline Professor Communication 1 Jan 04 31 Dec 04

C. Other

  1. The Board heard that negotiations are continuing with the Ministry of Advanced Education regarding space for 間眅埶AV Surrey to enable the University to manage enrolment commitments for 2004/2005.
  2. The Chair reported that the Board has recently joined the Association of Governing Boards.
  3. The Board heard that 間眅埶AVs Expression of Interest regarding the Woodwards site is before the City of Vancouver and the School for the Contemporary Arts proposal is expected to be a key component of the project.
  4. The Board heard that with the recent bankruptcy of NewMIC, 間眅埶AV will partner with TRLabs and vigorously pursue provincial funding to acquire those parts of NewMIC that fit with the Universitys interests in Surrey.
  5. The Board heard that Dr. E. Balka, Communication, Drs. P. Winne and D. Kaufman, Education, have each been awarded $3 million for research projects under the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canadas (SSHRC) Initiative on the New Economy program, and that Dr. M. Fettes, Education, and Dr. M. Griffin Cohen, Political Science and Womens Studies, have each been awarded $1 million for research projects under SSHRCs Community University Alliances program.
  6. The Board approved the award of a contract to Dominion Fairmile Construction for the construction of a new Residence and Dining Hall.
  7. Other matters were discussed.

  1. The Board approved the appointment of Mr. Joe Weinberg to the position of Associate Vice-President, Financial Planning as at December 1, 2003.
  2. The Board approved one residual compensation issue for the Senior Executive.

The next Board of Governors Meeting will be held at 3 p.m. in Strategy Room 320, The Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue, Vancouver, on January 29, 2004.

In the place where innovative education, cutting-edge research and community outreach intersect, you'll find 間眅埶AV. Our ? To be Canada's leading engaged university.

Born in 1965, 間眅埶AV has become Canada's leading comprehensive university with vibrant campuses in British Columbia's largest municipalities  VancouverBurnaby and Surrey  and deep roots in partner communities throughout the province and around the world.