Research at the CWE
The Centre for Wildlife Ecology has a diverse and active roster of research projects, much of it involving graduate students. Our personnel work mostly in British Columbia, but projects also take place far afield, in places from the Arctic to the South Pacific. In keeping with our Mission Statement much of our work is collaborative conservation research with and other agencies. Much of this is focused on priority areas, but our faculty, students and adjunct members are also engaged in basic research, as well as long term projects.
Research Areas
CWE Recent Publications
Giraldo-Deck, L., J. Loveland, W. Goymann, B. Tschirren, T. Burke, B. Kempenaers, D. Lank and C. Küpper. In press. Intralocus conflicts associated with a supergene.
Ydenberg, R.C., E.A. Tavera and D.B. Lank. 2022. Danger, risk and anti-predator behavior in the life history of long-distance migratory sandpipers.
Husak, J.F., M.J. Fuxjager, M.A. Johnson, M.N. Vitousek, J.W. Donald, C.J. Francis, W. Goymann, M. Hau, B.K. Kircher, R. Knapp, L.B. Martin, E.T. Miller, L.A. Schoenle and T.D. Williams. 2021. Life history and environment predict variation in testosterone across vertebrates.
King, M.D., J.E. Elliott and T.D. Williams. 2021. Effects of petroleum exposure on birds: A review. Sci. Total Environ. 755(Part 1): 142834