
Centre for Wildlife Ecology Alumni

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Name DegreeYearThesis TitlePresent Position
Sonya PastranMSc2020Marbled Murrelet distributions off-shore of Haida Gwaii
Emily McAuleyPhD2020Disentangling the effects of biogeoclimatic factors and local stressors on breeding harlequin duck presence and abundance using field surveys, MaxEnt, and stable isotope turnover modelsActing Director, Indigenous Science Liaison Office
Kristen WaltersMSc2019Ideal free eagles: bald eagle distribution patterns and use of kleptoparasitism on salmon riversSalmon Conservation Coordinator, Raincoast Conservation Foundation
Richard Johnston GonzalezPhD2019The influence of predation danger on the distribution of non-breeding shorebirds in a tropical estuary systemCoastal Solutions Fellow, Cornell University
Rachel CanhamMSc2019Slime, safety and shorebirds: biofilm production and grazing by migrating Western sandpipers (Calidris mauri)Impact Assessment Officer, ECCC
David HopePhD2018The role of adaptive behaviour in migratory counts of shorebirdsResearch Biologist, ECCC-Ottawa
Alice DomalikMSc2018At-sea distribution and foraging ecology of two North Pacific seabirds revealed through GPS trackingWildlife Technician, ECCC
Kate Fremlin/td>MSc2018Trophic magnification of legacy persistent organic pollutants and emergent contaminants within a terrestrial food-web of an avian apex predator, the Cooper's Hawk (Accipiter cooperii)PhD candidate, REM, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV
Seth BennettMSc2018Wintering and breeding distributions of Black Oystercatchers (Haematopus bachmani): long-term trends and influence of climate
Jeff YapPhD2018Physiological basis of aerobic capacity and workload ability in birdsPost-doctoral Fellow,Auburn University
Cybelle HeddleMET2018Lethal and non-lethal effects of exposure to methylmercury in the Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia guttata) during developmentSenior Environmental Coordinator, Port of Vancouver
Chloe BoytonMSc2017Breeding productivity, phenology and habitat use of two co-occurring aerial insectivoresEnvironmental Assessment Liaison, ECCC
Olga LansdorpMSc2017Habitat drivers of Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) feeding behaviour and breeding productivity
Sarah ThomsenPhD2017Direct and indirect interactions between owls, mice, and nocturnal seabirds: integrating marine and terrestrial food websPost-doctoral Scholar, Oregon State University
Mitchell SerotaMSc2017Individual variation in foraging effort in breeding birds
Philina EnglishPhD2017A role for insect availability in limiting populations of a threatened nightjar Antrostomus vociferousResearch Scientist, DFO, Canada
Allison CornellPhD2017Predictive cues and fitness consequences of breeding phenologyAsst. Professor, Cedar Crest College, PA
Spencer MoranMSc2016Investigating potential growth, behavioural, and reproductive effects of nestling exposure to methylmercury in Zebra Finches (Taeniopygia guttata).
Lauren McFarlandMSc2016Habitat-specific breeding performance and cavity dynamics of Lewis's Woodpeckers (Melanerpes lewsi) in British Columbia, CanadaBiologist, Quinault Indian Nation
Danielle DagenaisMSc2016The habitat association of bats in the South Okanagan Valley, BC, Canada: radar-acoustic surveys to assess the use of vineyards by insectivorous bats (Vespetilionidae)
Megan WillieMSc2016Patterns in winter site fidelity and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure risk in Barrow's Goldeneye (Bucephala islandica) in the Pacific NorthwestWildlife Emergency Response Coordinator, ECCC
Birgit SchwarzPhD2016Population structure in Western Sandpipers (Calidris mauri): variation in genes, morphology and vocalizations in a migratory shorebirdsAsst. Professor, York University
Annie Ellison (Hepp)MSc2015Acute but not chronic effects of predator presence on song sparrow (Melospiza melodia) singing behaviourRegional Interpretive Specialist, Texas Parks and Wildlife
Kristen GormanPhD2015Intergrative studies of southern ocean food-webs and Pygoscelis penguin demography: mechanisms of population response to environmental changeResearch Asst. Professor, Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks
Tim ForresterMSc2015Species richness, abundance and reproductive responses of riparian birds to habitat restoration in the Okanagan valley
Maria YuMET2015Assessment of embryotoxicity, post-hatch development, and long-term effects on behavior and reproduction in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) following in ovo methylmercury exposure
Jay BroganMSc2014Sources and effects of persistent organic pollutants and flame retardants in Cooper's Hawks of Vancouver, BC
Heidi CurrierPhD2014Exposure of brominated flame retardants and their associated effects on the growth and development and breeding success in two avian models: the zebra finch and the European starlingAquatic Toxicologist, Minnow Environmental
Willow EnglishMSc2014The evolutionary ecology of reproductive traits in the red-necked phalaropePhD Candidate, Concordia University
Holly MiddletonPhD2014The influence of intensive land use types in the foraging distribution of ducks wintering in the Fraser River delta, BC
Mikaela DavisMSc2013Dietary ecology of Glaucous-winged Gulls in the Pacific Northwest: conventional and stable isotopic techniques and implications for eco-toxicology monitoringEnvironmental Consultant, Hemmera
Anna DrakePhD2013Seasonal interactions in the Yellow Warbler: winter habitat use, migration and demography
Margaret EngPhD2013Early exposure to a brominated flame retardant (BDE-99): An assessment of long-term effects using an integrated laboratory and field avian model systemPost-doctoral Fellow, University of Saskatchewan
Lindsay FarrellPhD2013Molecular genetics of alternative reproductive morphs in ruffsDirector of Indigenous Wellness, Reconciliation, and Partnerships, St. Paul's Foundation
Ariam Jiménez PhD2013The "secret garden": microphytobenthic biofilms and the foraging ecology of calidridine sandpipersAssistente, Universidad de la Habana, Cuba
Elly Knight MSc2013Impacts of habitat fragmentation by agriculture on breeding songbirds in the Okanagan sagebrush shrubsteppePhD candidate, U of Alberta
Michaela Martin MSc2013Latitudinal variation in life history traits and incubation patterns of Yellow Warblers
Calen Ryan MSc2013Prolactin and avian clutch size: Testing the only physiological model for a key life history trait
Samantha Franks PhD2012Population connectivity and the causes and consequences of differential migration in a long-distance migratory shorebird, the western sandpiperResearch Scientist, British Trust for Ornithology, UK
Rachel Gardiner MSc2012Comparative stopover ecology of Least and Western sandpipers during southward migraitonWildlife Biologist, ICF Jones and Stokes, Sacramento
Nathan Hentze MSc2012Characteristics of over-ocean flocking by Pacific dunlins
Danica Hogan MSc2012Postbreeding ecology of Barrow's Goldeneye in Northwestern AlbertaResearch Scientist, Environment Canada, Yellowknife, NWT
Eric Palm MSc2012Trophic, energetic, and physiological responses of wintering white-singed scoters to habitat variation
Toby St. Clair MSc2012Heavy metals, selenium, and Pacific Dunlin: patterns of accumulation, exposure from prey and toxicity risksEnvironmental Consultant, Hemmera, Vancouver, BC
Dominique Wagner MSc2012Impacts of hydroelectric operations on the physiology of songbirds during fall migration
Lana Cortese MRM2011Picking patches: what is the utility of habitat fragmentation in determing habitat use by local populations of the Marbled Murrelet?Parks Canada, Wood Buffalo National Park, Ecologist Team Leader
Rian Dickson MSc2011Postbreeding ecology of white-winged scoters and surf scoters in Western North America: Wing moult phenology, body mass dynamics and foraging behaviour
Viktoria Khamzina MET2011Validation of an egg-injection method for testing in ovo toxicity of PBDE-99 in a small songbird model species, the Zebra finches
Heather Major PhD2011Prospecting decisions and habitat selection by a nocturnal burrow-nesting seabirdAssistant Professor, UNB St. John
Christine Rock MSc2011Brood parasitism, reproductive success, and survival in Yellow WarblersWildlife Biologist, ERM Rescan
Corey van Stratt MSc2011Foraging effort by Surf Scoters at the peripheries of their wintering distribution: Do foraging conditions influence their range?Biologist, Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife
Sofi Hindmarch MSc2010The effects of landscape composition and configuration on barn owl distribution, diet and productivity in the FraserValley, BCResearcher, EC
David Hope MSc2010The influence of the predator landscape on migration decisions in two shorebird speciesPhD candidate, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV
Dan Guertin MSc2009Assessment of contaminant exposure, diet, and population metrics of river otters along the coast of southern Vancouver IslandWildlife Biologist, Golder Associates
Theodora Gunn MRM2009Habitat correlates of wintering sea duck occurrence in southeast Alaska
Sarah Jamieson PhD2009Cross-seasonal factors affecting breeding investment by female Pacific Dunlin
Iain Jones MSc2009Associate nesting behaviour between Pacific Great Blue Herons and Bald Eagles in the Pacific Northwest: testing the predator hypothesisEcologist, Golder Associates
Peter Katinic MSc2009A life history approach to understanding individual variation in marine exit timing of a coastal sockeye salmon populationResource Manager, DFO Canada
Kyle Morrison MSc2009Demographic consequences of early development and extreme climate events for alcids on Triangle Island, British Columbia
Sam Quinlan MSc2009Habitat selection and migratory connectivity of a Neotropical migrant songbirdWildlife Ecologist, Golder Associates
Michael Silvergieter MSc2009Multi-scale analyses of nest site selection and fledging success by Marbled MurreletsInstructor, Fraser International College
Mark Travers MSc2009Nest predation, clutch size, and physiological costs of egg production in the Song SparrowAvian Conservation Biologist, Kauai Endangered Seabird Recovery Project
Kirsten Webster MET2009Validation of a prothrombin time (PT) assay for assessment of brodificoum exposure in Japanese quail and Barn Owls
Ivy Whitehorne MSc2009Migratory strategy, reproduction and survival of the American dipper
Jennifer Barrett MRM2008The influence of oceanographic and terrestrial attributes on Marbled Murrelet marine habitat selection during the breeding season
Dong Han MSc2008Molecular approaches to understanding variation in reproductive phenotype of female zebra finches
Megan Harrison MSc2008Habitat selection of the Sagebrush Brewer's Sparrow in British ColumbiaSpecies at Risk Biologist, EC
Lauren Kordonowy MSc2008Plasma leptin in relation to breeding stage, season, estrogen and photoperiod in female European starlings
Erika Lok MSc2008Site use and migration of scoters in relation to the spawning of Pacific herringMigratory Bird Biologist, CWS
Eric Davies MSc2007Reproductive foraging ecology of five sympatrically breeding Alcid seabirds
Joel Heath PhD2007Diving and foraging by Common Eiders wintering in the Canadian Arctic: Managing energy at multiple time scalesFulbright Chair in Arctic Studies, U of Washington
Oliver Love PhD2007Corticosterone-mediated reproductive decisions: sex allocation, the cost of reproduction and maternal fitnessAssoc. Professor, University of Windsor
Josh Malt MSc2007The influence of habitat fragmentation on Marbled Murrelet habitat quality in southwestern BCEcosystem Biologist, BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations
Emily Wagner MSc2007Anemia: A physiological mechanism underlying the cost of egg production
Courtney Albert MSc2006Uptake, elimination and toxicity of an arsenic-based pesticide in an avian systemProtected Areas Coordinator, CWS
Molly Kirk MSc2006Movement and foraging behaviours of Surf Scoters wintering in habitats modified by shellfish aquacultureEcosystem Scientist, Parks Canada, Inuvik
Sunny Lebourdais MSc2006Harlequin duck density on rivers in southwestern BC in relation to food availability and indirect interactions with fishColumbia Watershed Coordinator, Shuswap Nation Tribal Council
Holly Middleton MSc2006Post-fledging behaviour and dispersal in American dippers
Andrea Pomeroy PhD2006Feeding and predation danger tradeoffs in stopover site usage by Western SandpipersAssociate, Environmental Services, Stantec Consulting
Katrina Salvante PhD2006What comes first, the Zebra Finch or the egg? Resource allocation during avian egg productionLab Manager, Maternal & Child Health Lab, Faculty of Health Sciences, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV
Jeanine Bond MSc2005Nutrient acquistion and allocation startegies for reproduction by female Harlequin DucksConservation Program Specialist, Ducks Unlimited Canada, Surrey
Lilly Cesh MET2005Relationship of plasma lipids, thyroid hormones, and vitamin A with environmental contaminants measured in bald eagles in BC and southern CaliforniaEnvironmental Toxicologist, Golder Associates
Bart deFreitas MSc2005Manipulations of adult density and juvenile habitat quality in northern abalone stock restorationProject Manager, Golder Associates
Guillermo Fernandeze PhD2005Ecological and social factors affecting the local habitat distribution of Western Sandpipers wintering at Bahía Santa María, northwest MéxicoInvestigador, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mazatlan.
Kristin Gorman MSc2005Reproductive energetics of female Greater Scaup: Nutritional and physiological correlates of timing and state of reproductionPhD candidate, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV
Brent Gurd PhD2005The ecology of adaptive radiation of dabbling ducksWildlife Biologist, BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations
Jamie Kenyon MSc2005Behaviours influencing the distribution of Great Blue Herons in the Strait of Georgia, BCConservation Programs Specialist, Ducks Unlimited Canada, Whitehorse,
Tyler Lewis MSc2005Foraging behaviors and prey depletion by wintering scoters in Baynes Sound, BC: inferring food availability and habitat qualityWildlife Biologist, USGS, Alaska Science Center
Kim Mathot MSc2005Sex-related differences in feeding behaviour and implications for differential migration in Western SandpipersPost-doctoral Fellow,Max Planck Institute for Ornithology
Jonathan Whiteley MSc2005Macroinvertebrate community responses to clam aquaculture practices in BC, CanadaResearcher, Council of Canadian Academies, Ottawa
BriAnne Addison MSc2004Morphology of the foolish mussel: variation and defense Lecturer, University of Western Sydney, Australia
Jeff Ball MSc2004Effects of parental provisioning and attendance on growth and survival of Red-throated Loon pre-fledglings: a potential mechanism linking marine regime shifts to population change
Gwylim Blackburn MSc2004Ornaments and overflight behaviour of tufted puffins breeding on Triangle Island, BCPhD candidate, UBC
Francois Vezina PhD2004Metabolic costs of egg production in birds: interaction of physiological state, annual variation and daily energy budgetProfesseur régulier, Université du Québec à Rimouski
Matt Evans PhD2003Breeding habitat selection by Barrow's Goldeneye and Bufflehead in the Cariboo-Chilcotin region of BC: nest-sites, brood-rearing habitat, and competitionAdjunct Asst. Professor, Univ. Illinois, Springfield
Harp Gill MSc2003The effects of p,p'-DDE and other current-use pesticides on reproduction and health in zebra finches
Silke Nebel PhD2003Ecological factors underlying the non-breeding distribution of Western SandpipersConsultant, Research Development, Western University, London, ON
Amanda Niehaus MSc2003Ecology of migratory timing by southbound male and female Western SandpipersAustralian Research Council Research Fellow, University of Queensland
Heidi Regehr PhD2003Movement patterns and population structure of Harlequin Ducks wintering in the Strait of Georgia
Michael Rodway PhD2003Timing of pairing in Harlequin Ducks: interaction of spacing behaviour, time budgets and the influx of Herring spawn
Christy Morrissey PhD2003The ecological and toxicological significance of altitudinal migration by the American DipperAsst. Professor, University of Saskatchewan
Dana Seaman MSc2003Landscape physiology: plasma metabolites, fattening rates and habitat quality in migratory Western Sandpipers
Erinn Birmingham MSc2002Assessing physiological endpoints in passerines exposed to the environmental estrogen 4-nonylphenol, using a combined laboratory and field approach
Russell Bradley MSc2002Breeding ecology of radio-marked Marbled Murrelets in Desolation Sound, BCSenior Scientist, Point Blue Conservation Science
Lesley Evans Ogden PhD2002Non-breeding shorebirds in a coastal agricultural landscape: winter habitat use and dietary sourcesFreelance Science Writer and Reporter
Kate Hagmeier MSc2002Winter and spring migration ecology of Black Brant (Branta bernicla nigricans) in the Strait of GeorgiaSenior Biologist, EBB Envrionmental Consulting Inc
Sam Iverson MSc2002Recruitment and the spatial organization of Surf Scoter populations during the winter in the Strait of GeorgiaPhD candidate, Carleton University
David Moore PhD2002The provisioning tactics of parent Common Terns in relation to brood energy requiremen
Patrick O'Hara PhD2002The role of feather wear in alternative life history strategies of a long-distance migratory shorebird, the Western SandpiperSeabird Conservation Scientist, Environment Canada
Will Stein MSc2002Busting a gut: Age-related variation and seasonal modulation of digestive tract structure and function in the Western Sandpiper
James Burns MSc2001The ecological consequences of fuel storage in migrating Calidris sandpipersSenior Medical Science Liaison, Shire Pharmaceuticals
Carina Gjerdrum MSc2001Nestling growth and parental provisioning of Tufted Puffins on Triangle Island, BCSeabird Biologist, Environment Canada
Debbie LaCroix MSc2001Foraging impacts and patterns of wintering Surf Scoters feeding on bay mussels in coastal Strait of Georgia, BCWildlife Biologist, Ecofish Research Ltd
Laura McFarland Tranquilla MSc2001Using multiple methods to describe breeding, stress response, and disturbance of Marbled MurreletsAtlantic Program Manager, Bird Studies Canada
Yolanda Morbey PhD2001Strategic timing behaviour of Pacific Salmon during the spawning seasonAssoc. Professor, Western University
Pippa Shepherd PhD2001Space use, habitat preferences, and time activity budgets of Dunlin in the Fraser River Delta, BCSpecies at Risk Coordinator, Parks Canada
Nicholas Wolf MSc2001Foraging ecology and site selection in Western Sandpipers during their fall migration through southwestern BC
Kirsty Bennett MSc>2000Assessing the health of juvenile Mallards in situ on an industrially-based wetland using physiological endpoints: implications for populations
Louise Blight MSc2000Egg neglect and its implications for egg predation in Rhinoceros AukletSenior Officer, Marine Science, WWF
Julian Christians PhDdegree2000The physiological basis of intraspecific variation in egg size, quality and number in birdsAssoc. Professor, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV
Katrina Salvante PhD2000Variation and regulation of plasma levels of the egg yolk precursors: vitellogin and very-low density lipoproteinLab Manager, Maternal & Child Health Lab, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV
Douglas Schamel PhD2000Female and male reproductive strategies in the red-necked phalarope, a polyandrous shorebirddeceased
Cyndi Smith MSc2000Survival and recruitment of juvenile Harlequin DucksRetired from Parks Canada
Ross Vennesland MSc2000The effects of disturbance from humans and predators on the breeding decisions and productivity of the Great Blue Heron in south-coastal BCSpecies at Risk Recovery Specialist, Parks Canada
Chris Guglielmo PhD1999Physiological and biochemical modulation for long-distance migration: the functional significance of intra-specific variation in the Western SandpiperAssociate Professor, Western University
Stephanie Hazlitt MScyrTerritory quality and parental behaviour of the Black Oystercatcher in the Strait of Georgia, BCUnit Head, State of Environment Reporting, Government of BC
Cecilia Lougheed MSc1999Breeding chronology, breeding success, distribution and movements of Marbled Murrelets in Desolation Sound, BCSenior Science Advisor, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Irene Manley MSc1999Behaviour and habitat selection of Marbled Murrelets nesting on the Sunshine CoastWildlife Biologist, Government of BC
Brett Vanderkist MSc1999Sex ratio and physiological indicators of reproduction in the Marbled Murrelet Instructor, Visual College of Art and Design
James Clowater MSc1998Distribution and foraging behaviour of wintering western grebesOrnithologist, Naturalist, Photographer, and Educator, self-employed
Sean Cullen MSc1998Population biology of Eared Grebes in naturally fragmented habitatManager, Environmental Assessments, Ecofish Research
Oliver Egeler MSc1998Aspects of fatty acid synthesis and composition in relation to migration in the Western SandpiperSenior Scientist, StemCell Technologies
Hugh Knechtel MSc1998Effects of age, gender, and condition on the reproductive effort of Cassin's Auklets on Triangle Island, BC
Brian Carter MSc1997Winter habitat use by Trumpter Swans in the Fraser Delta, BC
Andrea MacCharles MSc1997Diving and foraging behaviour of wintering Common Eiders at Capre St. Mary's, Newfoundland
Eric Reed MSc1997Migration patterns and philopatry of the Black Brant in the Strait of Georgia, BCMigratory Bird Population Analyst, EC
Gregory Robertson PhD1997Pair formation, mating system, and winter philopatry of Harlequin DucksResearch Scientist, Marine Birds and Ecosystems, EC
Brett Sandercock PhD1997Factors affecting the breeding demography of Western Sandpipers and Semipalmated Sandpipers at Nome, AlaskaProfessor of Wildlife Biology, Kansas State University
Debbie Van de Wetering MSc1997Moult characteristics and habitat selection of postbreeding male Barrow's Goldeneye in northern YukonConservation Biologist, Environment Canada
Barbara Ganter PhD1994The influence of pre-breeding food resources on clutch size and philopatry in the lesser snow goose