
Directory of University Records
Model File Classification Plan


Records relating to the self-governance of the university and departments as organizations. By default, these records are scheduled under RRSDA 1999-005, General Administrative, Program and Subject Files. Exceptions are noted in brackets, with a link to the over-riding RRSDA. See scope notes for more detailed description. See also Committee Files.

Governance (General)
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Reports and Statistics
Special Projects
Reference and Information Files
Delegation of Authority
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Delegation of Authority Files
Elections and Referenda
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Election and Referenda Ballots (RRSDA 1998-026)
Harassment Policy
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Harassment Case Files
Human Rights Commission
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Human Rights Case Files
Internal Investigations
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Investigation Case Files
Legal Matters
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Legal Advice
Legal Case Files
Organization Charts
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Organization Charts
Strategic Planning
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Strategic Planning Files
Waivers and Releases
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Waiver and Release Files

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Scope notes

Governance (General)
Use for records relating to governance in general, but which do not fall under any other primary in this subject heading. Note that the secondaries "Policy, Procedures, Standards," "General," "Planning," "Reports and Statistics," "Special Projects," and "Reference and Information Files" can also be attached to any other primary if needed. See How to Use the Model Classification Plan for more details regarding generic secondaries.
Delegation of Authority
Use for correspondence, forms and other records documenting an on-going or temporary delegation of authority, including signing authority.
Elections and Referenda
Use for records relating to elections/referenda planning and for the ballots cast. Ballots are scheduled under RRSDA 1998-026.
Harassment Policy
Use for records relating to departmental involvement in administering and applying the university's Harassment Policy. These records are scheduled under RRSDAs 1998-017 (for case resolved at the informal stage), 1998-018 (for case resolved at the mediation stage), and 1998-019 (for case resolved at the formal investigation stage). Note that RRSDA 1998-022 covers audio and audio-visual records created at any stage in the resolution process.
Human Rights Commission
Use for records relating to departmental involvement in cases brought to the BC Human Rights Commission.
Internal Investigations
Use for records relating to departmental investigations into internal disputes or allegations of misconduct.
Legal Matters
Use for records relating to departmental requests for legal advice or involvement in litigation.
Organization Charts
Use for university and departmental organization charts. Charts are S/O (superseded or obsolete) when revised, replaced or discontinued. Destroy S/O charts of other departments; retain an archival record of your own department's S/O charts.
Strategic Planning
Use for correspondence, reports and working files relating to university or departmental strategic planning.
Waivers and Releases
Use for waiver forms signed by students, employees or other individuals releasing the university and/or department from liabilities associated with an activity they are undertaking with the department. These records are used to defend the university in the event of a subsequent dispute and should be retained for as long as such disputes might reasonably be expected to arise. If there is no clear limitation period, it is prudent to set a retention period for these records based on the estimated lifetime of the individual (i.e. current year plus 60 years).

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Page created: May 22, 2001