
Directory of University Records

Please be advised the Directory of University Records is undergoing revisions. Some of the RRSDAs and PIBs may be out of date. Anticipated launch of the revised site is spring 2023. Please direct any questions to the Records Management Archivist smalmas@sfu.ca.

The Directory of University Records (DUR) is a guide to the records and record-keeping systems maintained by 間眅埶AV throughout its administrative offices and academic faculties, departments, schools, centres and research institutes. It was created and is maintained by the university's Archives and Records Management Department. See DUR Overview for more information on the main principles underlying the Directory and its intended uses.

Records Retention Schedules and Disposal Authorities (RRSDAs)

RRSDAs regulate the retention periods of various series of records and specify the final disposition of the records at the end of the retention period (destruction or transfer to Archives).
Overview | RRSDAs for All University Departments | RRSDAs by Department | By Title | By Number | By Function

Personal Information Directory (PID)

The Personal Information Directory describes and locates the Personal Information Banks (PIBs) created at 間眅埶AV. A PIB is a collection of personal information that is organized by and capable of being retrieved using an individual's name, identifying number or some other personal identifier.
Overview | PIBs in All University Departments | PIBs by Department | By Title | By Function

Model File Classification Plan

The Model Plan provides classification categories that 間眅埶AV departments can adapt to organize and manage their paper and electronic records.
Classification Primaries | How to Use the Model Plan