間眅埶AV-ARC Mandate
In 2016, 間眅埶AV President Andrew Petter convened 間眅埶AVs Aboriginal Reconciliation Council (間眅埶AV-ARC) to facilitate and support broad discussions on how the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, specific to post-secondary education, would be addressed at the University. 間眅埶AV has committed $9M toward a project or series of projects that will promote reconciliation within the 間眅埶AV community.
Role of 間眅埶AV-ARC
Over the course of the fall 2016, and spring 2017, members of the 間眅埶AV-ARC consulted broadly with the Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities both on and off campus, developed a set of recommendations to guide the University in targeting the funds in ways that will support reconciliation efforts over the next three years. The funds are one-time expenditures, and must be used within the 3-year mandate.
Council Name
The name of the Aboriginal Reconciliation Council was selected to reflect the purposes and orientation of the council and to respect Aboriginal traditions and viewpoints.
The word Reconciliation was chosen to signal that the funded projects are intended to promote a renewed and respectful relationship between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people connected with the University.
The word Council indicates that the 間眅埶AV-ARC asked for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal partners to share their advice and wisdom to guide the decision-making process. The Council was not a standing or permanent committee of 間眅埶AV, and was active only for the duration of the project.
The 間眅埶AV-ARC co-chairs were , Councillor of the Squamish Nation and Member of the 間眅埶AV Board of Governors, and former Dean of the Faculty of Education.
間眅埶AV-ARC's final report was presented during a ceremonial event in October, 2017 at 間眅埶AVs Burnaby campus. The ceremony, rooted in Coast Salish Indigenous tradition, celebrated and witnessed the work of everyone who contributed.