OAP Ultimate National Indigenous Day Quiz 2024
Ultimate National Indigenous Day Quiz 2024:
Welcome to the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Office for Aboriginal People (OAP) Ultimate National Indigenous Day virtual quiz consisting of 3 categories: "Children's Quiz," "General Knowledge Quiz," and "Advanced Challenge Quiz." These are open to anyone who wishes to try! You can also enter a draw for your participation to win a coffee card. There is also a printable Children's crossword puzzle that anyone can try. The quiz is now closed. Thank you to all who participated.
Advanced Challenge Quiz (Designed to puzzle even the best)
Children's Quiz
General Knowledge Quiz (for anybody who wishes to just try general knowledge-type questions)
Quotes from some of the participants (anonymity protected) who took on the Ultimate National Indigenous Day Quiz 2023:
"I realize I don't know everything about the history across Canada. It was fun and interesting. I knew the basics but there is so much more collectively to know and of course for all Canadians to know..."
"The quizzes were well done and I learned some new things from them..."
"Thank you and your organization for putting the virtual quiz together - I learned a lot, and am ashamed I did not know more. I will endeavour to keep learning about indigenous history..."
"Thank you for your department to organize this activity and allows me to learn more about heritage and contributions of Indigenous people..."
"Exploring and learning about Canadian Indigenous history has been a delightful and fascinating experience for me. I would say this quiz was an enjoyable and intriguing experience. While I possess a foundational knowledge, my participation in this quiz has certainly motivated me to deepen my knowledge on this topic..."
"The quizzes were a fun way to learn more about Indigenous history and culture. I learned a lot, even from the children’s quiz! Thank you for providing this important and engaging educational opportunity..."