
Paetzel Lab Structure Gallery

NMR structure of the C3-domain of Human Cardiac Myosin Binding Protein-C (WT vs. R502W mutation)

Crystal structure of Bacillus subtilis signal peptide peptidase A with C-terminal peptides bound

Crystal structure of human cNTnC with cadmium reveals a closed conformation

Crystal structure of Yellowtail Ascites Virus (YAV) VP4 protease - native active site

Crystal structure of YAV VP4 protease - mutant active site(K674A)

Crystal structure of Bacillus subtilis signal peptide peptidase A

Crystal structure of Escherichia coli type I signal peptidase in complex with an Arylomycin lipoglycopeptide antibiotic

Crystal structure of the Escherichia coli BamCD complex

Crystal structure of human cardiac troponin C regulatory domain in complex with cadmium and deoxycholic acid

Crystal structure of Escherichia coli BamC C-terminal domain in space group H3

Crystal structure of Tellina Virus 1 (TV-1) VP4 protease in the form of an intra-molecular(cis)acyl-enzyme complex

NMR structure of Escherichia coli BamE

Crystal structure of Escherichia coli BamB

Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of glucoamylase from Aspergillus niger

Crystal structure of mammalian CTP:phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase with bound CDP-choline

Crystal structure of Escherichia coli signal peptidase in ternary complex with two inhibitors

Crystal structure of Escherichia coli DmsD

Crystal structure of Agrobacterium tumefaciens CsaA (AtCsaA)

Crystal structure of AtCsaA with fused phage-display derived peptide

Crystal structure of Escherichia coli YidC P1 domain

Crystal structure of bacterial signal peptide peptidase (Escherichia coli SppA)

Crystal structure of Infection Pancreatic Necrosis Virus (IPNV) VP4 protease

Hexagonal form of IPNV VP4 protease

Tetragonal form of Bacillus subtilis CsaA (BsCsaA)

Trigonal form of BsCsaA

Crystal structure of Blotched Snakehead Virus (BSNV) VP4 protease

Crystal structure of Escherichia coli type I signal peptidase (SPaseI) lipopeptide inhibitor complex