





RDL: River Dynamics Laboratory

RDL People


RDL People
JGV Jeremy G. Venditti


My primary interests are in the geomorphic and sedimentary processes that shape Earth's surface. I work at a range of temporal and spatial scales from detailed examinations of sediment dynamics occurring over fractions of a second in laboratory channels to monitoring annual river and watershed responses to human impacts. The theme of my research throughout my career has been erosion and sedimentation processes, particularly in river channels. I use a spectrum of research approaches, including field observation and experimentation, physical modeling in laboratories, development of theoretical models, and numerical simulation. To see more about my research, visit my research page

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RAK Ray Kostaschuk

Adjunct Professor

My research interests are in fluvial geomorphology and hydrology. This research is conducted at several national and international locations and includes applications of acoustic technology, floods and their effect on rivers, the impact of global change, dune morphology and processes, fluvial turbidity currents, river confluences and the impact of urbanization on stream channel erosion.

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SC Sean Chartrand

Limited Term Faculty

Shawn is a geophysical and environmental scientist. His research focuses on how rivers form and co-evolve with landscapes. He has particular interest in mountain rivers and cold regions of the Arctic. Shawn uses field campaigns, physical experiments and theory development to address basic research questions. He applies his research to improve how professional scientists approach and develop river restoration plans, including the removal of dams.

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Research Associates

bumbum Bum Bum

Research Associate

Previous Degree: M.Sc. University of British Columbia, 2012

Current Project: Oral grain-size measurement

Email: confidential


Ryan The Ryan Bradley

Post Doctoral Fellow

Previous Degree: PhD, 間眅埶AV, 2018

Project: Physics of flooding in sand bed rivers

Email: rwbradle@sfu.ca

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Dan Lizzie Dingle

Post Doctoral Fellow

Previous Degree: PhD, Edinburgh, 2017

Project: Controls on grain size of sediment exported from mountain ranges

Email: elizabeth_dingle@sfu.ca


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Laura Laura Alvarez

Post Doctoral Fellow

Previous Degree: PhD, Arizona, 2017

Project: Numerical modelling of plunging flow dyanmics in bedrock canyons

Email: Alvarez@ou.edu

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Graduate Students

AG Tingan Li

Ph.D. Student

Previous Degree: MSc, University of Petroleum, Beijing, 2017

Project: Morphodynamic modeling of bedrock canyons

Email: Tingan_Li@sfu.ca

EC Max Hurson

PhD Student

Previous Degree: BSc, Concordia, 2018

Project: Flow resistance in bedrock rivers

Email: max_hurson@sfu.ca

BH Mike Curran

MSc Student

Previous Degree: BA Geology, Colorado College, 2013

Project: Rock control of river geometry

Email: Curran@sfu.ca

BH Kyle Kusack

MSc Student

Previous Degree: BSc, 間眅埶AV, 2018

Project: Formation of bedrock pools canyons

Email: kyle_kusack@sfu.ca


We are taking a break on visitors to get some science done.

Technical Staff

ML Morgan Wright

Lab Technician

Previous Degree: BSc (Environmental Science), 間眅埶AV, 2019

Email: morgan_wright@sfu.ca



Eric Deal, Visiting MIT Postdoc, Project: Granular dynamics of bedload. Currently: ETH Zurich

Eva Kwoll, Postdoctoral Fellow. Project: Topography in Fraser Canyons. Currently: Assistant Professor, University of Victoria

Ted Fuller, Postdoctoral Fellow. Project: Geomorphic impacts of run-of-river hydro development. Currently: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Minneapolis MN

Genevieve Marquis, NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow. Project: What is washload? Currently: Geomorphologue, J.F. Sabourin and Associates, Montreal QC

Caroline Le Bouteiller, MITACS Elevate Postdoctoral Fellow. Project: Flexible vegetation, sediment transport and morphodynamics, Currently: Researcher at IRSTEA, University of Joseph Fourier (formerly Grenoble)


Ryan Bradley, Ph.D., 2018, Controls on Dune Dimensions in Rivers Currently: Mitacs Postdoc, 間眅埶AV

Eric Cao, M.Sc., 2018, Scour pool incision in bedrock canyons Currently: Fluvial Geomorphologist, SNC Lavalin

B-Jae Kelly, M.Sc., 2018, The modern coarse-grained fan deltas of south-western British Columbia, Canada: A geomorphologic study Currently: 間眅埶AV Geography Logistics Manager

Flavien Beaud, Ph.D. (co-supervised with Gwenn Flowers), 2017, Numerical investigations of subglacial hydrology as a direct and indirect driver of glacial erosion Currently: Postdoc, Caltech

Ashley Dudill, Ph.D. (University of British Columbia), 2017, Experimental Study of Segregation Mechanisms in Bedload Sediment Transport Currently: Fluvial Geomorphologist, Northwest Hydraulic Consultants

Dan Haught, Ph.D., 2017, Acoustically Derived Suspended Sediment Concentrations and Flux in the Fraser River, Canada Currently: Research Hydrologist, USGS Sacramento

Brendan Hunt, M.Sc., 2016, Experiments on the morphological controls of velocity inversions in bedrock canyons Currently: Instructor, Columbia College

Alessandro Gitto, M.Sc., 2015, Representative point-integrated suspended sediment sampling in rivers Currently: Hanging out in Nanaimo

Megan Hendershot, M.Sc., 2014, Low angle dune response to variable flow, dune translation and crestline dynamics in Fraser Estuary, British Columbia, Canada Currently: Fluvial Geomorphologist, Stantec

Eva Kwoll, Ph.D. (University of Bremen), 2013, Bedforms, macroturbulence, and sediment transport at the fluid-bed interface Currently: Assistant Professor, University of Victoria

Ryan Bradley, M.Sc., 2012, Coherent Flow Structures and Suspension Events over Low-angle Dunes: Fraser River, Canada Currently: Mitacs Postdoc, 間眅埶AV

Maureen Attard, M.Sc., 2012, Evaluation of aDcps for Suspended Sediment Transport Monitoring, Fraser River, British Columbia Currently: River Scientist, Beacon Environmental Ltd

Sally Haggarstone, B.Sc., 2012, Salinity gradients in Pachena Estuary, British Columbia, Currently: Unknown

Martin Lin, M.Sc., 2011, Bedform Migration in Rivers Currently: CAD Operator, Altus Geomatics

Natalia Domarad, M.Sc., 2011, Flow and Suspended Sediment Transport Through the Gravel-Sand Transition in the Fraser River, British Columbia. Currently: Senior Consultant, Experian (Sydney, Australia).

Megan Hendershot, B.Sc., 2010, The effect of cluster density and arrangement on flow resistance in gravel-bedded streams, Currently: Fluvial Geomorphologist, Stantec

Technical Staff and Research Assistants

Kirsti Fairweather, Research Assistant (NSERC USRA), 2016-2017. Currently: Hydrometric Technician, Water Survey of Canada

Kyle Kusack, Research Assistant (NSERC USRA), 2016-2017. Currently: M.Sc. Student (Geography)

Intan (Agoes) Kardal, Research Assistant, 2015-2016. Currently: Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Nicola Rammell, Research Assistant, 2015. Currently: Research Technician, Earth2Oceans Group, 間眅埶AV

Kate Donkers, Research Assistant, 2014. Currently: Greenlane Biogas Ltd.

Jacqui Brown, Research Assistant, 2012-2014. Currently: BC Hydro

Matt Akenhead, Research Assistant, 2013-2014. Currently: Technician, GeoPacific Consultants

Michelle Linde, Research Assistant, 2013. Currently: Elementary School Teacher, Ecole Moody Middle School of Arts

Micheal Wong, Research Assistant (NSERC USRA), 2013. Currently: Unknown

Jordan MacDonald, Flume Lab Technician, 2012-2013. Currently: Fishing the high seas.

Jessica Fickell, Research Assistant, 2011-2012. Currently: Teacher, School District 27

Doddy Ervondy, Flume Lab Technician, 2010. Currently: Private Consultant, Aeorspace Engineering Industry and Instructor at University of Washington

Sally Haggarstone, Research Assistant (NSERC USRA), 2010. Currently: unknown

Moslem Kazemi, Programmer, Robotic Instrument Cart and ADCP Analysis Software, 2009-2010. Currently: Senior Autonomy Engineer, Uber (Pittsburg, PA)

Kaveh Kianfar, Robotic Instrument Cart Design and Construction, 2009. Currently: Function Developer, ZENUITY (Gothenburg Sweden)

Megan Hendershot, Research Assistant (NSERC USRA) and Flume Lab Manager, 2008-2010. Currently: Fluvial Geomorphologist, Stantec

Brooke Webber, Research Assistant (NSERC USRA), 2008. Currently: Unknown

Patrick Humphries, Flume Lab Technician, 2008. Currently: Unknown

Laurel Eyton, Research Assistant, 2007-2008. Currently: Independent planning consultant

Visitors 2017- now

Santi Benevides, PhD student at MIT, 2018-19, Project: Granular dynamics of bedload

Marianni Nogales, UBC-Okanagan, 2018, Project: Lateral dispersion of sediment

Taylor Perron, Professor at MIT, 2017-18, Project: Granular dynamics of bedload

Saber Ansari, PhD student at University of Ottawa, 2017, Project: Remote sensing of flow in canyons

Hamed Dashtpeyma, PhD student from University of Waterloo, 2017, Project: Remote sensing of flow in canyons

RDL 2019





Curriculum Vitae


River Dynamics Research Group
