
M a r t i n X S. X G o t f r i t

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Active Space Collaborative Research

For more than a decade I've been collaborating with John Crawford and Lisa Naugle on a series of performances and workshops under the title Active Space. The autonomous music generating system I've been working on over the past 12 years is driven by data from John's machine vision system. Although often the system operates without my presence, I do occasionally perform live with them.

Responsive Circumstances: Urban Fabric Prague (45’) was an interactive performance with dancers and multimedia using my GitM system, guitar and keyboards in collaboration with John and Lisa. These videos are excerpts from that performance at the National Gallery Cinema Hall, Prague. This perfroamce was part of the opening ceremonies for the International Biennale of Contemporary Art. June 2005.

This clip features the GitM system (orchestral sounds). The video processing was done in real time and was projected on a screen at the back of the stage.


more video here