
FCReL Services

Fuel Cell/Battery Testing

The Greenlight Innovation fuel cell test stations at FCReL are available for both single cell and stack size fuel cell performance and durability testing of fuel cells and redox flow batteries.

The test stations features a 3-way valve for delivery of facility-supplied hydrogen and air via integrated heaters and humidifiers through insulated tubes to the fuel cell stack manifolds.

Micro and Nano X-ray Computed Tomography

Three-dimensional, non-destructive visualization of material structure on the micro and nano scales, using a state-of-the-art multi-length scale X-ray computed tomography facility with customized instruments from ZEISS X-ray Microscopy. The facility includes capabilities for in-situ and in-operando visualization.

Scanning Electron Microscopy & Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy

Our SEM/EDAX Vega3 LMH is a high resolution imaging microscope that is coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy for elemental quantitative detection. This instrument can also provide information about surface topography of the materials.

Raman Spectroscopy

Our Thermo- Fisher DXR2 is an advanced laser based microscope instrument with a high spatial resolution that provides Raman Spectroscopy capabilities for obtaining information about structural molecule fingerprints.

Surface Microscopy

Detailed characterization and quantification of material surfaces using a Keyence VHX 5000 digital microscope that incorporates observation, image capture, and measurement capabilities to the user while providing an on-screen interface for viewing objects and surface of materials. Ability to measure surface topology and roughness profiles at high resolution.

Porous Material Characterization

Our group offers bulk characterization of porous materials and their internal structure and properties using two different, complementary techniques. First, BET surface area and pore size distribution are measured using an Autosorb iQ C-XR, which is a combined chemisorption and physisorption manometry analyzer. Furthermore, for catalyst characterization the station can measure dispersion and active metal surface area, and it is equipped with a temperature programmed analyzer.

Second, the Greenlight Innovation porosimeter analyzes porous structures with pore sizes from 1nm to 300 micrometers. Using Method of Standard Porosimetery (MSP), it is capable of measuring porosity, pore size distribution, specific surface area, capillary pressure curves, contact angle, and adsorption/desorption isotherms. The MSP also aims to investigate the structure of samples in a working liquid, such as water, methanol and other solvents used in PEM Fuel Cells and in various batteries.

Volumetric Gas Sorption Measurement

Our in-house developed volumetric gas sorption analyzer is designed to measure the gas sorption/desorption capacity and kinetics of materials for inert gases, including H2, N2, He, etc., across a wide range of pressures and temperatures. The system is equipped with a molecular turbo pump and a residual gas analyzer.

Gravimetric Gas Sorption Measurement

Our Hiden Isochema XEMIS- Gravimetric analyzer allows the measurement of the gas sorption/desorption capacity and kinetics of materials. The station can operate with various gas and vapour compositions including corrosives and flammables. Furthermore, the station allows working with small sample sizes (5mg-5g) and small uptakes, providing reproducible, high accuracy measurements. The unit can be used to perform isotherm, isobar and high pressure TGA measurements in a single automated analyzer up to 500°C.

High Pressure & Universal Gas Analysis

Our UGA- LT atmospheric gas analyzer is capable of conducting gas mixture analysis by using a mass spectrometer. The station operates between atmospheric pressure level to ultra-high vacuum pressure level. This station is ideal for corrosive gas mixture analysis and is able to measure trace-level contaminants.

Dynamic Mechanical Analysis

The TA Instruments Q800 DMA is equipped with an environmental chamber (TA Instruments DMA-RH accessory) and the TA Insturments Discovery DMA 850 is equipped with a cooling accessory to facilite tests at below ambiet temperatures. These state-of-the-art tools to facilitate the in-depth mechanical behavior and durability testing and analysis of hydrogen fuel cell components.

By utilizing a variety of testing clamps (tension, compression, submersible, 3-point bending, and cantilever) provides the DMA with the capability to conducting a wide range of mechanical and thermo-mechanical testing from dry conditions to fully immersed in the liquid water. The DMA testing capabilities are including (but not limited to): Tensile, Compressive, Creep, Stress relaxation, Fatigue-fracture, Hygrothermal swelling and expansion, Glass transition temperature (Tg)

The DMA-RH Accessory allows mechanical properties of a sample to be evaluated under controlled and/or varying conditions of both relative humidity (0-95%) and temperature (ambient-120°C).


The force tensiometer measures the forces that are present when a sample of solid is brought into contact with a test liquid. This enables precise characterization of a number of material properties. The tensiometer is capable of the following measurements

  • Dynamic contact angle
  • Surface/interfacial tension
  • Absorption profiles
  • Powder wettability of porous materials, fibers, coatings, and solids

Dynamic Peel & Adhesion Testing

Our Lab Master 80-91 TMI Release & Adhesion Tester allows the measurement of the adhesive or bond strength between layered materials.

Modeling and Simulation

FCReL has comprehensive capabilities for fuel cell modeling and simulation, including microstructural models, transport property simulations, performance models, and durability models across a wide range of length and time scales