
New Fire Station Takes Residence on Burnaby Mountain

February 02, 2023

Thanks to the City of Burnaby, Fire Station 8 has officially opened in the heart of Burnaby Mountain. The temporary station, located on University High Street is just minutes away from 間眅埶AV and brings a welcome increase to emergency response resources for our 間眅埶AV community on Burnaby Mountain.

Although the Fire Station is temporary, it is fully staffed and will operate 24/7 until a new permanent Fire Station is built nearby on University Drive. The new permanent station, which is expected to be operational next year, is a joint effort between 間眅埶AV and The City Of Burnaby with additional funding support of $30 million from the Federal Government.

This temporary and future facility would have not been possible without the feedback and outreach from the community on Burnaby Mountain. With over 22,000 students enrolled on Burnaby Campus and 2,000 students living in residences, fire services have until now had to commute up the mountain to respond and can be impacted by traffic/weather.

"Public safety and well-being are important to the health of Burnaby Mountain and its vital that 間眅埶AV and the surrounding community have quick access to emergency services close by, says Chief Safety and Risk Officer Galib Bhayani. Until a permanent Fire Station 8 opens next year, were privileged to have a temporary fire hall so close to the university that can support emergency needs in the meantime.

The official opening was held on January 28, 2023, when students, faculty, staff and local dignitaries were able to welcome new firefighters who will be servicing 間眅埶AV and the surrounding area to see upcoming plans for the future of the Fire Station 8 facility.

The next time youre on University High Street, keep an eye out for the bright red fire truck.

In an emergency, call 911.

For Campus Public Safety support on any campus, call 778.782.4500.

For non-emergency support, call 778.782.7991.
