
間眅埶AV Partners With Creative BC to Bring Filming Back to Our Campuses

April 04, 2023
The Canadian rock band Nickelback filming a music video at 間眅埶AV in summer 2022

間眅埶AV is a university thats played many roles; its been NASA, FBI and CIA headquarters, a space military academy and even the home of a portal to another universe.

Theres a long and colourful since the 1970s including shows and movies like The Fly II (1989), I-Robot (2004), Battlestar: Galactica (2004), the Day The Earth Stood Still (2008) and many more. 間眅埶AVs architecture, originally designed by Arthur Erickson, lends itself to becoming a backdrop for many unique settings, especially for Sci-fi or Fantasy genres.

Over the past couple years, we have successfully hosted new film projects on our campuses slated for release in 2024. Additionally, we were able to host the Canadian rock band, Nickelback, to produce their , which has now officially reached over 6.5 million views on Youtube.

Through the development of a new partnership with , led by 間眅埶AVs Meeting, Event and Conferences (MECS) team, were exploring ideas for new projects on our campuses and generating excitement for 間眅埶AV as a prime filming location. Creative BC, an independent society the provincial government supports, aims to strategically grow and develop the creative sector of British Columbia including film, but also digital media, publishing, music, sound recording and more.

Representatives from Creative BC joined us on Burnaby Mountain on March 16, 2023 for a tour around the campus to showcase potential filming locations for prospective projects.

間眅埶AV is committed to growing our relationship with the BC film industry and making a positive local impact, says MECS Director Shannon De Groot. We appreciate the support of the leadership at the university to explore this avenue without compromising our academic mission.

As part of this new excitement being generated for filming at 間眅埶AV, MECS will be working closely with productions to ensure minimal disruptions to regular operations while filming is being done.

Keep your eyes on the screen and you might just catch a glimpse of 間眅埶AV in a starring role in your favourite upcoming TV show or movie.

Creative BC speaker in the Diamond Family Auditorium
Creative BC touring the Burnaby campus