

UGRS Presentation Program

2024 UGRS Program

Photographs and video will be taken at the event for use on the 間眅埶AV website and in 間眅埶AV marketing materials, and all other university publications. By entering this event, you consent to the University photographing and using your image and likeness unless you have specified otherwise in media consent forms that will be available onsite.

Elder Welcome and Opening Remarks | 12:30 - 12:50

  • Elder Marie Hooper, k妢ik妢 m (Kwikwetlem First Nation)
  • UGRS Planning Committee
  • 間眅埶AV President and Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Joy Johnson

Keynote Presentation | 12:50 - 1:15

  • Dr. Diana Bedoya, (間眅埶AV Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology)
    Keynote presentation: "Trust me, I did my research!" Challenging misinformation through the research ecosystem.

Block 1 | 1:25 PM - 2:20 PM

Health, Wellbeing, and Safety Halpern 126

Moderators: Feyza Sahinyazan (Business) and Sheri Fabian (Criminology)

Utilization of recommended falling strategies in mountain biking

Freddie Kim
Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology

Co-designing Programmable Fidgeting Experience with Swarm Robots for Adults with ADHD

Samira Pulatova
Computing Science

Cohort profile: Mothers with an indication of substance use disorder and their offspring in British Columbia, 2000-2021

Noah Katsuno
Health Sciences

Accessibility of mental health treatment following mild traumatic brain injury: An exploratory analysis

Liam McCloskey

Exploring Lifestyle and Microbiome Factors Associated with Antibiotic Misuse

Brenna Lee
Molecular Biology

Human Behaviour and Communication - Thakore Room 3008, Bennett Library  

Moderator: Ahmed Al-Rawi (Communication) 

Data-Driven Perspectives on Outgroup Sentiment: Unmasking the Global Landscape with Social Data Science

Rachel Way
Political Science

Between a Rock and a Hard Place: An Examination of Polygraphs and Coercion in Police Interrogations

Marcelo Espinoza

Managing Consensual Non-Monogamy Stigma in a Monogamous Society

Nushaiba Nanjiba, Allyson Klassen, Kylie Viala

The Quandary of Cobra Chickens: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Media Coverage of Canadian Geese in the United States and Canada

Oshin Joshipura

Postwar Mythmaking: German Generals Construction of the Myth of the Clean Wehrmacht

Braeden Mandrusiak

Profitable Addictainment: The Intersection of Entertainment, Hate Speech, and Radicalization on Kick.com

Alan R繹pke
School of Communication

Relationships, Bonds, Identities, and Selves - Thesis Defense Room 2020, Bennett Library  

Faculty Moderator: Molly Cairncross (Psychology)

Navigating Gender Identity Disclosure: Vulnerabilities and Characteristics Among Canadian Teens - A Response to Saskatchewan's Bill 137

Samantha Yu
Health Sciences

Eco-Tensions: Why some Environmentalists may support Destructive Intergroup Behaviour

Emil Dzhunushaliev

Swiping right for The One: Exploring single peoples implicit relationship beliefs and dating app behaviour

Hilary Tsui 
Department of Psychology & School of Communication

(Re)framing Roots Beyond Binaries: A photovoice exploration of self-discovery and wellness among Asian, gender-diverse youth

Christina Lam
Health Sciences

The Influence of Absences of Caregiver Responsiveness in Social Interactions on the Development of Infant Social Bids

Jacob Angeles

Coffee Break | 2:30 PM - 2:50 PM

Block 2 | 3:00 PM - 3:55PM  

The World Around Us, Past and Present Thakore Room 3008, Bennett Library  

Faculty Moderators: Paul Kingsbury (Geography) and Danielle Murdoch (Criminology)

Evaluating Nano Materials for Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy: Exploring Potential Enhancements

Man Tsun Vivian Chu

Assessing Marine Turtle Bone as a Viable Material for Radiocarbon Dating: Insights from Zooarchaeology by Mass Spectrometry and Stable Isotope Analysis

Julian Groll

CLEWs modelling workflow development to support coherent policy development

Mohammad Al-Sheboul
Sustainable Energy Engineering

Do European Starlings Exercise in Anticipation of Fledging?

Kate Earle
Resource and Environmental Management/Biological Sciences

Investigation of the role of mobilities of care in city transportation planning and practice

Hitika Gosal
Health Sciences

Ancient DNA Identification of Salmon Remains

Jasmine Dhillon

Resistance and Resilience Halpern 126  

Faculty moderator: Lisa Craig (Molecular Biology and Biochemistry) and Sheri Fabian (Criminology)

Synthesis and Applications of N-Heterocyclic Carbene Based Ionomers in the Catalyst Layer of CO2 Electrolysers

Daria Cirlan

Tailoring Immunogens To Steer The Elicitation Of VRC01-Class Neutralizing Antibodies, A Broadly Cross-Reactive Class Of Neutralizing Antibodies To Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1)

Angela Omrani
Molecular Biology

Investigating Lenient Policy in Aotearoa-New Zealand: Biculturalism in the Parliamentary Record

Xian Kostyrko

Targeting SARS-CoV-2s Conserved Regions with Antibodies: A Strategy for Broadly Effective Vaccines and Pandemic Preparedness

Ernest Hoptioncann and Jason Eom Health Sciences

Do Bullying Prevention Programs Reduce Depression and Anxiety Experienced by Students

Samreen Kaur Ahuja and Diksha Sharma Education

Graduate Student Panel | 4:05 PM - 4:45 PM | Halpern 126

Demystifying Grad School: real experiences and Q&A

Join in a conversation about life in grad school with four former Undergraduate Research Symposium participants who have gone on to continue their studies at 間眅埶AV after completing their undergraduate degrees.  What have they learned? What do they wish they had known when they were planning the next steps for their education?  Benefit from their wisdom and see where a passion for research can take you!

Our panelists:  

Emmanuel Hung, Biological Sciences, PhD Student

Ihsan Hage-Hassan, Criminology, Master's Student

Dexter Zamora, Mechatronic Systems Engineering, Master's Student

Pranjali Jatinderjit Mann, Communications, Master's Student

Closing Words | 4:45PM - 5:00PM

Poster Session and Networking Reception | 5:00PM - 6:00PM



Title Poster Presenters Department
The Influence of Cultural Norms on Features in Parent-Child Conversations of Moral Pride Angel Leung Psychology 
Prevalence of Menstrual Cycle Symptoms and Tracking Methods Among Canadian Female Athletes Anjalie Sidhu Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology 
Intergenerational Transmission of Emotional Wellbeing: Examining the Socialization of Positive Emotions Across Generations Cahleigh Kalbfleisch Psychology
The Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury on Sleep in Mouse Models of Alzheimers Disease Emad Shams Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology               
Human consumption of land snails in Cura癟ao Emma Chong Department of Archaeology/Faculty of Environment 
A Review of Chronic Wasting Disease Management Strategies Erica  Dong Health Sciences 
Coastal Connections: Exploring the Biology, Ecology, and Geology of the Wild Miles Intertidal Zone GROUP POSTER: Yu Cao, Ching-Wen Chang, Sage Dillabough, Laila Fawaz, HelenWong Environmental Science
Digital Interactive Agents for 間眅埶AV Counselling Services Jae Eun  Kim School of Interactive Arts & Technology
Comfort in Counsel: Receiving Advice Promotes Well-Being and Feelings of Belonging among Post-Secondary Students Kalum Kumar Psychology 
For the worlds we dream of building: On reimagining progress & the aesthetics of gentrification Kyra Vergara Faculty of Sociology and Anthropology
Changes in threat/control-override delusions, substance use, and violence Leanne Vibar Psychology
Visions of the past: Mindfulness and cognitions enhance how our positive memories of parents are linked to present-day social relationships Marc E. Gelineau Psychology
To Spice Things up or Not to Spice Things up: Investigating Perceptions of Sexual Novelty Use in Romantic Relationships Maya Beninteso Psychology
Investigating the Impact of Acute Trazodone Administration on Sleep in Mice    Mayuko Arai Psychology 
Untangling the Threads of Singlehood: Examining Relationship Pedestal Beliefs, Attachment Styles and Singlehood Satisfaction Natasha Prasad Psychology
MS characterization of total cellular proteome in responses to exogenous sugar stress Pham Nguyen Chemistry & Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
Mind the gap: Advice givers underestimate how much their advice is appreciated by recipients. Ravneet Hothi Psychology
Effects of sleep displacement and sleep fragmentation on hippocampal neurogenesis in mice Robert  Gibson Psychology
Cannabidiol as a Potential Treatment for Familial Hemiplegic Migraines Saba Hosseini Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology
Strategies to gender-sensitize health promotion interventions for men Sarra Pirmohamed Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology             
Supporting Transitions: The Role of Prosocial Behaviors in Post-Graduation Well-being Sophia  Vennesland Psychology
Validation of a Novel Method for Identifying Sleep-Disordered Breathing in Spinal Cord Injury Stefan Vukovic Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology
Comparing touchscreen-based tests of pattern separation for rodent models Taha Yildirim Psychology
Analyzing Features of Messages to Old Friends & Peoples Willingness to Hit Send Tori Kazemir Psychology
The Genetic Dissection of Shieldin Zahra Salimi Molecular Biology

Student Photovoice Exhibit

A cohort of 10 undergraduate students participated in a photovoice project with 間眅埶AV Librarys Student Learning Commons in Fall 2023. The Undergraduate Research Symposium is delighted to host the first exhibition of the project. Photovoice is a participatory action research methodology created by Caroline C. Wang and Mary Ann Burris in the early 1990s. As a methodology, photovoice invites participants to take and share photos of their daily experiences and/or on a theme and share these photos with one another as a springboard for reflection and discussion. In this project, the photovoice methodology was used to invite undergraduate students to share their experiences with and insights about academic success in 2024.