Ethical Engagement
In developing your International Field School, ISS encourages you to consider the nature of your engagement with the communities with whom you are working.
Tips for Ethical Engagement:
- Demonstrate the ethical engagement you want your students to portray.
- Discuss or share information on ethical photography prior to departure.
- Teach students local cultures and norms prior to or upon arrival, or engage local diaspora community to provide this education.
- Discuss the importance of not perpetuating stereotypes surrounding local communities.
- Respect organizations providing services for the program and ensure they are fairly compensated for their time when appropriate.
- Request feedback from organizations providing services for the program as part of measurement and assessment.
- ISS has resources surrounding ethical engagement to share with students. Contact for these resources.
Example: The Center for Global and Intercultural Study has developed an Ethical Photography Guide for UM Students, highlighting principles such as dignity, respect and power.
Resources for Field School Directors
Forum on Education Abroad. 2011.
Forum on Education Abroad. 2015. . 5th edition.
Karim-Haji, F., Roy, P., & Gough, R. 2016. . Resource Guide presented at the 10th Annual Global Internship Conference, Boston, MA, USA.
Tiessen, R. and Grantham, K. 2017. Issue briefs on North-South student mobility. Universities Canada.