

Faith Study

Christianity, Small Group, Faith Study, CCO

Faith Studies are small groups designed for undergraduate students to deepen friendship, discuss Scripture and pray with one another.

Faith Studies meet weekly to share life and study the Bible. It’s a great place to build authentic friendships, learn about God, and grow in your faith.

Studies include Discovery, Source, Growth, Trust, and Communion.

These small groups meet weekly for 50 minutes while classes are on and they usually begin in week 3 of the term. You're welcome to reach out at anytime to get connected.

Fall 2024


1 hour each week for the semester




Miguel Andres

Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO)

CCO is a catholic university student movement dedicated to evangelization. We challenge young adults to live in the fullness of the Catholic faith with a strong emphasis on becoming leaders in the renewal of the world.

Contact Benedict Carlos or Miguel Andres for more information.

Connect with the Catholic Chaplaincy

Connect with the Catholic Chaplaincy at the Multifaith Centre. They are here for you. Whether it is for spiritual direction, to have a listening ear, or just to connect, reach out today.

Joachim Yoon

Catholic Chaplain

Lioba Na

Catholic Chaplaincy Support

Miguel Andres

Faith Group Lead
Catholic Christian Outreach