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Student Conduct

¶¡ÏãÔ°AV is committed to creating a scholarly community characterized by honesty, civility, diversity, free inquiry, mutual respect, individual safety and freedom from harassment and discrimination.   The defines students' basic responsibilities as academic community members, defines inappropriate student conduct, and provides procedures and outcomes to be invoked if students engage in such behaviour.  Each student is responsible for their conduct which affects the University community.  The code shall not be construed to unreasonably prohibit peaceful assemblies, demonstrations or free speech.

The following is a representative but not exhaustive list of behaviours constituting misconduct:

·        harming, injuring or threatening any person (by word or action or through electronic means);

·        endangering or threatening the health, safety or well-being of any individual; 

·        engaging in initiation ceremonies or other rituals that are dehumanizing or degrading;

·        behavior which results in damage, destruction or theft of University property or the property              of any University member;

·        forging, misusing or altering any University document or record;

·        impersonating a member of the University community;

·        unauthorized entry or presence in University premises;

·        misuse of University resources, including computing resources;

·        misuse of disciplinary procedures.

For more information on Student Conduct at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, visit

The University and University authorities are not obligated to enforce any statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances (including bylaws, codes or policies) if discretionarily enforceable by law or made under its, or their, power or authority.