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Graduate Appeals Policies and Procedures

Academic Honesty

All members of the University community share the responsibility for the academic standards and reputation of the University. Academic honesty is a cornerstone of the development and acquisition of knowledge. Academic honesty is a condition of continued membership in the university community.

Academic dishonesty, like other forms of dishonesty, is misrepresentation with intent to deceive or without regard to the source or the accuracy of statements or findings. Academic dishonesty, in whatever form, is ultimately destructive of the values of the University; it is, furthermore, unfair and discouraging to the majority of students who pursue their studies honestly. Scholarly integrity is required of all members of the University.

The following examples are representative but not exhaustive of activities constituting academic dishonesty: plagiarism (presenting the work of another person as your own); submitting the same work more than once without prior approval; cheating; impersonation; submitting false records or information; stealing or destroying the work of another student; removing, mutilating, misplacing or destroying books or other library material; unauthorized or inappropriate use of computers, calculators and other forms of technology in course work, assignments or examinations.

The University code of academic honesty is contained in policy S10.02 at .

For more information, see Graduate Student Appeals.

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Penalties for Acts of Academic Dishonesty

Penalties imposed by the University for academic dishonesty may include one or more of the following: a warning, a verbal or written reprimand, reassessment of work, failure on a particular assignment, failure in a course, denial of admission or readmission, forfeiture of awards or financial assistance, suspension or expulsion from the University.

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Student Conduct

¶¡ÏãÔ°AV is committed to creating a scholarly community characterized by civility, diversity, free inquiry, mutual respect and individual safety. The code of student conduct is intended to define students’ basic responsibilities as members of the academic community, to define inappropriate student conduct and to provide procedures and penalties to be invoked and applied if they engage in such unacceptable behavior. Each student is responsible for his/her conduct which affects the University community. The code shall not be construed to unreasonably prohibit peaceful assemblies, demonstrations or free speech.

The following activities are representative but not exhaustive of behaviors constituting misconduct: disruptive or dangerous behavior; behavior which results in damage, destruction and theft of University property or the property of any member of the University; forgery or alteration of University documents or records; misuse of University resources including information (computing) resources; unauthorized entry or presence in University premises; misuse of student disciplinary procedures.

The University code of student conduct is contained in policy S10.01at

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Penalties for Acts of Student Misconduct

Penalties imposed by the University for misconduct may include one or more of the following: a verbal or written reprimand, exclusion from specified areas of the University, restitution or other ameliorative measures, suspension or expulsion from the University.

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Graduate Student Appeals

Graduate students are advised to seek informal resolution of problems through discussions with their supervisor, graduate program chair, department chair or faculty dean, and the dean of graduate studies.


May be appealed to the instructor, department chair and, in some cases, faculty dean in accordance with academic policy T 20.01.

Progress Evaluations

May be appealed to the senate graduate studies committee (1.8.2 Review of Unsatisfactory Progress).


Applicants who meet or exceed minimum requirements for admission are not assured of admission to any graduate program (see 1.3.1 General)

Normally, admission decisions may not be appealed (see 1.3.10 Application for ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV). In exceptional circumstances, unsuccessful applicants may appeal to the committee to review university admissions. This committee will only review the fairness of admissions procedures and will not review an applicant’s credentials.

Appeal forms are available at .

Other Appeals

Appeals of decisions on enrolment, graduation, entry/re-entry to a program or any matter relating to academic standing (other than review of unsatisfactory progress) are referred to the senate appeals board. Appeal forms are available at .

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